Refugees meeting the State's normal TANF requirements (i.e., persons who would qualify for TANF regardless of their refugee status) must register for the Employment and Training Program as appropriate (see DSSM 3006).
All refugees receiving cash assistance (TANF or RCA) will be referred to the Refugee Social Services Contractor. The contractor will provide case management, English language training, employment Services and other necessary social services to all refugee clients. Any employable refugee, in the RCA program, unwilling to cooperate in this effort will be sanctioned per rules in DSSM 8010.4 . Staff are to send a list of refugees in the United States less than 5 years to the Refugee State Office.
Inability to communicate in English does not exempt an employable refugee from work registration.
Full-time attendance at an institution of higher education does not constitute an exemption from work registration.
16 Del. Admin. Code § 8000-8009