10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.500

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
8.500.1 This Section hereby incorporates the terms and provisions of the federally approved Home and Community-based Services for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (HCBS-DD) waiver. To the extent that the terms of that federally approved waiver are inconsistent with the provisions of this Section, the waiver will control.
A. ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) means basic self-care activities including bathing, bowel and bladder control, dressing, eating, independent ambulation, and needing supervision to support behavior, medical needs and memory/cognition.
B. ADVERSE ACTION means a denial, reduction, termination or suspension from the HCBS-DD waiver or a HCBS waiver service.
C. APPLICANT means as defined in Section 8.390.1.
D. AUDITABLE means the information represented on the wavier cost report can be verified by reference to adequate documentation as required by generally accepted auditing standards.
E. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE means an individual designated by a Client, or by the parent or guardian of the Client receiving services, if appropriate, to assist the Client receiving services in acquiring or utilizing services and supports, this does not include the duties associated with an Authorized Representative for Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) as defined at Section 8.510.1.
F. CASE MANAGEMENT AGENCY (CMA) means a public or private not-for-profit or for-profit agency that meets all applicable state and federal requirements and is certified by the Department to provide case management services for Home and Community-Based Services waivers pursuant to Section 25.5-10-209.5, C.R.S. and pursuant to a provider participation agreement with the state department.
G. CLIENT means an individual who meets long-term services and support eligibility requirements and has been approved for and agreed to receive Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).
H. CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE means a person who is designated by the Client to act on the Client's behalf. A Client Representative may be:
(A) a legal representative including, but not limited to a court-appointed guardian, a parent of a minor child, or a spouse; or
(B) an individual, family member or friend selected by the Client to speak for or act on the Client's behalf.
I. COMMUNITY CENTERED BOARD means a private corporation, for-profit or not-for-profit that is designated pursuant to Section 25.5-10-209, C.R.S., responsible for, but not limited to conducting Developmental Disability determinations, waiting list management Level of Care Evaluations for Home and Community-Based Service waivers specific to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and management of State Funded programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
J. COST CONTAINMENT means limiting the cost of providing care in the community to less than or equal to the cost of providing care in an institutional setting based on the average aggregate amount. The cost of providing care in the community shall include the cost of providing home and community-based services and Medicaid state plan benefits including long-term home health services and targeted case management.
K. COST EFFECTIVENESS means the most economical and reliable means to meet an identified need of the Client.
L. DEPARTMENT means the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, the single State Medicaid agency.
M. DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY means as defined in Section 8.600.4.
N. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY means as defined in Section 8.600.4.
P. FAMILY means a relationship as it pertains to the Client and is defined as:

A mother, father, brother, sister; or,

Extended blood relatives such as grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin; or

An adoptive parent; or,

One or more individuals to whom legal custody of a Client with an intellectual or developmental disability has been given by a court; or,

A spouse; or,

The Client's children.

Q. GROUP RESIDENTIAL SERVICES AND SUPPORTS (GRSS) means residential habilitation provided in group living environments of four (4) to eight (8) Clients receiving services who live in a single residential setting, which is licensed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as a residential care facility or residential community home for persons with developmental disabilities.
R. GUARDIAN means an individual at least twenty-one years of age, resident or non-resident, who has qualified as a guardian of a minor or incapacitated person pursuant to appointment by a parent or by the court. The term includes a limited, emergency, and temporary substitute guardian but not a guardian ad litem S, as set forth in Section 15-14-102(4), C.R.S.
S. GUARDIAN AD LITEM or GAL means a person appointed by a court to act in the best interests of a child involved in a proceeding under title19, C.R.S., or the "School Attendance Law of 1963," set forth in Article 33 of Title 22, C.R.S.
T. HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES (HCBS) WAIVER means services and supports authorized through a 1915(c) waiver of the Social Security Act and provided in community settings to a Client who requires a level of institutional care that would otherwise be provided in a hospital, nursing facility, or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF-IDD)
U. INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL SERVICES AND SUPPORTS (IRSS) means residential habilitation services provided to three (3) or fewer Clients in a single residential setting or in a host home setting that does not require licensure by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
V. INSTITUTION means a hospital, nursing facility or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF-IDD) for which the Department makes Medicaid payment under the Medicaid State Plan.
W. INTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES (ICF-IID) means a publicly or privately-operated facility that provides health and habilitation services to a Client with an intellectual or developmental disability or related conditions.

X LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE PERSON means the parent of a minor child, or the Client's spouse.

Y. LEVEL OF CARE (LOC) means the specified minimum amount of assistance a Client must require in order to receive services in an institutional setting under the Medicaid State Plan.
Z. LONG-TERM SERVICES AND SUPPORTS (LTSS) means the services and supports used by individuals of all ages with functional limitations and chronic illnesses who need assistance to perform routine daily activities.
AA. MEDICAID ELIGIBILE means an Applicant or Client meets the criteria for Medicaid benefits based on the Applicant's financial determination and disability determination when applicable.
BB. MEDICAID STATE PLAN means the federally approved document that specifies the eligibility groups that a state serves through its Medicaid program, the benefits that the state covers, and how the state addresses additional federal Medicaid statutory requirements concerning the operation of its Medicaid program.
CC. MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION means assisting a Client in the ingestion, application or inhalation of medication, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, according to the directions of the attending physician or other licensed health practitioner and making a written record thereof.
DD. NATURAL SUPPORTS means non-paid informal relationships that provide assistance and occur in the Client's everyday life including, but not limited to, community supports and relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors and acquaintances.
EE. ORGANIZED HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM (OHCDS) means a public or privately managed service organization that is designated as a Community Centered Board and contracts with other qualified providers to furnish services authorized in the Home and Community-Based Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (HCBS-DD), HCBS-Supported Living Services (HCBS-SLS) and HCBS-Children's Extensive Supports (HCBS-CES) waivers.
FF. PERSON-CENTERED SUPPORT PLAN (PCSP) means as defined in Section 8.390.1 DEFINITIONS.
GG. PRIOR AUTHORIZATION means approval for an item or service that is obtained in advance either from the Department, a State fiscal agent or the Case Management Agency.

II PROGRAM APPROVED SERVICE AGENCY means a developmental disabilities service agency or typical community service agency as defined Section 8.600.4 et seq., that has received program approval to provide HCBS-DD waiver services.

JJ. PUBLIC CONVEYANCE means public passenger transportation services that are available for use by the general public as opposed to modes for private use, including vehicles for hire.
KK. RELATIVE means a person related to the Client by virtue of blood, marriage, adoption or common law marriage.
LL. RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW means the Department or the Department's contractor's review after services and supports are provided to ensure the Client received services according to the support plan and that the Case Management Agency complied with the requirements set forth in statue, waiver and regulation.
MM. STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT HCBS WAIVER PROVIDER means the state owned and operated agency providing HCBS waiver services to Clients enrolled in the HCBS-DD waiver.
NN. SUPPORT is any task performed for the Client where learning is secondary or incidental to the task itself or an adaptation is provided.
OO. SUPPORTS INTENSITY SCALE (SIS) means the standardized assessment tool that gathers information from a semi-structured interview of respondents who know the Client well. It is designed to identify and measure the practical support requirements of adults with developmental disabilities.
PP. TARGETED CASE MANAGEMENT (TCM) means case management services provided to individuals enrolled in the HCBS-CES, HCBS- Children Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP), HCBS-DD, and HCBS-SLS waivers in accordance with Section 8.760 et seq, Targeted case management includes facilitating enrollment, locating, coordinating and monitoring needed HCBS waiver services and coordinating with other non-waiver resources, including, but not limited to medical, social, educational and other resources to ensure non-duplication of waiver services and the monitoring of effective and efficient provision of waiver services across multiple funding sources. Targeted case management includes the following activities; assessment and periodic Reassessment, development and periodic revision of a PCSP,, referral and related activities, and monitoring.
QQ. THIRD PARTY RESOURCES means services and supports that a Client may receive from a variety of programs and funding sources beyond natural supports or Medicaid. That may include, but are not limited to, community resources, services provided through private insurance, nonprofit services and other government programs.
RR. WAIVER SERVICE means optional services defined in the current federally approved HCBS waiver documents and do not include Medicaid State Plan benefits.
8.500.2.A HCBS-DD shall be provided in accordance with the federally approved waiver document and these rules and regulations.
8.500.2.B The HCBS-DD waiver provides the necessary support to meet the daily living needs of a Client who requires access to 24-hour support in a community-based residential setting.
8.500.2.C HCBS-DD Waiver services are available only to address those needs identified in the LOC Screen and authorized in the PCSP and when the service or support is not available through the Medicaid state plan, EPSDT, natural supports or third-party resources.
1. Shall not constitute an entitlement to services from either the Department or the Operating Agency,
2. Shall be subject to annual appropriations by the Colorado General Assembly,
3. Shall ensure enrollments do not to exceed the federally approved capacity, and
4. May limit the enrollment when utilization of the HCBS-DD Waiver program is projected to exceed the spending authority.
8.500.3.A The following provisions shall apply to the HCBS-DD waiver.
1. HCBS-DD waiver services shall be provided as an alternative to ICF-IID services for a Client with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
2. HCBS-DD is waived from the requirements of Section 1902(a)(10)(B) of the Social Security Act concerning comparability of services. The availability of some services may not be consistent throughout the State of Colorado.0
3. A Client enrolled in the HCBS-DD waiver shall be eligible for all other Medicaid services for which the Client qualifies and shall first access all benefits available under the Medicaid State Plan or Medicaid EPSDT prior to accessing services under the HCBS-DD waiver. Services received through the HCBS-DD waiver may not duplicate services available through the state plan.
8.500.4.A To be eligible for the HCBS-DD waiver, an individual shall meet the target population criteria as follows:
1. Be determined to have an intellectual or developmental disability,
2. Be eighteen (18) years of age or older,
3. Require access to services and supports twenty-four (24) hours a day,
4. Meet ICF-IID level of care as determined by the LOC Screen, and
5. Meet the Medicaid financial determination for LTC eligibility as specified in Section 8.100, et seq.
8.500.4.B The Client shall maintain eligibility by meeting the criteria as set forth in Section 8.500.6.A.1 and .2 and the following:
1. Receives at least one (1) HCBS waiver service each calendar month.
2. Is not simultaneously enrolled in any other HCBS waiver.
3. Is not residing in a hospital, nursing facility, ICF-IID, correctional facility or other institution.
4. Is served safely in the community with the type and amount of waiver services available and within the federally approved capacity and cost containment limits of the waiver.
5. Resides in a GRSS or IRSS setting.
8.500.4.C When the HCBS-DD Waiver reaches capacity for enrollment, a Client determined eligible for the waiver shall be eligible for placement on a wait list in accordance with these rules at Section 8.500.7.
1. Behavioral Services
2. Benefits Planning
3. Day Habilitation Services and Supports
4. Dental Services
5. Home Delivered Meals
6. Non-Medical Transportation
7. Peer Mentorship
8. Residential Habilitation Services and Supports (RHSS)
9. Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
10. Supported Employment
11. Transition Setup
12. Vision Services
13. Workplace Assistance

