D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B2016

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 36, September 6, 2024

The Agency shall publish notice of the disposition hearing in local newspapers of general circulation at least thirty (30) days in advance of the disposition hearing. The notice shall include the following:

(a) A description of the land to be sold or leased;
(b) The identity of the applicant redeveloper; and
(c) The time and place of the disposition hearing.

At least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled disposition hearing, all admitted parties shall file the following information:

(a) Eight (8) copies of all written reports and documents intended to be introduced at the hearing;
(b) Eight (8) copies of a written summary of verbal evidence of any expert which will be proffered at the hearing;
(c) A list of all witnesses who will testify on his or her behalf;
(d) A list of maps, plans, or other documents readily available to the general public that will be offered into evidence; and
(e) The estimated time required for the party's presentation.

No material of the kind described in § 2016.2 shall be received in evidence unless filed or referred to in accordance with this chapter.


Materials submitted in compliance with § 2016.2 shall be construed as an intent only to introduce the evidence, and the party shall not be bound to introduce those materials at the hearing.


Reports and recommendations of public bodies, including the Agency, shall not become a part of the official record unless appropriate staff representatives of those public bodies appear at the disposition hearing to present the reports and recommendations and to be cross-examined by the parties, and unless the reports or recommendations are filed with the Board at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the scheduled disposition hearing.


All submissions by parties and public bodies pursuant to §§ 2016.2 and 2016.5 shall be available for examination at the offices of the Agency to any person during usual business hours.


Upon a showing of surprise by a party, a hearing may be adjourned to allow sufficient time to offer rebuttal evidence. Rebuttal evidence shall be filed with the Board at a time specified by the Board prior to resumption of the hearing.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 10, r. 10-B2016

Final Rulemaking published at 19 DCR 539, 551 (February 8, 1973)