2 Colo. Code Regs. § 408-2-8

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025

The Board delegates the day-to-day management and administration of the ISF Program to Staff. Staff shall seek ratification of its decisions as set forth in Rules 8c., 8e.(2), 8i., and 8j.

8a.Resume Review.

Staff shall review the monthly resumes of all water divisions. The Staff shall evaluate each resume entry for the possibility of injury or interference to an ISF right.

8b.Statement of Opposition.

In the event Staff identifies a water right application in the resume that may injure an ISF right, Staff shall file a Statement of Opposition to that application. In the event Staff identifies a water right application in the resume that may interfere with an ISF right as contemplated in Rule 7, Staff may file a Statement of Opposition to that application.

8c.Ratification of Statements of Opposition.

At a Board meeting following the filing of the Statement of Opposition, Staff shall apprise the Board of the filing of a Statement of Opposition and the factual basis for the Staff action. At that time, the Board shall ratify the filing, disapprove the filing, or table the decision to a future meeting if more information is needed prior to making a decision.


Prior to ratification of a Statement of Opposition, the Staff shall mail the applicant a copy of the Board memorandum concerning the ratification and a copy of the agenda of the meeting in which the ratification will be considered. Following a Board action considering a Statement of Opposition, the Staff shall notify the applicant and/or its attorney in writing of the Board's action.

8e.De Minimis Rule.

In the event that Staff determines a water court application would result in a 1 percent depletive effect or less on the stream reach or lake subject of the ISF right, and the stream reach or lake has not been excluded from this rule pursuant to Rules 8f. or 8h., Staff shall determine whether to file a Statement of Opposition. Staff's decision not to file a Statement of Opposition does not constitute:

(1) acceptance by the Board of injury to any potentially affected ISF water right; or
(2) a waiver of the Board's right to place an administrative call for any ISF water right.
(1) If Staff does not file a Statement of Opposition, Staff shall notify the Division Engineer for the relevant water division that it has not filed a Statement of Opposition, but that it may place an administrative call for the potentially affected ISF water right(s). Such a call could be enforced against the water right(s) subject of the application by the Division Engineer in his or her enforcement discretion. Staff also shall mail a letter to the applicant at the address provided on the application notifying the applicant:
(a) of Staff's decision not to file a Statement of Opposition pursuant to this Rule;
(b) that the CWCB may place a call for its ISF water rights to be administered within the prior appropriation system; and
(c) that the Division Engineer's enforcement of the call could result in curtailment or other administration of the subject water right(s).
(2) If Staff files a Statement of Opposition, Staff shall seek Board ratification by identifying and summarizing the Statement of Opposition on the Board meeting consent agenda pursuant to Rule 8c.
8f.Cumulative Impact.

In determining existence of a de minimis impact, Staff shall consider the existence of all previous de minimis impacts on the same stream reach or lake. If the combined total of all such impacts exceeds 1 percent, then Staff will file a Statement of Opposition regardless of the individual depletive effect of an application.

8g.Notification of Staff Action.

At a Board meeting following a Staff determination to apply the De Minimis rule, the Staff shall notify the Board about the factual basis leading to its application of the De Minimis rule.

8h.Exclusion from De Minimis Rule.

The Board may at any time exclude any stream reach or lake, or any portion thereof, from application of the De Minimis rule.

8i.Pretrial Resolution.

Staff may negotiate a pretrial resolution of any injury or interference issue that is the subject of a Statement of Opposition. The Board shall review the pretrial resolution pursuant to the following procedures:

(1)No Injury.

In the event the pretrial resolution includes terms and conditions preventing injury or interference and does not involve a modification, or acceptance of injury or interference with mitigation, the Board is not required to review and ratify the pretrial resolution. Staff may authorize its counsel to sign any court documents necessary to finalize this type of pretrial resolution without Board ratification.

(2)No Injury/Modification.

In the event the pretrial resolution addresses injury or interference through modification of the existing ISF decree, the process set forth in Rule 9 shall be followed prior to any Board decision to ratify the pretrial resolution.

(3)Injury Accepted with Mitigation.