The following services are available through the HCBS-DD Waiver within the specific limitations as set forth in the federally approved HCBS-DD Waiver.

1. Behavioral Services are services related to a Client's developmental disability which assist a Client to acquire or maintain appropriate interactions with others.
a. Behavioral services shall address specific challenging behaviors of the Client and identify specific criteria for remediation of the behaviors.
b. A Client with a co-occurring diagnosis of a developmental disability and mental health diagnosis covered in the Medicaid State Plan shall have identified needs met by each of the applicable systems without duplication but with coordination by the behavioral services professional to obtain the best outcome for the Client.
c. Services covered under Medicaid EPSDT or a covered mental health diagnosis in the Medicaid State Plan, covered by a third-party source or available from a natural support are excluded and shall not be reimbursed.
d. Behavioral Services include:
i) Behavioral Consultation Services include consultations and recommendations for behavioral interventions and development of behavioral support plans that are related to the Client's developmental disability and are necessary for the Client to acquire or maintain appropriate adaptive behaviors, interactions with others and behavioral self-management.
ii) Intervention modalities shall relate to an identified challenging behavioral need of the Client. Specific goals and procedures for the behavioral service shall be established.
iii) Behavioral consultation services are limited to eighty (80) units per service plan year. One unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service.
iv) Behavioral plan assessment services include observations, interviews of direct care staff, functional behavioral analysis and assessment, evaluations and completion of a written assessment document.
v) Behavioral Plan Assessment Services are limited to forty (40) units and one (1) assessment per service plan year. One unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service.
vi) Individual and Group Counseling Services include psychotherapeutic or psycho educational intervention that:
1) Is related to the developmental disability in order for the Client to acquire or maintain appropriate adaptive behaviors, interactions with others and behavioral self-management, and
2) Positively impacts the Client's behavior or functioning and may include cognitive behavior therapy, systematic desensitization, anger management, biofeedback and relaxation therapy.
3) Counseling services are limited to two-hundred and eight (208) units per service plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service. Services for the sole purpose of training basic life skills, such as activities of daily living, social skills and adaptive responding are excluded and not reimbursed under behavioral services.
vii) Behavioral Line Services include direct one-to-one implementation of the Behavioral Support Plan and is:
1) Under the supervision and oversight of a behavioral consultant,
2) To include acute, short term intervention at the time of enrollment from an institutional setting, or
3) To address an identified challenging behavior of a Client at risk of institutional placement and to address an identified challenging behavior that places the Client's health and safety or the safety of others at risk.
4) Behavioral Line Services are limited to nine hundred and sixty (960) units per service plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service. Requests for Behavioral Line Services shall be prior authorized in accordance with the Operating Agency's procedures.
2. Benefits Planning is the analysis and guidance provided to a member and their family/support network to improve their understanding of the potential impact of employment-related income on the member's public benefits. Public benefits include, but are not limited to: Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, food/nutrition programs, housing assistance, and other federal, state, and local benefits. Benefits Planning gives the member an opportunity to make an informed choice regarding employment opportunities or career advancement.
a. Benefits Planning may only be provided by Certified Benefits Planners. A Certified Benefits Planner holds at least one of the following credentials:
i. Community Work Incentives Coordinator (CWIC);
ii. Community Partner Work Incentives Counselor (CPWIC);
iii. Credentialed Work Incentives Practitioner (WIP-CTM).
b. Documentation of the Benefits Planner's certification and additional trainings shall be maintained and provided upon request by a surveyor or the Department.
c. Certified Benefits Planners must obtain and sustain a working knowledge of Colorado's Medicaid Waiver system as well as federal, state, and local benefits.
d. If the Certified Benefits Planner encounters a benefit situation that is beyond their expertise, consultation with technical assistance liaisons is expected.
e. Benefits Planning is available regardless of employment history or lack thereof, and can be accessed throughout the phases of a member's career such as: when considering employment, changing jobs, or for career advancement/exploration. Certified Benefits Planners support members by providing any of these core activities:
i. Intensive individualized benefits counseling;
ii. Benefits verification;
iii. Benefit summary & analysis (BS&A);
iv. Identifying applicable work incentives, and if needed, developing a work incentive plan for the member and team;
v. In addition to the core activities, Benefits Planning may also be utilized to:
1) Conduct an informational meeting with the member, alone or with their support network.
2) Assist with evaluating job offers, promotional opportunities (increase in hours/wage), or other job changes that the member is considering which changes income levels; and outlining the impact that change may have on public benefits.
3) Provide information on Waiver benefits (including Buy-In options), federal/state/local programs, and other resources that may support the member in maintaining benefits while pursuing employment.
4) Assist with referrals and connecting the member with identified resources, as needed; as well as coordinating with member, Case Manager, family, and other team members to promote accessing services/resources that will advance the member's desired employment goals.
5) Navigate complicated benefit scenarios and offer problem-solving strategies, so that the member may begin or continue working while maintaining eligibility for needed services.
6) Offer suggestions to the member and their family/support network regarding how to create and maintain a recordkeeping structure and reporting strategy related to benefit eligibility and requirements.
a) If the member needs assistance with the collection and submission of income statements and/or documentation related to the Social Security Administration (SSA), or other benefits managing organizations, and the member does not have other supports to do so, the Benefits Planner may assist on a temporary basis.
i. The Benefits Planning provider must maintain records which reflect the Benefits Planning activities that were completed for the member, including copies of any reports provided to the member.
f. In collaboration with the member's Case Manager and support team, a Benefits Planner can assist in accessing federal/state/local resources, evaluate the potential impact on benefits due to changes in income, and if there is a negative impact identified the Benefits Planner can help brainstorm alternatives to meet existing needs.
g. Benefits Planning shall not take the place of nor shall it duplicate services received through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
h. Benefits Planning services are limited to forty (40) units per service plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service.
3. Day Habilitation Services and Supports include assistance with the acquisition, retention or improvement of self-help, socialization and adaptive skills that take place in a non-residential setting, separate from the Client's private residence or other residential living arrangement, except when services are necessary in the residence due to medical or safety needs.
a. Day habilitation activities and environments shall foster the acquisition of skills, appropriate behavior, greater independence and personal choice.
b. Day Habilitation Services and Supports encompass three (3) types of habilitative environments: specialized habilitation services, supported community connections, and prevocational services.
c. Specialized Habilitation (SH) services are provided to enable the Client to attain the maximum functioning level or to be supported in such a manner that allows the Client to gain an increased level of self-sufficiency. Specialized habilitation services:
i) Are provided in a non-integrated setting where a majority of the Clients have a disability,
ii) Include assistance with self-feeding, toileting, self-care, sensory stimulation and integration, self-sufficiency and maintenance skills, and
iii) May reinforce skills or lessons taught in school, therapy or other settings and are coordinated with any physical, occupational or speech therapies listed in the service plan.
d. Supported Community Connections Services are provided to support the abilities and skills necessary to enable the Client to access typical activities and functions of community life, such as those chosen by the general population, including community education or training, retirement and volunteer activities. Supported community connections services:
i) Provide a wide variety of opportunities to facilitate and build relationships and natural supports in the community while utilizing the community as a learning environment to provide services and supports as identified in a Client's service plan,
ii) Are conducted in a variety of settings in which the Client interacts with persons without disabilities other than those individuals who are providing services to the Client. These types of services may include socialization, adaptive skills and personnel to accompany and support the Client in community settings,
iii) Provide resources necessary for participation in activities and supplies related to skill acquisition, retention or improvement and are provided by the service agency as part of the established reimbursement rate, and
iv) May be provided in a group setting or may be provided to a single Client in a learning environment to provide instruction when identified in the service plan.
v) Activities provided exclusively for recreational purposes are not a benefit and shall not be reimbursed.
e. Prevocational Services are provided to prepare a Client for paid community employment. Services consist of teaching concepts including attendance, task completion, problem solving and safety, and are associated with performing compensated work.
