Part I - General
Part II - NPDES Permit Application and Issuance
In addition, the Secretary shall advise the applicant of his or her intent to deny the application, the basis for that decision and the requirements, if any, necessary to modify that determination. Before the Secretary publishes the notice of his or her intent to deny the application, the applicant may be given an opportunity either to withdraw the application or to revise and resubmit the application.
If the application is not withdrawn and the conditions necessary for modifying the Secretary's tentative decision to deny the application have been satisfied, the Secretary shall provide notice and opportunity for a public hearing prior to taking further action on the application, i.e. making the additional tentative determinations and preparing a draft permit as outlined in paragraph a.
Before the promulgation of guidelines under § 403(c) of the Act, unless the Secretary determines permit issuance to be in the public interest; or
After promulgation of guidelines under §403(c) of the Act, where insufficient information exists to make a reasonable judgement as to whether the discharge complies with any such guidelines;
This subsection shall not be construed as to preclude the issuance of a permit for the discharge of any pollutant or pollutants for which the applicable surface water quality standards or criteria are being met or are expected to be met in the receiving waters, even though other applicable surface water quality criteria or standards are not being met or are not expected to be met.
In addition to the requirements of §§ 6.15, 6.16, and 6.17, the terms and conditions of each NPDES permit issued by the Secretary shall require the following:
Such notice shall include information on:
That upon notification of a planned change, the Department may require the submission of a new application. The permittee is encouraged to notify the Department and submit any application well in advance of the scheduled date for the anticipated alteration or addition to allow sufficient time to process any modifications of the permit necessitated by the change and to avoid any resultant project delays;
Each NPDES permit shall provide for and ensure compliance with all applicable requirements of the Law and the Act and any regulations promulgated under the Law and the Act. Permits shall require compliance with the following as applicable:
Where the Department has adopted a numeric water quality criterion for an individual pollutant or for whole effluent toxicity, limitations must be established for the individual pollutant or for whole effluent toxicity; limitations on indicator parameters may not be established in such cases.
Part III - Public Comments and Hearings
Each of the entities listed will be provided an opportunity to respond, comment and request a public hearing pursuant to § 6.33.
Copies of the NPDES permit application, the proposed draft permit and the statement of basis or the fact sheet will be provided, upon written request.
Part IV - Permit Compliance
The terms and conditions of any NPDES permit that require monitoring of the authorized discharge shall include the following recording requirements:
Part V - Permit Modification, Revocation and Reissuance, and Termination
Part VI - Special NPDES Program Requirements
Silvicultural point sources, as defined in § 2.0, are point sources subject to the NPDES permit program.
Part VII - Requirements for Pretreatment and Controlling Discharges to a POTW
Sources that discharge to a sewer which is not connected to a POTW are not subject to National Pretreatment Standards.
7 Del. Admin. Code § 7201-6.0