The concentration levels imposed shall be utilized to establish average monthly or daily average loading limitations. Measurements to determine compliance with the above requirements shall be taken at a point after treatment as designated by the Department.
The average monthly or daily average effluent or discharge limitations shall be: 30 mg/L BOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen demand), 30 mg/L total suspended solids and a geometric mean of 200 colonies per 100 mL fecal coliform;
The daily maximum effluent or discharge limitations shall be: 45 mg/L BOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen demand), 45 mg/L total suspended solids and 400 colonies per 100 mL fecal coliform; and
The pH of the effluent or discharge shall be maintained between 6 and 9 standard units unless the facility demonstrates that:
The facilities shall remove a minimum of 85% of the influent BOD5 and total suspended solids on an average monthly basis.
The parameter carbonaceous 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5) may be substituted for BOD5 as follows: the average monthly or daily average effluent or discharge limitation shall be 25 mg/L; the daily maximum effluent or discharge limitation shall be 40 mg/L; the monthly average percent removal shall not be less than 85%. Alternate CBOD5 effluent or discharge limitations may be established and substituted for BOD5 in cases where sufficient parallel effluent data are available to define the relationship between BOD5 and CBOD5.
The average monthly or daily average effluent or discharge limitations shall be: 15 mg/L BOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen demand), 15 mg/L total suspended solids, 0.5 mg/L total phosphorus and a geometric mean of 200 colonies per 100 mL fecal coliform;
The daily maximum effluent or discharge limitations shall be: 23 mg/L BOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen demand), 23 mg/L total suspended solids, 1 mg/L total phosphorus and 400 colonies per 100 mL fecal coliform; and
The pH of the effluent or discharge shall be maintained between 6 and 9 standard units unless the facility demonstrates that:
The facilities shall remove a minimum of 92.5% of the influent BOD5 and total suspended solids on an average monthly basis.
The parameter carbonaceous 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5) maybe substituted for BOD5 as follows: the average monthly or daily average effluent or discharge limitation shall be 13 mg/L; the daily maximum effluent or discharge limitation shall be 20 mg/L; the monthly average percent removal shall not be less than 92.5%. Alternate CBOD5 effluent or discharge limitations may be established and substituted for BOD5 in cases where sufficient parallel effluent data are available to define the relationship between BOD5 and CBOD5.
The average monthly or daily average effluent or discharge limitations shall be: 15 mg/L BOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen demand), 15 mg/L total suspended solids and a geometric mean of 200 colonies per 100 mL fecal coliform;
The daily maximum effluent or discharge limitations shall be: 23 mg/L BOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen demand), 23 mg/L total suspended solids and 400 colonies per 100 mL fecal coliform; and
The pH of the effluent or discharge shall be maintained between 6 and 9 standard units unless the facility demonstrates that:
The facilities shall remove a minimum of 92.5% of the influent BOD5 and total suspended solids on an average monthly basis.
The parameter carbonaceous 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5) may be substituted for BOD5 as follows: the average monthly or daily average effluent or discharge limitation shall be 13 mg/L; the daily maximum effluent or discharge limitation shall be 20 mg/L; the monthly average percent removal shall not be less than 92.5%. Alternate CBOD5 effluent or discharge limitations may be established and substituted for BOD5 in cases where sufficient parallel effluent data are available to define the relationship between BOD5 and CBOD5.
The following comprise the list of toxic pollutants designated pursuant to section 307(a)(1) of the Act (listed in table 1 of Committee Print Numbered 95-30 of the House of Representatives' Committee on Public Works and Transportation):
7 Del. Admin. Code § 7201-7.0