i) Prevocational Services are directed to habilitative rather than explicit employment objectives and are provided in a variety of locations separate from the participant's private residence or other residential living arrangement.
ii) Goals for Prevocational Services are to increase general employment skills and are not primarily directed at teaching job specific skills.
iii) Clients shall be compensated for work in accordance with applicable federal laws and regulations and at less than fifty (50) percent of the minimum wage. Providers that pay less than minimum wage shall ensure compliance with the Department of Labor Regulations.
iv) Prevocational Services are provided to support the Client to obtain paid community employment within five (5) years. Prevocational services may continue longer than five (5) years when documentation in the annual service plan demonstrates this need based on an annual assessment.
v) A comprehensive assessment and review for each person receiving Prevocational Services shall occur at least once every five (5) years to determine whether or not the person has developed the skills necessary for paid community employment.
vi) Documentation shall be maintained in the file of each Client receiving this service that the service is not available under a program funded under Section 110 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (20 U.S.C. Section 1400 et seq.).
f. The number of units available for day habilitation services in combination with prevocational services is four thousand eight hundred (4,800). When used in combination with supported employment services, the total number of units available for day habilitation services in combination with prevocational services will remain at four thousand eight hundred (4,800) units and
g. The cumulative total, including supported employment services, may not exceed seven thousand one hundred and twelve (7,112) units. One unit equals fifteen (15) minutes of service.
4. Dental services are available to individuals age twenty-one (21) and over and are for diagnostic and preventative care to abate tooth decay, restore dental health, are medically appropriate and include preventative, basic and major dental services.
a. Preventative services include:
i) Dental insurance premiums and co-pays/co-insurance,
ii) Periodic examination and diagnosis,
iii) Radiographs when indicated,
iv) Non-intravenous sedation,
v) Basic and deep cleanings,
vi) Mouth guards,
vii) Topical fluoride treatment, and
viii) Retention or recovery of space between teeth when indicated.
b. Basic services include:
i) Fillings,
ii) Root canals,
iii) Denture realigning or repairs,
iv) Repairs/re-cementing crowns and bridges,
v) Non-emergency extractions including simple, surgical, full and partial
vi) Treatment of injuries, or
vii) Restoration or recovery of decayed or fractured teeth
c. Major services include:
i) Implants when necessary to support a dental bridge for the replacement of multiple missing teeth or is necessary to increase the stability of dentures, crowns, bridges, and dentures. The cost of implants is only reimbursable with prior approval in accordance with Operating Agency procedures.
ii) Crowns
iii) Bridges
iv) Dentures. Implants are a benefit only when the procedure is necessary to support a dental bridge for the replacement of multiple missing teeth, or is necessary to increase the stability of dentures. The cost of implants is reimbursable only with prior approval.
e. Implants shall not be a benefit for a Client who uses tobacco daily due to a substantiated increased rate of implant failures for tobacco users. Subsequent implants are not a benefit when prior implants fail.
f. Dental services are provided only when the services are not available through the Medicaid state plan due to not meeting the need for medical necessity as defined in Health Care Policy and Financing rules at Section or available through a third party. General limitations to dental services including frequency will follow the Operating Agency's guidelines using industry standards and are limited to the most cost effective and efficient means to alleviate or rectify the dental issue associated with the Client.
g. Dental services do not include cosmetic dentistry, procedures predominated by specialized prosthodontic, maxillo-facial surgery, craniofacial surgery or orthodontia, which includes, but is not limited to:
i) Elimination of fractures of the jaw or face,
ii) Elimination or treatment of major handicapping malocclusion, or
iii) Congenital disfiguring oral deformities.
h. Cosmetic dentistry is defined as aesthetic treatment designed to improve the appearance of the teeth or smile, including teeth whitening, veneers, contouring and implants or crowns solely for the purpose of enhancing appearance.
i. Preventative and basic services are limited to $2,000 per service plan year. Major services are limited to $10,000 for the five (5) year renewal period of the waiver.
5. Home Delivered Meals as defined at Section 8.553.1.
6. Non-Medical Transportation enables Clients to gain access to Day Habilitation Services and Supports, Prevocational Services and Supported Employment services. A bus pass or other public conveyance may be used only when it is more cost effective than or equivalent to the applicable mileage band.
a. Whenever possible, family, neighbors, friends or community agencies that can provide this service without charge must be utilized and documented in the Service Plan.
b. Non-Medical Transportation to and from day program shall be reimbursed based on the applicable mileage band. Non-Medical Transportation services to and from day program are limited to five hundred and eight (508) units per service plan year. A unit is a per-trip accessed each way to and from day habilitation and supported employment services.
c. Non-Medical Transportation does not replace medical transportation required under 42 C.F.R. Section 431.53 or transportation services under the Medicaid State Plan, defined at 42 C.F.R. Section 440.170(a).
7. Peer Mentorship as defined at Section 8.553.1.
8. Residential Habilitation Services and Supports (RHSS) are delivered to ensure the health and safety of the Client and to assist in the acquisition, retention or improvement in skills necessary to support the Client to live and participate successfully in the community.
a. Services may include a combination of lifelong, or extended duration supervision, training or support that is essential to daily community living, including assessment and evaluation, and includes training materials, transportation, fees and supplies.
b. The living environment encompasses two (2) types that include individual Residential Services and Supports (IRSS) and Group Residential Services and Supports (GRSS).
c. All RHSS environments shall provide sufficient staff to meet the needs of the Client as defined in the service plan.
d. The following RHSS activities assist Clients to reside as independently as possible in the community:
i) Self-advocacy training, which may include training to assist in expressing personal preferences, increasing self-representation, increasing self-protection from and reporting of abuse, neglect and exploitation, advocating for individual rights and making increasingly responsible choices,
ii) Independent living training, which may include personal care, household services, infant and childcare when the Client has a child, and communication skills,
iii) Cognitive services, which may include training in money management and personal finances, planning and decision making,
iv) Implementation of recommended follow-up counseling, behavioral, or other therapeutic interventions. Implementation of physical, occupational or speech therapies delivered under the direction of a licensed or certified professional in that discipline.
v) Medical and health care services that are integral to meeting the daily needs of the Client and include such tasks as routine administration of medications or tending to the needs of Clients who are ill or require attention to their medical needs on an ongoing basis,
vi) Emergency assistance training including developing responses in case of emergencies and prevention planning and training in the use of equipment or technologies used to access emergency response systems,
vii) Community access services that explore community services available to all people, natural supports available to the Client and develop methods to access additional services, supports, or activities needed by the Client,
viii) Travel services, which may include providing, arranging, transporting or accompanying the Client to services and supports identified in the service plan, and
ix) Supervision services which ensure the health and safety of the Client or utilize technology for the same purpose.
e. All direct care staff not otherwise licensed to administer medications must complete a training class approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and successfully complete a written test and a practical and competency test.
f. Reimbursement for RHSS does not include the cost of normal facility maintenance, upkeep and improvement, other than such costs for modifications or adaptations to a facility required to assure the health and safety of Clients or to meet the requirements of the applicable life safety code.
9. Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies include:
a. Devices, controls or appliances that enable the Client to increase the Client's ability to perform activities of daily living,
b. Devices, controls or appliances that enable the Client to perceive, control or communicate within the Client's environment,
c. Items necessary to address physical conditions along with ancillary supplies and equipment necessary to the proper functioning of such items,
d. Durable and non-durable medical equipment not available under the Medicaid State Plan that is necessary to address Client functional limitations, or
e. Necessary medical supplies in excess of Medicaid State Plan limitations or not available under the Medicaid State Plan.
f. All items shall meet applicable standards of manufacture, design and installation.
g. Specialized medical equipment and supplies exclude those items that are not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the Client.
10. Supported Employment includes intensive, ongoing supports that enable a Client, for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely absent the provision of supports, and who because of the Client's disabilities needs supports to perform in a regular work setting.
a. Supported Employment may include assessment and identification of vocational interests and capabilities in preparation for job development and assisting the Client to locate a job or job development on behalf of the Client.
b. Supported Employment may be delivered in a variety of settings in which Clients interact with individuals without disabilities, other than those individuals who are providing services to the Client, to the same extent that individuals without disabilities employed in comparable positions would interact.
