16 Del. Admin. Code § 8000-8010

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 8000-8010 - Employment and Training Participation

The Employment and Training Program is designed to assist clients in preparing for and securing employment. Services are offered by DSS to Refugee TANF and RCA clients through contracts with community agencies to provide employment and training activities.

Refugees will be served via the Refugee Social Services contracts.

The following clients will be exempted from E & T registration:

1. All persons under age 16.
2. Children who are: 16 or 17, and attending an elementary, secondary, or vocational or technical school fulltime.
3. Parents or other caretaker relatives of children under age three (3) who are personally providing full-time care for the child with only very brief and infrequent absences from the child. Examples of such absences include, but are not limited to, working part time, attending school part time, and participating in community projects. Children under age three (3) may be absent from the home to attend pre- school or Head Start or be absent for any other allowable reason, and the caretaker remains exempt from participation; - Note: A full-time college student is not exempt from Employment and Training participation even if the student attends school less than 29 hours per week. Only one parent or other relative in a case may be exempt.
4. A person who is ill or incapacitated as determined by medical evidence and the illness and/or injury or incapacity is serious enough to prevent participation in Employment and Training activities. Ill or incapacitated persons must be referred to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), if the estimated duration of the incapacity stated on Form 184 is twelve (12) months or more, or indefinite. Refer the person(s) using Form 220, unless they have been referred from another source such as a physician, the Social Security Administration, or self- referral, and this fact is documented in the record. If the estimated duration of the incapacity stated on Form 184 is less than twelve (12) months, the person(s) should not be referred to VR. (NOTE: Workers will need to review the status of a person's incapacity at each redetermination and by the end of the period of stated incapacity.

Set controls to assure that a review is made not later than the stated period of incapacity. If the stated period of incapacity is "indefinite," set the control at the end of six months. When incapacity ends, the client must be referred to the appropriate Refugee Social Services contractor for participation).

5. A Person who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older.
6. Persons whose presence in the home is required because of the illness or incapacity of another member of the household. (This exemption requires a physician's verification.)
7. Persons working 30 hours per week in unsubsidized employment and earning the federal minimum wage in work expected to last 30 days.
8. Pregnant women beginning in the third (3rd) month of pregnancy.

Note: The RCA worker will register all clients for Employment and Training at the time of application for RCA benefits. Registration is accomplished through DCIS.

8010.1 Employment and Training Participation

The RCA worker will refer all mandatory and voluntary participants by correctly coding the DCIS document. Clients who must participate will be informed of the penalties for failure to participate (DSSM 8010.4).

8010.2 Employment and Training - Case Processing Instructions
1. All applicants and recipients are registered when they are referred to Employment and Training.
2. At the application interview, mandatory Employment and Training participation and penalties for failing to participate are explained to the client. Participant status (mandatory/exempt) of all unit members as specified in DSSM 8010 are determined.
3. Upon approval of the RCA application, mandatory and voluntary participants are referred to the Employment & Training Program through DCIS for each participant. The Social Service Contractor is responsible for contacting the participant to begin the participation process. Participation must be with the Refugee Social Services contractor. Further referrals will be made by this contractor.
4. Persons who are exempt from participation because of an incapacity expected to last 12 or more months are referred to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Form 220 is used to refer. Form distribution is included on the Form 220.
5. Exempt status of recipients is monitored at and between redetermination periods. At the redetermination interview, mandatory Employment and Training participation and penalties for failing to participate are explained to the client. Participant status (mandatory/exempt) of all unit members as specified in DSSM 8010 are determined.

Eligibility staff monitor exempt status between redeterminations in the following manner:

. Computer lists of persons turning 3 and 65 are reviewed to identify changes in participation status.

. Recipients who lost exempt status are referred to the Employment & Training Program by correctly coding the DCIS document. The Employment & Training staff is responsible for contacting the participant to begin the participation process.

. When a mandatory participant becomes exempt, the DSS worker changes the recipient's Employment and Training participation status through DCIS.