In the event a proposed pretrial resolution will allow injury to or interference with an ISF or natural lake level (NLL) water right, but mitigation offered by the applicant could enable the Board to accept the injury or interference while continuing to preserve or improve the natural environment to a reasonable degree, and if the proposed pretrial resolution does not include a modification under ISF Rule 9, the Board shall:

(a) Conduct a preliminary review of the proposed pretrial resolution during any regular or special meeting to determine whether the natural environment could be preserved or improved to a reasonable degree with the proposed injury or interference if applicant provided mitigation; and
(b) At a later regular or special meeting, take final action to ratify, refuse to ratify or ratify with additional conditions.
(c) No proposed pretrial resolution considered pursuant to this Rule 8i.(3) may receive preliminary review and final ratification at the same Board meeting.
(d) The Board shall not enter into any stipulation or agree to any decretal terms and conditions under this Rule that would result in the Division of Water Resources being unable to administer the affected ISF or NLL water right(s) in accordance with the priority system or with Colorado water law.
(e) To initiate CWCB staff review of an Injury with Mitigation proposal, the proponent must provide the following information in writing:
i. Location of injury to ISF or NLL water right(s) (stream(s) or lake(s) affected, and length of affected reach(es));
ii. Quantification of injury (amount, timing and frequency);
iii. Type of water use that would cause the injury;
iv. Analysis showing why full ISF or NLL protection is not possible;
v. Detailed description of the proposed mitigation, including all measures taken to reduce or minimize the injury;
vi. Detailed description of how the proposed mitigation will enable the Board to continue to preserve or improve the natural environment of the affected stream of lake to a reasonable degree despite the injury;
vii. Identification and feasibility analysis of:
(1) all water supply alternatives considered by the proponent in the context of this proposal;
(2) all alternatives evaluated by the proponent to fully protect the potentially affected ISF or NLL water right, but rejected as infeasible; and
(3) all alternatives evaluated by the proponent and designed to mitigate the injury to or interference with the affected ISF or NLL water right. This information shall address the environmental and economic benefits and consequences of each alternative; and viii. A discussion of the reasonableness of each alternative considered.
(f) After receipt and review of the required information, staff will consult with CPW and with the entity that originally recommended the affected ISF or NLL water rights(s) (if other than CPW) to determine whether additional field work is necessary and to identify any scheduling concerns. Staff will request a recommendation from CPW as to whether the proposed mitigation will enable the Board to continue to preserve or improve the natural environment of the affected stream or lake to a reasonable degree despite the injury, including a discussion of the reasonableness of the alternatives considered. CWCB staff will use best efforts to consult with affected land owners and managers regarding the proposal.
(g) Prior to bringing the proposal to the Board for preliminary consideration, staff will consult with the Division of Water Resources on whether the proposal would result in the Division of Water Resources being unable to administer the affected ISF or NLL water right(s) in accordance with the priority system or with Colorado water law.
(h) At the first meeting of the two-meeting process required by this Rule, staff will bring the proposal to the Board for preliminary consideration after completing its review of the proposal and its consultation with CPW. Staff will work with the proponent and interested parties to address any preliminary concerns prior to bringing a proposal to the Board. Preliminary consideration by the Board may result in requests for more information or for changes to the proposal. Staff will work with the proponent and interested parties to finalize the proposal and bring it back to the Board for final action at a subsequent Board meeting.
(i) The Board will consider the following factors when evaluating Injury with Mitigation proposals. Because Injury with Mitigation proposals may involve unique factual situations, the Board may consider additional factors in specific cases. Further, evaluation of each Injury with Mitigation proposal will require the exercise of professional judgment regarding the specific facts of the proposal.
i. Extent of the proposed injury:
1. Location of injury - affected stream(s) or lake and length of affected reach(es);
2. Amount, timing and frequency of shortage(s) or impacts to the affected ISF of NLL water right(s); and
3. Potential impact to the natural environment of the affected stream reach(es) or lake from the proposed injury.
ii. Benefits of the mitigation to the natural environment:
1. The nature and extent of the benefits the mitigation will provide to the existing natural environment of the affected stream or lake;
2. The scientific justification for accepting the mitigation; and
3. Whether the mitigation will enable the Board to continue to preserve or improve the natural environment of the subject stream or lake to a reasonable degree.