c. Supported Employment is work outside of a facility-based site, which is owned or operated by an agency whose primary focus is service provision to persons with developmental disabilities.
d. Supported Employment is provided in community jobs, enclaves or mobile crews.
e. Group Employment including mobile crews or enclaves shall not exceed eight (8) Clients.
f. Supported Employment includes activities needed to sustain paid work by Clients including supervision and training.
g. When Supported Employment services are provided at a work site where individuals without disabilities are employed, service is available only for the adaptations, supervision and training required by a Client as a result of the Client's disabilities.
h. Documentation of the Client's application for services through the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Vocational Rehabilitation shall be maintained in the file of each Client receiving this service. Supported employment is not available under a program funded under Section 110 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education CCT (20 U.S.C. Section 1400 et seq.).
i. Supported Employment does not include reimbursement for the supervisory activities rendered as a normal part of the business setting.
j. Supported Employment shall not take the place of nor shall it duplicate services received through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
k. The limitation for Supported Employment services is seven thousand one hundred and twelve (7,112) units per service plan year. One (1) unit equals fifteen (15) minutes of service.
l. The following are not a benefit of Supported Employment and shall not be reimbursed:
i) Incentive payments, subsidies or unrelated vocational training expenses, such as incentive payments made to an employer to encourage or subsidize the employer's participation in a supported employment,
ii) Payments that are distributed to users of supported employment, and
iii) Payments for training that are not directly related to a Client's supported employment.
m. If a member is employed, the supervision the member needs while at work shall be clearly documented in their Person-Centered Support Plan (PCSP). A member's supervision level at work must be based on the member's specific work-related support needs.
i. The level of supervision by paid caregivers may be lower at work than in other community settings, and the member should not be over-supported or limited in their availability to work based on supervision needs identified for other settings.
11. Transition Setup services as defined at Section 8.553.1.
12. Vision Services include eye exams or diagnosis, glasses, contacts or other medically necessary methods used to improve specific dysfunctions of the vision system when delivered by a licensed optometrist or physician for a Client who is at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
a. Lasik and other similar types of procedures are only allowable when:
i) The procedure is necessary due to the Client's documented specific behavioral complexities that result in other more traditional remedies being impractical or not cost effective.
ii) Prior authorized in accordance with Operating Agency procedures.
13. Workplace Assistance services provide work-related supports for members with elevated supervision needs who, because of valid safety concerns, may need assistance from a paid caregiver that is above and beyond what could be regularly supported by the workplace supervisor, co-workers, or job coach, in order to maintain an individual job in an integrated work setting for which the member is compensated at or above minimum wage. Training/Job Coaching, accommodations, technology, and natural supports are to be used to maximize the member's independence and minimize the need for the consistent presence of a paid caregiver. As such, the degree to which the member must be supported by a paid caregiver through the Workplace Assistance service, shall be based on the specific safety-related need(s) identified in the person-centered planning process for the member at their worksite.
a. Workplace Assistance:
i. is provided on an individual basis, not within a group and cannot overlap with job coaching;
ii. occurs at the member's place of employment, during the member's work hours, and when needed may also be used:
1) immediately before or after the member's employment hours,
2) during work-related events at other locations;
iii. includes but is not limited to: promoting integration, furthering natural support relationships, reinforcing/modeling safety skills, assisting with behavioral support needs, redirecting, reminding to follow work-related protocols/ strategies, and ensuring other identified needs are met so the member can be integrated and successful at work;
iv. may include activities beyond job-related tasks that support integration at work, such as assisting, if necessary, during breaks, lunches, occasional informal employee gatherings, and employer-sponsored events.
b. Workplace Assistance is appropriate for and available to:
i. Members who require Intensive Supervision or have a documented need which warrants a Rights Modification requiring extensive supervision, such as, a court order or the member meeting Public Safety Risk or Extreme Risk-to-Self criteria pursuant to Section 8.612.5 definitions. Members whose support team agrees there is justification for a paid caregiver to be present for a portion of the hours worked due to safety concerns; and those needs are beyond what could be addressed through natural supports, technology, or intermittent Job Coaching.
1) The specific safety concerns identified by members and their support teams may include, but are not limited to:
a) regularly demonstrating behaviors that cause direct harm to themselves or others;
b) intentionally or unintentionally putting themselves in unsafe situations frequently;
c) often demonstrating poor safety awareness or making poor decisions related to personal safety.
2) A member's supervision level is not the sole factor which justifies the need for this service, therefore, the supervision level shall not be elevated in order to access the service. The member's supervision level at the worksite shall be based on actual need related to the member at work.
c. Prior to Workplace Assistance being authorized, including at the Person-Centered Support Plan's annual renewal, the member and their support team shall determine that alternatives to paid caregiver supports were fully explored, by considering the factors listed below. Documentation of these considerations shall be reflected in the member's Case Management record.
i. Job Coaching services have been or will be leveraged to promote the member's independence and minimize the need for the presence of a paid caregiver by ensuring adequate job training, advocating for appropriate accommodations, promoting natural supports, integrating technology, and using systematic instruction techniques.
ii. The specific safety concern(s) to be addressed and how the Workplace Assistance staff could support the member in addressing the safety concerns while facilitating integration and independence at work.
iii. The nature of the job and work location, the member's longevity with the employer, the degree of continuity at the member's place of employment, and the likelihood of the member putting themselves/others in harm's way, despite training, technology, and cues from natural supports.
iv. The member's desire to have a paid caregiver present for the identified time periods.
v. The Supported Employment provider's informed opinion regarding the need for paid caregiver support beyond intermittent Job Coaching. This opinion should be grounded in Employment First concepts as evidenced by:
1) The provider's completion of a nationally recognized Supported Employment training certificate (Training Certificate) or a nationally recognized Supported Employment certification (Certification); or
2) If the Supported Employment provider does not possess this credentialing, then the Supported Employment provider or the Case Manager may consult with:
a) by someone who does possess either a Training Certificate or Certification
b) or a representative from the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing who oversees the Workplace Assistance benefit.
d. Workplace Assistance staff shall consistently seek to promote the member's independence and integration at work.
i) Where possible, efforts should be made to reduce or eliminate the need for Workplace Assistance services over time, and the efforts and progress shall be documented by the provider.
ii) The training for Workplace Assistance staff should:
1) include fundamentals of Employment First principles with emphasis on promoting independence and inclusion;
2) provide insight regarding a paid caregiver's role at a member's place of employment such that the Workplace Assistance staff's presence does not hinder the member's interaction with co-workers, customers, and other community members.
8.500.6.A The Case Management Agency shall complete a Service Plan for each Client enrolled in the HCBS-DD waiver in accordance with Section 8.519.11.B.2.
8.500.6.D The Service Plan must be reported in the Department prescribed system and include the following employment information for individuals eligible for or receiving Supported Employment services, if applicable:
1. Sector and type of employment;
2. Mean wage per hour earned; and
3. Mean hours worked per week.
8.500.7.A There shall be one waiting list for persons eligible for the HCBS-DD waiver when the total capacity for enrollment or the total appropriation by the general assembly has been met.
8.500.7.B The name of a person eligible for the HCBS-DD waiver program shall be placed on the waiting list by the community centered board making the eligibility determination.
8.500.7.C When an eligible person is placed on the waiting list for HCBS-DD waiver services, a written notice of action including information regarding Client rights and appeals shall be sent to the person or the person's legal guardian in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.057 et seq.
8.500.7.D The placement date used to establish a person's order on a waiting list shall be:
1. The date on which the person was initially determined to have a developmental disability by the community centered board; or
2. The fourteenth (14) birth date if a child is determined to have a developmental disability by the community centered board prior to the age of fourteen.
8.500.7.E As openings become available in the HCBS-DD Waiver program in a designated service area, that community centered board shall report that opening to the Operating Agency.
8.500.7.F Persons whose name is on the waiting list shall be considered for enrollment to the HCBS-DD waiver in order of placement date on the waiting list. Exceptions to this requirement shall be limited to:
