Col. B. Function Code. Complaints are to be classified by function(s) of the Company involved. Separate classifications are to be maintained for underwriting, marketing and sales, claims, policyholder service and miscellaneous.
Reason Code. Complaints are also to be classified by the nature of the complaint. The following is the classification required for each function specified above.
Col. C. Line Type. Complaints are to be classified according to the line of insurance involved, as follows:
Col. D. Company Disposition After Receipt. The complaint record shall note the disposition of the complaint.
The following examples illustrate the type of information called for but are not intended to be required language nor to exhaust the possibilities:
The complaint record need not note the specific action taken with respect to the complaint, so long as the action was appropriate to the circumstances. If the company wishes, it may use a code for entries in this column.
Col. E. Date Received. This refers to the date the complaint was received.
Col. F. Date Closed. This refers to the date on which the complaint was disposed of whether by one action or a series of actions as may be present in connection with some complaints.
Col. G. Insurance Department Complaint. Complaints are to be classified as to indicate if the origin of the complaint was from an insurance department.
Col. H. State of Origin. The complaint record should note the state from which the complaint originated.
Ordinarily, this will be the state of residence of the complainant.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 38a-819-56