Unfair Insurance Practices: Advertisements of Accident and Sickness Insurance
- Section 38a-819-1 - Purpose
- Section 38a-819-2 - Applicability
- Section 38a-819-3 - Definitions
- Section 38a-819-4 - Method of disclosure of required information
- Section 38a-819-5 - Form and content of advertisements
- Section 38a-819-6 - Advertisements of benefits payable, losses covered or premiums payable
- Section 38a-819-7 - Necessity for disclosing policy provisions relating to renew-ability, cancellability and termination
- Section 38a-819-8 - Photographs
- Section 38a-819-9 - Testimonials or endorsements by third parties
- Section 38a-819-10 - Use of statistics
- Section 38a-819-11 - Identification of plan or number of policies
- Section 38a-819-12 - Disparaging comparisons and statements
- Section 38a-819-13 - Jurisdictional licensing and status of insurer
- Section 38a-819-14 - Identity of insurer
- Section 38a-819-15 - Group or quasi-group implications
- Section 38a-819-16 - Introductory, initial or special offers
- Section 38a-819-17 - Statements about an insurer
- Section 38a-819-18 - Enforcement procedures
- Section 38a-819-19 - Severability provision
- Section 38a-819-20 - Filing for prior review
- Unfair Insurance Practices: Advertisements of Life Insurance (§§ 38a-819-21 — 38a-819-31)
- Life Insurance Solicitation (§§ 38a-819-32 — 38a-819-39)
- Section 38a-819-40 to 38a-819-49 - Reserved
- Complaint Records of Insurance Companies (§§ 38a-819-50 — 38a-819-57)
- Life Insurance Illustrations (§§ 38a-819-58 — 38a-819-69)
- Military Sales Practices (§§ 38a-819-70 — 38a-819-75)