Inundation of all or a portion of an ISF stream reach or lake may be an interference with the Board's usufructuary rights that have been acquired by Board action. "Inundation" as used in this section is the artificial impoundment of water within an ISF or natural lake; "inundation" does not refer to the use of a natural stream as a conveyance channel as long as such use does not raise the waters of the stream above the ordinary high watermark as defined in § 37-87-102(1)(e), C.R.S.
Staff may file a Statement of Opposition to inundations described in this section if it determines that the ISF right or natural environment will be adversely affected by the inundation. The Staff shall not be required to file a Statement of Opposition to applications proposing small inundations. Small inundations are those in which the impoundment is 100 acre-feet or less, or the surface acreage of the impoundment is 20 acres or less, or the dam height of the structure is 10 feet or less. The dam height shall be measured vertically from the elevation of the lowest point of the natural surface of the ground, where that point occurs along the longitudinal centerline of the dam up to the flowline crest of the spillway of the dam.
The provisions of this rule will not be applied to the following water rights:
Any Person seeking permission to inundate shall timely submit a written request for permission to inundate to the Board Office. No requests for inundation will be considered or approved until the Person seeking permission to inundate files a water court application outlining their storage plans or files plans and specifications with the State Engineer for a jurisdictional dam pursuant to § 37-87-105, C.R.S. The Board will consider the request to inundate in a timely manner.
After receiving the request to inundate, the Staff may seek the recommendations from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Division of Water Resources, United States Department of Agriculture and United States Department of Interior.
In any written request to inundate, the requesting Person shall at a minimum include information on the following factors: the location of the inundation, the size of the inundation, impact of the inundation on the natural environment, any unique or rare characteristics of the ISF water right to be inundated, any regulatory requirements or conditions imposed upon the applicant by federal, state and/or local governments, all terms and conditions included in applicant's water court decree, and any compensation or mitigation offered by the Person proposing the inundation.
In response to the request to inundate, the Board shall determine whether the proposed inundation interferes with an ISF right. When making this determination, the Board shall consider, without limitation, the extent of inundation proposed and the impact of the proposed inundation on the natural environment existing prior to the inundation.
If the Board determines that a proposed inundation interferes with an ISF right, the Board may then approve, approve with conditions, defer, or deny the request to inundate. In making this decision, the Board shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to (1) the extent of inundation proposed; (2) the impact of the proposed inundation on the natural environment existing prior to the inundation; (3) the degree to which the beds and banks adjacent to the ISF right subject to the inundation are publicly or privately owned; (4) the economic benefits arising from the inundation; (5) the benefits to recreation and downstream ISF segments arising from the inundation; (6) the degree to which the proposed inundation will allow development of Colorado's allotment of interstate waters as determined by compact or adjudication; and, (7) any mitigation or compensation offered to offset adverse impacts on the ISF right. After considering all relevant factors, the Board shall take one of the actions set forth in Rules 7h. - 7k. below.
If the Board approves the request to inundate, any Statement of Opposition filed by the Board shall be withdrawn.
The Board may require certain conditions to be performed prior to approval. Failure to perform any condition will be a reason for denial.
When it appears that other governmental agencies may impose terms and conditions upon the issuance of a permit to construct a facility which will cause an inundation, the Board may defer consideration of the request to inundate until all other governmental bodies have finalized the permit or approval conditions.
Requests for permission to inundate may be denied if in the discretion of the Board the request is inconsistent with the goals of the ISF Program. The Board may decide to deny a request for permission to inundate if it finds:
The Board may seek any administrative, legal or equitable remedy through state courts (including water courts), federal courts, city, county, state or federal administrative proceedings to resolve actual or proposed inundation of its ISF rights.
Only the Board may seek to prevent interference with an ISF right by inundation and only the Board may seek compensation or mitigation for such interference.
The Board shall follow the public review process in Rules 11a. - 11c. prior to any Board decision on a request to inundate an ISF right.
2 CCR 408-2-7