(j) Evaluation of proposed alternatives. The Board shall evaluate:
(1) all water supply alternatives considered by the proponent in the context of this proposal;
(2) all alternatives evaluated by the proponent to fully protect the potentially affected ISF or NLL water right, but rejected as infeasible; and
(3) all alternatives evaluated by the proponent and designed to mitigate the injury to or interference with the affected ISF or NLL water right. In its evaluation, the Board shall consider the following factors:
i. Availability of on-site mitigation alternatives;
ii. Technical feasibility of each alternative;
iii. Environmental benefits and consequences of each alternative;
iv. Economic benefits and consequences of each alternative;
v. Reasonableness of alternatives;
vi. Administrability of proposed alternatives by the Board and the Division Engineer; and
vi. For mitigation alternatives, whether the mitigation was or will be put in place to satisfy a requirement or need unrelated to the Injury with Mitigation proposal.
(k) The Board will consider mitigation on a different reach of stream or another stream ("off-site mitigation") as a last resort and will only consider mitigation in an area other than the affected stream reach if no reasonable alternative exists for mitigation on the affected stream reach. The Board only will consider off-site mitigation on stream(s) located in the same drainage as the affected stream. Factors that the Board may consider in looking at such a proposal include, but are not limited to, the degree and frequency of impact to the affected stream; the environmental benefits provided to the off-site stream by the mitigation; whether the proposal could, in effect, constitute a modification of the ISF water right on the affected stream; or whether the proposal could result in the Division of Water Resources being unable to administer the affected ISF water right(s) in accordance with the priority system or with Colorado water law.
(l) Stipulations and water court decrees that incorporate Injury with Mitigation shall include, but not be limited to inclusion of, the following terms and conditions:
i. A provision that the proponent will not divert water or take any other action that would reduce flows in the affected stream or levels in the affected lake below the decreed ISF or NLL amount until the agreed-upon mitigation measures are in place and fully operational;
ii. A requirement that the structural components of the mitigation be maintained permanently;
iii. A provision allowing CWCB or CPW staff access to the property on which structural components of the mitigation are located to inspect the structures at certain time intervals, and, if necessary, to perform biological stream or lake monitoring. This provision shall clearly define the reasonable nature, extent and timing of such access (i.e, advance notice, dates, times or season of access, coordination with proponent, and location and routes of access);
iv. A term providing that if the proponent ceases to provide the agreed upon mitigation (such as removing structural components or failing to maintain them to a specified level, or ceasing to implement non-structural components), that the proponent will not divert water or take any other action that would reduce flows in the affected stream or levels in the affected lake below the decreed ISF or NLL amount because the Board will no longer accept the injury based upon the mitigation no longer being in effect -- in such case, if the Board places a call for the affected ISF or NLL water right, the Board will notify the Division Engineer that this provision of the decree now is in effect and that the Board is not accepting the injury;
v. A requirement that the proponent install and pay operation and maintenance costs of (or commit to pay operation and maintenance costs if the CWCB installs) any measuring devices deemed necessary by the Division Engineer to administer the terms of the stipulation and decree implementing the Injury with Mitigation pretrial resolution; and
vi. A term providing that the water court will retain jurisdiction to enforce the terms and conditions set forth above in subsections (i) - (vi), and any other terms and conditions specific to the Injury with Mitigation pretrial resolution, as a water matter.
8j.Authorization to Proceed to Trial.

In the event that a Statement of Opposition filed by the Board is not settled prior to the last regularly scheduled Board meeting prior to the trial date, Staff shall seek Board authorization to proceed to trial. In the event that Staff is authorized to proceed to trial, the Board may adjourn to executive session to discuss settlement parameters with its counsel. Staff is authorized to settle any litigation without Board ratification if the settlement terms are consistent with instructions given by the Board to its counsel.

8k.Public Review Process.

The Board shall follow the public review process in Rules 11a. - 11c. prior to consideration of a request to ratify a pretrial resolution pursuant to Rule 8i.(3).


At any time Staff verifies that an ISF water right is not being fulfilled as a result of water use against which the ISF water right is entitled to protection, the Staff shall provide Proper Notice, including a description of what the Board is doing in response to the situation.

2 CCR 408-2-8

44 CR 04, February 25, 2021, effective 3/17/2021