1. An emergency situation where the health and safety of the person or others is endangered, and the emergency cannot be resolved in another way. Persons at risk of experiencing an emergency are defined by the following criteria:
a. Homeless: the person will imminently lose their housing as evidenced by an eviction notice; or whose primary residence during the night is a public or private facility that provides temporary living accommodations; or any other unstable or non-permanent situation; or is discharging from prison or jail; or is in the hospital and does not have a stable housing situation to go upon discharge.
b. Abusive or neglectful situation: the person is experiencing ongoing physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect in the person's present living situation and the person's health, safety or well-being is in serious jeopardy.
c. Danger to others: the person's behavior or psychiatric condition is such that others in the home are at risk of being hurt by him/her. Sufficient supervision cannot be provided by the current caretaker to ensure safety of the person in the community.
d. Danger to self: a person's medical, psychiatric or behavioral challenges are such that the person is seriously injuring/harming self or is in imminent danger of doing so.
e. Loss or Incapacitation of Primary Caregiver: a person's primary caregiver is no longer in the person's primary residence to provide care; or the primary caregiver is experiencing a chronic, long-term, or life-threatening physical or psychiatric condition that significantly limits the ability to provide care; or the primary caregiver is age 65 years or older and continuing to provide care poses an imminent risk to the health and welfare of the person or primary caregiver; or, regardless of age and based on the recommendation of a professional, the primary caregiver cannot provide sufficient supervision to ensure the person's health and welfare.
8.500.7.G Enrollments may be reserved to meet statewide priorities that may include:
1. A person who is eligible for the HCBS-DD Waiver and is no longer eligible for services in the foster care system due to an age that exceeds the foster care system limits,
2. Persons who reside in long-term care institutional settings who are eligible for the HCBS-DD Waiver and have a requested to be placed in a community setting, and
3. Persons who are in an emergency situation.
8.500.7.H Enrollments shall be authorized to persons based on the criteria set forth by the general assembly in appropriations when applicable.
8.500.7.I. A person shall accept or decline the offer of enrollment within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the enrollment was offered. Reasonable effort shall be made to contact the person, family, legal guardian, or other interested party.
1. Upon a written request of the person, family, legal guardian, or other interested party an additional thirty (30) calendar days may be granted to accept or decline an enrollment offer.
2. If a person does not respond to the offer of enrollment within the allotted time, the offer is considered declined and the person will maintain their order of placement date.
8.500.8.A A Client or guardian is responsible to:
1. Provide accurate information regarding the Client's ability to complete activities of daily living,
2. Assist in promoting the Client's independence,
3. Cooperate in the determination of financial eligibility for Medicaid,
4. Notify the case manager within thirty (30) days after:
a. Changes in the Client's support system, medical, physical or psychological condition or living situation including any hospitalizations, emergency room admissions, placement to a nursing home or ICF-IID,
b. The Client has not received an HCBS waiver service during one (1) month,
c. Changes in the Client's care needs,
d. Problems with receiving HCBS waiver services,
e. Changes that may affect Medicaid financial eligibility including prompt reporting of changes in income or assets.
8.500.9.A A private or profit or not for profit agency or government agency shall meet the minimum provider qualifications as set forth in the HCBS waiver and shall:
1. Conform to all state established standards for the specific services they provide under HCBS-DD,
2. Maintain program approval and certification from the Operating Agency,
3. Maintain and abide by all the terms of their Medicaid provider agreement with the Department and with all applicable rules and regulations set forth in Section 8.130,
4. Discontinue services to a Client only after documented efforts have been made to resolve the situation that triggers such discontinuation or refusal to provide services,
5. Have written policies governing access to duplication and dissemination of information from the Client's records in accordance with state statutes on confidentiality of information at Section 25.5-1-116, C.R.S., as amended,
6. When applicable, maintain the required licenses from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and
7. Maintain Client records to substantiate claims for reimbursement according to Medicaid standards.
8. HCBS-DD providers shall comply with:
a. All applicable provisions of Title 27 Article 10.5, C.R.S., and all rules and regulations as set forth in 2 CCR 503-1, Section 16.
b. All federal program reviews and financial audits of the HCBS-DD waiver services,
c. The Operating Agency's on-site certification reviews for the purpose of program approval, on-going program approval, monitoring or financial and program audits,
d. Requests from the County Departments of Social/Human Services to access records of Clients receiving services held by Case Management Agencies as required to determine and re-determine Medicaid eligibility
e. Requests by the Department or the Operating Agency to collect, review and maintain individual or agency information on the HCBS-DD waiver, and
f. Requests by the Case Management Agency to monitor service delivery through targeted case management activities.
8.500.9.B Supported Employment provider training and certification requirements
1. Supported Employment service providers, including Supported Employment professionals who provide individual competitive integrated employment, as defined in 34 C.F.R. 361.5(c)(9) (2018), which is incorporated herein by reference, and excluding professionals providing group or other congregate services (Providers), must comply with the following training and certification requirements. The incorporation of 34 C.F.R. 361.5(c)(9) (2018) excludes later amendments to, or editions of, the referenced material. Pursuant to Section 24-4-103 (12.5), C.R.S., the Department maintains copies of this incorporated text in its entirety, available for public inspection during regular business hours at: Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, 1570 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203. Certified copies of the incorporated material will be provided at cost upon request.
a. Subject to the availability of appropriations for reimbursement in section 8.500.14.H . Providers must obtain a nationally recognized Supported Employment training certificate (Training Certificate) or a nationally recognized Supported Employment certification (Certification).
i. Deadlines.
1) Existing staff, employed by the Provider on or before July 1, 2019, must obtain a Training Certificate or a Certification no later than July 1, 2024.
2) Newly hired staff, employed by the Provider after July 1, 2019, must obtain a Training Certificate or a Certification no later than July 1, 2024.
a) Beginning July 1, 2024, newly hired staff must be supervised by existing staff until the newly hired staff has obtained the required Training Certificate or Certification.
ii. Department approval required.
1) The Training Certificate or Certification required under section 8.500.9.B.1.a must be pre-approved by the Department.
a) Providers must submit the following information to the Department for pre-approval review:
i) Provider name.
ii) A current Internal Revenue Service Form W-9.
iii) Seeking approval for:
1) Training Certificate, or
2) Certification, or
3) Training Certificate and Certification.
iv) Name of training, if applicable, including:
1) Number of staff to be trained.
2) Documentation that the training is nationally recognized, which includes but is not limited to, standards that are set and approved by a relevant industry group or governing body nationwide.
v) Name of Certification, if applicable, including:
1) Number of staff to receive Certification.
2) Documentation that the Certification is nationally recognized, which includes but is not limited to, standards that are set and approved by a relevant industry group or governing body nationwide.
vi) Dates of training, if applicable, including:
1) Whether a certificate of completion is received.
vii) Date of Certification exam, if applicable.
b) Department approval will be based on alignment with the following core competencies:
i) Core values and principles of Supported Employment, including the following:
1) The priority is employment for all working-age persons with disabilities and that all people are capable of full participation in employment and community life. These values and principles are essential to successfully providing Supported Employment services.
ii) The Person-centered process, including the following:
1) The process that identifies the strengths, preferences, needs (clinical and support), and desired outcomes of the individual and individually identified goals and preferences related to relationships, community participation, employment, income and savings, healthcare and wellness, and education. The Person-centered approach includes working with a team where the individual chooses the people involved on the team and receives: necessary information and support to ensure he or she is able to direct the process to the maximum extent possible; effective communication; and appropriate assessment.
iii) Individualized career assessment and planning, including the following:
1) The process used to determine the individual's strengths, needs, and interests to support career exploration and leads to effective career planning, including the consideration of necessary accommodations and benefits planning.
iv) Individualized job development, including the following:
1) Identifying and creating individualized competitive integrated employment opportunities for individuals with significant disabilities, which meet the needs of both the employer and the individuals. This competency includes negotiation of necessary disability accommodations.
v) Individualized job coaching, including the following:
1) Providing necessary workplace supports to Clients with significant disabilities to ensure success in competitive integrated employment and resulting in a reduction in the need for paid workplace supports over time.
vi) Job Development, including the following:
1) Effectively engaging employers for the purpose of community job development for Clients with significant disabilities, which meets the needs of both the employer and the Client.
c) The Department, in consultation with the Colorado

