45 CFR 205.70
This policy applies to all policy manuals and other policy information issued by the Division of Social Services (DSS) or the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA).
Policy information includes:
A current copy of the policy manuals and other policy material is kept at the State Office and at each local office. The policy information is available for inspection upon request during regular hours of agency operation. [Policy information is also available on line athttp://regulations.delaware.gov/AdminCode/title16/.]
A current copy of the policy manuals and other policy material is available without charge to Public Libraries and to individuals or other agencies who request the material if they:
If requested, staff will make copies of specific policy material for an applicant, recipient, or his representative to determine whether a fair hearing should be requested or to prepare for a fair hearing. There is no cost for these copies.
If requested, staff will make copies of the policy manual and other policy material for any individual who requests such material. The individual is charged by the page for the copies at the current Division established rate for photo copies. [The first 20 pages of standard-sized, black and white copies are free of charge.]
16 Del. Admin. Code § 1000-1008