6. The Social Services Contractor will inform the DSS worker participant is placed in employment. The DSS worker will then reduce or terminate the RCA grant and notify the Social Services Contractor of the reduction.
7. Never refer a refugee to workfare.
8010.3 Employment and Training Verification Requirements
1. Referral for Employment & Training participation is verified through DCIS and documented in Case Remarks.
2. Participation exemptions are verified as follows:
a. Age and employment are verified for RCA eligibility. No further verification is required.
b. School attendance is verified for dependent children, ages 16 or 17, by Form 168.
c. Illness or incapacity is verified by Form 184.
d. Persons needed in the home to care for another family member who is ill or incapacitated are verified by Form 184.
e. Pregnancy is verified by Form 184.
f. Absences by a caretaker of children under three (3) is verified by documenting the length and nature of the absence.
8010.4 Employment and Training Sanctions

When an RCA recipient who is a mandatory participant in the Employment and Training Program has been found to have failed or refused without good cause to participate in the program, the individual will be sanctioned.

Failure to participate without good cause is determined by the Social Services Contractor. Good cause for failure to participate in Employment and Training or refusal to accept employment exists when:

· The individual is the parent or other relative personally providing care for a child under age three (3) and participation in the program or employment would require such individual to participate or work more than 20 hours per week.

· Child care (or day care for any incapacitated individual living in the same home as a dependent child) is necessary for an individual to participate or continue participation in the program or accept employment and such care is not available and DSS fails to provide such care.

· The employment would result in the family of the participant experiencing a net loss of case income.

· Circumstances beyond the participant's control prevent participation, for example:

Illness of another household member requiring the presence of the participant; or

Court required appearance; or

Household emergency; or

Unavailability of transportation; or

Inclement weather which prevented travel.

The sanctioned individual's needs will not be taken into account in determining the family's need for assistance. The income, with disregards, and resources of the sanctioned individual will be considered available to the assistance unit.

When the sanctioned individual is the only dependent child in the home, the child is considered a dependent child for the purpose of determining eligibility for the family. The parent/caretaker remains technically eligible for assistance.

For the first occurrence of failure or refusal to participate without good cause, the individual will be sanctioned until the failure to comply ceases. For the second occurrence of failure or refusal to participate without good cause, the individual will be sanctioned for three (3) payment months or until the failure to comply ceases, whichever is longer. For the third and subsequent occurrences of failure or refusal to participate without good cause, the individual will be sanctioned for six (6) payment months or until the failure to comply ceases, whichever is longer.

The Employment Contractor must send a reminder at the end of three (3) months to any individual who has been sanctioned. The reminder will state that the individual has the option:

· To end the sanction by participating in the Employment and Training program, if this is the first or second sanction, or

· To end the sanction at the end of six (6) months if this is the third or subsequent sanction.

8010.5 Employment and Training Case Processing Instructions - Sanction
1. The Employment Contractor will send a written statement to any mandatory Employment and Training participant of the intent to initiate a sanction for failing to participate in the Employment and Training Program without good cause. The client will be given ten (10) days to respond to the provider. If there is a response, the provider will attempt to resolve the non- participation issue.
2. If there is no response to the written statement or the issue cannot be resolved by the end of the ten (10) day period, the contractor will alert the DSS worker who will sanction the individual by removing him/her from the assistance unit as specified in DSSM 8010.4.
3. The DSS worker will notify the Employment Contractor when the sanction is imposed.

The client is notified of the reduction or termination of RCA benefits via the client notices. The notices clearly indicate that benefits are reduced as a result of Employment and Training non-cooperation. The notice also includes the duration of the Employment and Training sanction period.

4. The DSS worker must send a reminder at the end of three (3) months to any individual who has been sanctioned.
8010.6 Employment and Training Ending a Sanction

Individuals who have been Employment and Training sanctioned must reapply at the end of the sanction period and participate in Employment and Training before they can be added to the assistance unit.

When the individual successfully participates in Employment and Training, the sanction will be considered to have ended as of the day she agreed to participate or the sanction period ends whichever is later.

The Social Services provider will have thirty (30) days to determine whether or not the individual is participating.

EXAMPLE: Ms. X began her second sanction on August 1. Ms. X reapplies for RCA on November 1. She brings all necessary verifications to the November 1 interview and she states she is willing to participate in Employment and Training. On November 18, the Contractor notifies the RCA worker that Ms. X is added to the RCA grant effective November1.

16 Del. Admin. Code § 8000-8010