Department of Labor and Employment's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, will either grant or deny approval and notify the Provider of its determination within 30 days of receiving the pre-approval request under 8.500.9.B.1.a.ii.1.a.

8.500.10.A The Department may deny or terminate an HCBS-DD Medicaid Provider Agreement when:
1. The provider is in violation of any applicable certification standard or provision of the provider agreement and does not adequately respond to a corrective action plan within the prescribed period of time. The termination shall follow procedures at 10 CCR 2505-10, Section 8.130 et seq.
2. A change of ownership occurs. A change in ownership shall constitute a voluntary and immediate termination of the existing provider agreement by the previous owner of the agency and the new owner must enter into a new provider agreement prior to being reimbursed for HCBS-DD services.
3. The provider or its owner has previously been involuntarily terminated from Medicaid participation as any type of Medicaid service provider.
4. The provider or its owner has abruptly closed, as any type of Medicaid provider, without proper prior client notification.
5. The provider fails to comply with requirements for submission of claims pursuant to 10 CCR 2505-10, Section 8.040.2 or after actions have been taken by the Department, the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit or their authorized agents to terminate any provider agreement or recover funds.
6. Emergency termination of any provider agreement shall be in accordance with the procedures at 10 CCR 2505-10, Section 8.050.
8.500.11.A The Organized Health Care Delivery System (OHCDS) for the HCBS-DD Waiver is the Community Centered Board as designated by the Operating Agency in accordance with § 27-10.5-103 C.R.S..
8.500.11.B The OHCDS is the Medicaid provider of record for a client whose services are delivered through the OHCDS.
8.500.11.C The OHCDS shall maintain a Medicaid provider agreement with the Department to deliver HCBS according to the current federally approved waiver.
8.500.11.D The OHCDS may contract or employ for delivery of HCBS waiver services.
8.500.11.E The OCHDS shall:
1. Ensure that the contractor or employee meets minimum provider qualifications as set forth in the HCBS waiver,
2. Ensure that services are delivered according to the waiver definitions and as identified in the client's service plan,
3. Ensure the contractor maintains sufficient documentation to support the claims submitted, and
4. Monitor the health and safety for HCBS clients receiving services from a subcontractor.
8.500.11.F The OHCDS is authorized to subcontract and negotiate reimbursement rates with providers in compliance with all federal and state regulations regarding administrative, claim payment and rate setting requirements. The OCHDS shall:
1. Establish reimbursement rates that are consistent with efficiency, economy and quality of care,
2. Establish written policies and procedures regarding the process that will be used to set rates for each service type and for all providers,
3. Ensure that the negotiated rates are sufficient to promote quality of care and to enlist enough providers to provide choice to clients,
4. Negotiate rates that are in accordance with the Department's established fee for service rate schedule and Operating Agency procedures,
a. Manually priced items that have no maximum allowable reimbursement rate assigned, nor a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP), shall be reimbursed at the lesser of the submitted charges or the sum of the manufacturer's invoice cost, plus 13.56 percent.
5. Collect and maintain the data used to develop provider rates and ensure that the data includes costs for services to address the client's needs, that are allowable activities within the HCBS service definition and that supports the established rate,
6. Maintain documentation of provider reimbursement rates and make it available to the Department, its Operating Agency or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and
7. Report by August 31st of each year, the names, rates and total payments made to the contractor.
8.500.12.A Prior Authorization Requests (PAR) shall be in accordance with Section 8.519.14.
8.500.13.A Services provided to a Client are subject to a Retrospective Review by the Department and the Operating Agency. This Retrospective Review shall ensure that services:
1. Identified in the service plan are based on the Client's identified needs as stated in the functional needs assessment,
2. Have been requested and approved prior to the delivery of services,
3. Provided to a Client are in accordance with the service plan, and
4. Provided within the specified HCBS service definition in the federally approved HCBS-DD waiver,
8.500.13.B When the retrospective review identifies areas of noncompliance, the Case Management Agency or provider shall be required to submit a plan of correction that is monitored for completion by the Department and the Operating Agency.
8.500.13.C The inability of the provider to implement a plan of correction within the timeframes identified in the plan of correction may result in temporary suspension of claims payment or termination of the provider agreement.
8.500.13.D When the provider has received reimbursement for services and the review by the Department or Operating Agency identifies that it is not in compliance with requirements, the amount reimbursed will be subject to the reversal of claims, recovery of amount reimbursed, suspension of payments, or termination of provider status.
8.500.14.A Providers shall submit claims directly to the Department's Fiscal Agent through the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS); or through a qualified billing agent enrolled with the Department's Fiscal Agent.
8.500.14.B Provider claims for reimbursement shall be made only when the following conditions are met:
1. Services are provided by a qualified provider as specified in the federally-approved HCBS-DD waiver,
2. Services have been prior authorized,
3. Services are delivered in accordance to the frequency, amount, scope and duration of the service as identified in the Client's service plan, and
4. Required documentation of the specific service is maintained and sufficient to support that the service is delivered as identified in the service plan and in accordance with the service definition.
8.500.14.C Provider claims for reimbursement shall be subject to review by the Department and the Operating Agency. This review may be completed after payment has been made to the provider.
8.500.14.D When the review identifies areas of noncompliance, the provider shall be required to submit a plan of correction that is monitored for completion by the Department and the Operating Agency.
8.500.14.E When the provider has received reimbursement for services and the review by the Department or Operating Agency identifies that the service delivered or the claims submitted is not in compliance with requirements, the amount reimbursed will be subject to the reversal of claims, recovery of amount reimbursed, suspension of payments, or termination of provider status.
8.500.14.F For private providers payment is based on a statewide fee schedule.
8.500.14.G Reimbursement paid to State or local government HCBS waiver providers differs from the amount paid to private providers of the same service. No public provider may receive payments in the aggregate that exceed its actual costs of providing HCBS waiver services.
1. Reimbursement paid to State and local government HCBS waiver providers shall not exceed actual costs. All State and local HCBS waiver providers must submit an annual cost report for HCBS waiver services.
2. Actual costs will be determined on the basis of the information on the HCBS waiver cost report and obtained by the Department or its designee for the purposes of cost auditing.
a. The costs submitted by the provider for the most recent available final cost report for a 12-month period shall be used to determine the interim rates for the ensuing 12 month period effective July 1 of each year.
i. The interim rate will be calculated as total reported costs divided by total units per HCBS waiver service.
ii. An interim rate shall be determined for each HCBS waiver service provided.
iii. The most recent available final cost report will be used to set the next fiscal year's interim rates.
b. Reimbursement to State and local government HCBS waiver providers shall be adjusted retroactively after the close of each 12-month period.
c. Total costs submitted by the provider shall be reviewed by the Department or its designee and result in a total allowable cost.
d. The Department will determine the total interim payment through the MMIS.
e. The Department will reconcile interim payments to the total allowable and make adjustments to payments as necessary. Interim payments shall be paid through the MMIS.
3. Submission of the HCBS waiver cost report shall occur annually for costs incurred during the prior fiscal year.
a. The cost report for HCBS waiver services must be submitted to the Department annually on October 31 to reflect costs from July 1-June 30.
b. The cost report will determine the final adjustment to payment for the period for which the costs were reported.
c. Reconciliation to align the fiscal year reimbursement with actual fiscal year costs after the close of each fiscal year shall be determined by the Department annually.
e. A State or local government HCBS waiver provider may request an extension of time to submit the cost report. The request for extension shall:
i. Be in writing and shall be submitted to the Department.
ii. Document the reason for failure to comply.
iii. Be submitted no later than ten (10) working days prior to the due date for submission of the cost report.
f. Failure of a State or local government HCBS waiver provider to submit the HCBS waiver cost report by October 31 shall result in the Department withholding all warrants not yet released to the provider as described below:
i. When a State or local government HCBS waiver provider fails to submit a complete and auditable HCBS waiver cost report on time, the HCBS waiver cost report shall be returned to the facility with written notification that it is unacceptable.
1. The State or local government HCBS waiver provider shall have either 30 days from the date of the notice or until the end of the cost report submission period, whichever is later, to submit a corrected HCBS waiver cost report.
2. If the corrected HCBS waiver cost report is still determined to be incomplete or un-auditable, the State or local government HCBS waiver provider shall be given written notification that it shall, at its own expense submit a HCBS waiver cost report prepared by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). The CPA shall certify that the report is in compliance with all Department rules and shall give an opinion of fairness of presentation of operating results or revenues and expenses.
3. The Department may withhold all warrants not yet released to the provider when the original cost report submission period and 30-day extension have expired and an auditable HCBS waiver cost report has not been submitted.
ii. If the audit of the HCBS waiver cost report is delayed by the state or local government HCBS waiver provider's lack of cooperation, the effective date for the new rate shall be delayed until the first day of the month in which the audit is completed. Lack of cooperation shall mean failure to provide documents, personnel or other resources within its control and necessary for the completion of the audit.
4. Non-allowable costs for State and local government providers offering HCBS waiver services include:
a. Room and Board;
b. Costs which have been allocated to an ICF/IID;
c. Costs for which there is either no supporting documentation or for which the supporting documentation is not sufficient to validate the costs;
d. Costs for services that are available through the Medicaid State Plan or provided on an HCBS waiver other than the HCBS-DD waiver ;
e. Costs for services that are not authorized on an approved HCBS-DD waiver PAR.
f. Costs for services that are not authorized by the Department as an HCBS waiver service;
g. Costs which are not reasonable, necessary, and Client related.
5. Adjustment(s) to the HCBS waiver cost report shall be made by the Department's contract auditor to remove reported costs that are non-allowable.
a. Following the completion of an audit of the cost report the Department or its contract auditor shall notify the affected State or local government HCBS waiver provider of any proposed adjustment(s) to the costs reported on the HCBS waiver cost report and include the basis of the proposed adjustment(s).
b. The provider may submit additional documentation in response to a proposed adjustment. The Department or its contract auditor must receive the additional documentation or other supporting information from the provider within 14 calendar days of the date of the proposed adjustments letter or the documentation will not be considered.
c. The Department may grant a reasonable period, no longer than 30 calendar days, for the provider to submit such documents and information, when necessary and appropriate, given the providers' particular circumstances.
d. The Department or its contract auditor shall complete the audit of the cost report within 30 days of the submission of documentation by the provider.
8.500.14.H Reimbursement for a Supported Employment Training Certificate or Certification, or both, under section 8.500.9.B.1.a, which includes both the cost of attending a training or obtaining a certification, or both, and the wages paid to employees during training, is available only if appropriations have been made to the Department to reimburse Providers for such costs.
1. Providers seeking reimbursement for completed training or certification, or both, approved under section 8.500.9.B.1.a .ii, must submit the following to the Department:
a. Supported Employment Providers must submit all Training Certificate and Certification reimbursement requests to the Department within 30 days after the pre-approved date of the training or certification, except for trainings and certifications completed in June, the last month of the State Fiscal Year. All reimbursement requests for trainings or certifications completed in June must be submitted to the Department by June 30 of each year to ensure payment.
i. Reimbursement requests must include documentation of successful completion of the training or certification process, to include either a Training Certificate or a Certification, as applicable.
2. Within 30 days of receiving a reimbursement request under section 8.500.14.H.1.a, the Department will determine whether it satisfies the pre-approved Training Certificate or Certification under section 8.500.9.B.1.a .ii.1.c and either notify the provider of the denial or, if approved, reimburse the provider.
a. Reimbursement is limited to the following amounts and includes reimbursement for wages:
i. Up to $300 per certification exam.
ii. Up to $1,200 for each training.
8.500.15.A Individual rights shall be in accordance with Sections 25.5-10-223 - 230., C.R.S.

The Case Management Agency shall meet the requirements set forth at Section 8.519.22.

8.500.16.A The CCB shall provide the long-term care notice of action form to applicants and Clients within eleven (11) business days regarding their appeal rights in accordance with Section 8.057 et seq. When:
1. The Client or applicant is determined to not have a developmental disability,
2. The Client or applicant is found eligible or ineligible for LTSS,
3. The Client or applicant is determined eligible or ineligible for placement on a waiting list for LTSS,
4. An adverse action occurs that affects the Client's or applicant's waiver enrollment status,
8.500.16.B The CCB shall appear and defend its decision at the Office of Administrative Courts as described in Section 8.057 et seq. when the CCB has made a denial or adverse action against a Client.
8.500.16.C The CCB shall notify the Case Management Agency in the Client's service plan within one (1) business day of the adverse action.
8.500.16.D The CCB shall notify the County Department of Human/Social Services income maintenance technician within ten (10) business day of an adverse action that affects Medicaid financial eligibility.
8.500.16.E The applicant or Client shall be informed of an adverse action if the Client or applicant is determined ineligible and the following:
1. The Client or applicant is detained or resides in a correctional facility, or
2. The Client or applicant enters an institute for mental health with a duration that continues for more than thirty (30) days.
8.500.17.A The monitoring HCBS-DD Waiver services and the health and well-being of service recipients shall be the responsibility of the Operating Agency, under the oversight of the Department.
8.500.17.B The Operating Agency, shall conduct reviews of each agency providing HCBS-DD waiver services or cause to have reviews to be performed in accordance with guidelines established by the Department or Operating Agency. The review shall apply rules and standards developed for programs serving individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
8.500.17.C The Operating Agency shall maintain or cause to be maintained for three years a complete file of all records, documents, communications, and other materials which pertain to the operation of the HCBS-DD waiver programs or the delivery of services. The Department shall have access to these records at any reasonable time.
8.500.17.D The Operating Agency shall recommend to the Department the suspension of payment, denial or termination of the Medicaid Provider Agreement for any agency which it finds to be in violation of applicable standards and which does not adequately respond by submitting a corrective action plan to the Operating Agency within the prescribed period of time or does not fulfill a corrective action plan within the prescribed period of time.
8.500.17.E After having received the denial or termination recommendation and reviewing the supporting documentation, the Department shall take the appropriate action within a reasonable timeframe agreed upon the Department and the Operating Agency.
8.500.18.A A Client who is determined to be Medicaid eligible through the application of the three hundred percent (300%) income standard at Section 8.100.7.A, is required to pay a portion of the Client's income toward the cost of the Client's HCBS-DD services after allowable income deductions.
8.500.18.B This Post Eligibility Treatment of Income(PETI) assessment shall:
1. Be calculated by the Case Management Agency using the form specified by the Operating Agency.
2. Be calculated during the Client's initial or continued stay review for HCB-DD services;
3. Be recomputed as often as needed, by the case management agency in order to ensure the Client's continued eligibility for the HCBS-DD waiver;
8.500.18.C In calculating PETI assessment, the case management agency must deduct the following amounts, in the following order, from the individual's total income including amounts disregarded in determining Medicaid eligibility:
1. A maintenance allowance equal to 300% the current and/SSI-CS standard plus an earned income allowance based on the SSI treatment of earned income up to a maximum of two hundred forty five dollars ($245) per month;
2. For a Client with only a spouse at home, an additional amount based on a reasonable assessment of need but not to exceed the SSI standard; and
3. For a Client with a spouse plus other dependents at home, or with other dependents only at home, an amount based on a reasonable assessment of need but not to exceed the appropriate TANF grant level; and
4. Amounts for incurred expenses for medical or remedial care that are not subject to payment by a third party including:
a. Health insurance premiums (other than Medicare), deductibles. or coinsurance charges (including Medicaid copayments); and
b. Necessary medical or remedial care recognized under State law but not covered under the Medicaid State Plan.
8.500.18.D Case Management Agencies are responsible for informing individuals of their PETI obligation on a form prescribed by the Operating Agency.
8.500.18.E PETI payments and the corresponding assessment forms are due to the Operating Agency during the month following the month for which they are assessed.

The section hereby incorporates the terms and provisions of the federally approved Home and Community-Based Supported Living Services (HCBS-SLS) waiver. To the extent that the terms of the federally approved waiver are inconsistent with the provisions of this section, the waiver shall control. HCBS-SLS services and supports which are available to assist persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities to live in the person's own home, apartment, family home, or rental unit that qualifies as an HCBS-SLS setting. HCBS-SLS waiver services are not intended to provide twenty-four (24) hours of paid support or meet all identified Client needs and are subject to the availability of appropriate services and supports within existing resources.

A. ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) means basic self-care activities including bathing, bowel and bladder control, dressing, eating, independent ambulation, and needing supervision to support behavior, medical needs and memory/cognition.
B. ADVERSE ACTION means a denial, reduction, termination or suspension from the HCBS-SLS waiver or a specific HCBS-SLS waiver service(s).
C. APPLICANT means as defined in Section 9.390.1.
D. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE means an individual designated by a Client, or by the parent or guardian of the Client receiving services, if appropriate, to assist the Client receiving service in acquiring or utilizing services and supports, this does not include the duties associated with an Authorized Representative for Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) as defined at Section 8.510.1.
E. CASE MANAGEMENT AGENCY(CMA) means a public or private not-for-profit or for-profit agency that meets all applicable state and federal requirements and is certified by the Department to provide case management services for Home and Community-Based Services waivers pursuant to Section 25.5-10-209.5, C.R.S. and pursuant to a provider participation agreement with the state department.
F. CLIENT means an individual who meets long-term services and supports eligibility requirements and has been approved for and agreed to receive Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).
G. CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE means a person who is designated by the Client to act on the Client's behalf. A Client representative may be:
(A) a legal representative including, but not limited to a court-appointed guardian, a parent of a minor child, or a spouse; or,
(B) an individual, family member or friend selected by the Client to speak for and/or act on the Client's behalf.
H. COMMUNITY CENTERED BOARD (CCB) means a private corporation, for-profit or not-for-profit that is designated pursuant to Section 25.5-10-209, C.R.S., responsible for, but not limited to conducting Developmental Disability determinations, waiting list management Level of Care Evaluations for Home and Community-Based Service waivers specific to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and management of State Funded programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

I CONSUMER DIRECTED ATTENDANT SUPPORT SERVICES (CDASS) means the service delivery option for services that assist an individual in accomplishing activities of daily living when included as a waiver benefit that may include health maintenance, personal care and homemaker activities.

J. COST CONTAINMENT means limiting the cost of providing care in the community to less than or equal to the cost of providing care in an institutional setting based on the average aggregate amount. The cost of providing care in the community shall include the cost of providing Home and Community-Based Services, and Medicaid State Plan Benefits including long-term home health services, and targeted case management.
K. COST EFFECTIVENESS means the most economical and reliable means to meet an identified need of the Client.
L. DEPARTMENT means the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, the single State Medicaid agency.
M. DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY means as defined in Section 8.600.4.
N. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY means as defined in Section 8.600.4.
P. FAMILY means a relationship as it pertains to the Client and includes the following:

A mother, father, brother, sister; or,

Extended blood relatives such as grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin; or

An adoptive parent; or,

One or more individuals to whom legal custody of a Client with an intellectual or developmental disability has been given by a court; or,

A spouse; or

The Client's children.

Q. GUARDIAN means an individual at least twenty-one years of age, resident or non-resident, who has qualified as a guardian of a minor or incapacitated person pursuant to appointment by a parent or by the court. The term includes a limited, emergency, and temporary substitute guardian but not a guardian ad litem Section 15-14-102(4), C.R.S.
R. GUARDIAN AD LITEM or GAL means a person appointed by a court to act in the best interests of a child involved in a proceeding under title19, C.R.S., or the "School Attendance Law of 1963," set forth in Article 33 of Title 22, C.R.S.

S HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES (HCBS) WAIVERS means services and supports authorized through a 1915(c) waiver of the Social Security Act and provided in community settings to a Client who requires a level of institutional care that would otherwise be provided in a hospital, nursing facility or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF-IID).

T. INSTITUTION means a hospital, nursing facility, or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF-IID) for which the Department makes Medicaid payment under the Medicaid State Plan.
U. INTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES (ICF-IID) means a public or private facility that provides health and habilitation services to a Client with intellectual or developmental disabilities or related conditions.
V. LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE PERSON means the parent of a minor child, or the Client's spouse.
W. LEVEL OF CARE (LOC) means the specified minimum amount of assistance that a Client must require in order to receive services in an institutional setting under the state plan.
X. LEVEL OF CARE SCREEN means as defined in Section 8.390.1.
Y. LONG-TERM SERVICES AND SUPPORTS (LTSS) means the services and supports used by individuals of all ages with functional limitations and chronic illness who need assistance to perform routine daily activities such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, and administering medications.
Z. MEDICAID ELIGIBLE means an Applicant or Client meets the criteria for Medicaid benefits based on the Applicant's financial determination and disability determination when applicable.
AA. MEDICAID STATE PLAN means the federally approved document that specifies the eligibility groups that a state serves through its Medicaid program, the benefits that the State covers, and how the State addresses additional Federal Medicaid statutory requirements concerning the operation of its Medicaid program.
BB. MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION means assisting a Client in the ingestion, application or inhalation of medication, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, according to the directions of the attending physician or other licensed health practitioner and making a written record thereof.
CC. NATURAL SUPPORTS means non paid informal relationships that provide assistance and occur in a Client's everyday life including, but not limited to, community supports and relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors and acquaintances.
DD. ORGANIZED HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM (OHCDS) means a public or privately managed service organization that is designated as a Community Centered Board and contracts with other qualified providers to furnish services authorized in the Home and Community-Based Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (HCBS-DD), Home and Community-Based Services Supported Living Services (HCBS-SLS) and Home and Community-Based Services Children's Extensive Support (HCBS-CES) waivers.
EE. PERSON-CENTERED SUPPORT PLAN (PCSP) means as defined in Section 8.390.1 DEFINITIONS.
FF. PRIOR AUTHORIZATION means approval for an item or service that is obtained in advance either from the Department, a State fiscal agent or the Case Management Agency.
HH. PROGRAM APPROVED SERVICE AGENCY means a developmental disabilities service agency or typical community service agency as defined in Section 8.600.4 et seq., that has received program approval to provide HCBS-SLS services.
II. PUBLIC CONVEYANCE means public passenger transportation services that are available for use by the general public as opposed to modes for private use including vehicles for hire.
JJ. REIMBURSMENT RATES means the maximum allowable Medicaid reimbursement to a provider for each unit of service.
KK. RELATIVE means a person related to the Client by virtue of blood, marriage, adoption or common law marriage.
LL. RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW means the Department or the Department's contractor review after services and supports are provided to ensure the Client received services according to the PCSP and that the Case Management Agency complied with requirements set forth in statute, waiver and regulation.
MM. SERVICE DELIVERY OPTION means the method by which direct services are provided for a Client and include a) by an agency and b) Client directed.
NN. SERVICE PLAN AUTHORIZATION LIMIT (SPAL) means an annual upper payment limit of total funds available to purchase services to meet the Client's ongoing needs. Purchase of services not subject to the SPAL are set forth at Section 8.500.102.B . A specific limit is assigned to each of the six support levels in the HCBS-SLS waiver. The SPAL is determined by the Department based on the annual appropriation for the HCBS-SLS waiver, the number of Clients in each level, and projected utilization.
OO. SUPPORT is any task performed for the Client where learning is secondary or incidental to the task itself or an adaptation is provided.
PP. SUPPORTS INTENSITY SCALE (SIS) means the standardized assessment tool that gathers information from a semi- structured interview of respondents who know the Client well. It is designed to identify and measure the practical support requirements of adults with developmental disabilities.
QQ. SUPPORT LEVEL means a numeric value determined using an algorithm that places Clients into groups with other Clients who have similar overall support needs.
RR. TARGETED CASE MANAGEMENT (TCM) means case management services provided to individuals enrolled in the HCBS-CES, HCBS- Children Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP), HCBS-DD, and HCBS-SLS waivers in accordance with Section 8.760 et seq, Targeted case management includes facilitating enrollment, locating, coordinating and monitoring needed HCBS waiver services and coordinating with other non-waiver resources, including, but not limited to medical, social, educational and other resources to ensure non-duplication of waiver services and the monitoring of effective and efficient provision of waiver services across multiple funding sources. Targeted case management includes the following activities; Assessment and periodic Reassessment, development and periodic revision of a PCSP referral and related activities, and monitoring.
SS. THIRD PARTY RESOURCES means services and supports that a Client may receive from a variety of programs and funding sources beyond natural supports or Medicaid that may include, but are not limited to community resources, services provided through private insurance, nonprofit services and other government programs.
TT. WAIVER SERVICE means optional services defined in the current federally approved HCBS waiver documents and do not include Medicaid State plan benefits.
8.500.91.A HCBS-SLS shall be provided in accordance with the federally approved waiver document and these rules and regulations, and the rules and regulations of the Colorado Department of Human Services, Division for Developmental Disabilities, 2 CCR 503-1 and promulgated in accordance with the provision of Section 25.5-6-404(4), C.R.S.
8.500.91.B In the event a direct conflict arises between the rules and regulations of the Department and the Operating Agency, the provisions of Section 25.5-6-404(4), C.R.S. shall apply and the regulations of the Department shall control.
8.500.91.C The HCBS-SLS waiver is operated by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.
8.500.91.E HCBS-SLS services are available only to address those needs identified in the LOC Screen and authorized in the PCSP when the service or support is not available through the Medicaid State plan, EPSDT, natural supports, or third party payment resources.
8.500.91.F The HCBS-SLS Waiver:
1. Shall not constitute an entitlement to services from either the Department or the Operating Agency,
2. Shall be subject to annual appropriations by the Colorado General Assembly,
3. Shall ensure enrollments into the HCBS-SLS waiver do not exceed the federally approved waiver capacity, and
4. May limit the enrollment when utilization of the HCBS-SLS waiver program is projected to exceed the spending authority.
8.500.92.A The following provisions shall apply to the Home and Community-Based Services-Supported Living Services (HCBS-SLS) waiver:
1. HCBS-SLS shall be provided as an alternative to ICF-IID services for an eligible Client with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
2. HCBS-SLS is waived from the requirements of Section 1902 (a)(10)(b) of the Social Security Act concerning comparability of services. The availability and comparability of services may not be consistent throughout the State of Colorado.
3. A Client enrolled in the HCBS-SLS waiver shall be eligible for all other Medicaid services for which the Client qualifies and shall first access all benefits available under the Medicaid State plan or Medicaid EPSDT prior to accessing services under the HCBS-SLS waiver. Services received through the HCBS-SLS waiver may not duplicate services available through the State Plan
8.500.93. A To be eligible for the HCBS-SLS waiver an individual shall meet the target population criteria as follows:
1. Be determined to have an intellectual or developmental disability
2. Be eighteen (18) years of age or older,
3. Does not require twenty-four (24) hour supervision on a continuous basis which is reimbursed as a HCBS-SLS service,
4. Is served safely in the community with the type or amount of HCBS-SLS waiver services available and within the federally approved capacity and cost containment limits of the waiver,
5. Meet ICF-IID level of care as determined by the LOC Screen.
6. Meet the Medicaid financial determination for LTC eligibility as specified at Section 8.100; and,
7. Reside in an eligible HCBS-SLS setting. SLS settings are the Client's residence, which is defined as the following:
a. A living arrangement, which the Client owns, rents or leases in own name,
b. The home where the Client lives with the Client's family or legal guardian, or
c. A living arrangement of no more than three (3) persons receiving HCBS-SLS residing in one household, unless they are all members of the same family.
8. The Client shall maintain eligibility by continuing to meet the HCBS-SLS eligibility requirements and the following:
a. Receives at least one (1) HCB-SLS waiver service each calendar month,
b. Is not simultaneously enrolled in any other HCBS waiver, and c. Is not residing in a hospital, nursing facility, ICF-IID, correctional facility or other institution.
9. When the HCBS-SLS waiver reaches capacity for enrollment, a Client determined eligible for a waiver shall be placed on a wait list in accordance with these rules at Section 8.500.96.
1. Assistive Technology
2. Behavioral Services
3. Day Habilitation services and supports
4. Dental Services
5. Health Maintenance
6. Home Accessibility Adaptations
7. Home Delivered Meals
8. Homemaker Services
9. Life Skills Training (LST)
10. Mentorship
11. Non-Medical Transportation
12. Peer Mentorship
13. Personal Care
14. Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
15. Professional Services, defined below in 8.500.94.B.14
16. Respite
17. Remote Supports
18. Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
19. Supported Employment
20. Transition Setup
21. Vehicle Modifications
22. Vision Services
8.500.94.B The following services are available through the HCBS-SLS waiver within the specific limitations as set forth in the federally approved HCBS-SLS waiver.
1. Assistive technology includes services, supports or devices that assist a Client to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities. This may include assisting the Client in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device and includes:
a. The evaluation of the assistive technology needs of a Client, including a functional evaluation of the impact of the provision of appropriate assistive technology and appropriate services to the Client in the customary environment of the Client,
b. Services consisting of selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, maintaining, repairing, or replacing assistive technology devices,
c. Training or technical assistance for the Client, or where appropriate, the family members, guardians, caregivers, advocates, or authorized representatives of the Client,
d. Warranties, repairs or maintenance on assistive technology devices purchased through the HCBS-SLS waiver, and
e. Adaptations to computers, or computer software related to the Client's disability. This specifically excludes cell phones, pagers, and internet access unless prior authorized in accordance with the Operating Agency procedure.
f. Assistive technology devices and services are only available when the cost is higher than typical expenses, and are limited to the most cost effective and efficient means to meet the need and are not available through the Medicaid state plan or third party resource.
g. Assistive technology recommendations shall be based on an assessment provided by a qualified provider within the provider's scope of practice.
h. When the expected cost is to exceed $2,500 per device three estimates shall be obtained and maintained in the case record.
i. Training and technical assistance shall be time limited, goal specific and outcome focused.
j. The following items and services are specifically excluded under HCBS-SLS waiver and not eligible for reimbursement:
i) Purchase, training or maintenance of service animals,
ii) Computers,
iii) Items or devices that are generally considered to be entertainment in nature including but not limited to CDs, DVDs, iTunes®, any type of game,
iv) Training or adaptation directly related to a school or home educational goal or curriculum.
k. The total cost of home accessibility adaptations, vehicle modifications, and assistive technology shall not exceed $10,000 over the five-year life of the waiver unless an exception is applied for and approved. Costs that exceed this limitation may be approved by the Operating Agency for devices to ensure the health and safety of the Client or that enable the Client to function with greater independence in the home, or if it decreases the need for paid assistance in another waiver service on a long-term basis. Requests for an exception shall be prior authorized in accordance with the Operating Agency's procedures within thirty (30) days of the request.
2. Behavioral services are services related to the Client's intellectual or developmental disability which assist a Client to acquire or maintain appropriate interactions with others.
a. Behavioral services shall address specific challenging behaviors of the Client and identify specific criteria for remediation of the behaviors.
b. A Client with a co-occurring diagnosis of an intellectual or developmental disability and mental health diagnosis covered in the Medicaid state plan shall have identified needs met by each of the applicable systems without duplication but with coordination by the behavioral services professional to obtain the best outcome for the Client.
c. Services covered under Medicaid EPSDT or a covered mental health diagnosis in the Medicaid State Plan, covered by a third party source or available from a natural support are excluded and shall not be reimbursed.
d. Behavioral Services:
i) Behavioral consultation services include consultations and recommendations for behavioral interventions and development of behavioral support plans that are related to the Client's developmental disability and are necessary for the Client to acquire or maintain appropriate adaptive behaviors, interactions with others and behavioral self-management.
ii) Intervention modalities shall relate to an identified challenging behavioral need of the Client. Specific goals and procedures for the behavioral service shall be established.
iii) Behavioral consultation services are limited to eighty (80) units per service plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service.
iv) Behavioral plan assessment services include observations, interviews of direct care staff, functional behavioral analysis and assessment, evaluations and completion of a written assessment document.
v) Behavioral plan assessment services are limited to forty (40) units and one (1) assessment per service plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service.
vi) Individual or group counseling services include psychotherapeutic or psychoeducational intervention that:
1) Is related to the developmental disability in order for the Client to acquire or maintain appropriate adaptive behaviors, interactions with others and behavioral self-management, and
2) Positively impacts the Client's behavior or functioning and may include cognitive behavior therapy, systematic desensitization, anger management, biofeedback and relaxation therapy.
3) Counseling services are limited to two hundred and eight (208) units per service plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service. Services for the sole purpose of training basic life skills, such as activities of daily living, social skills and adaptive responding are excluded and not reimbursed under behavioral services.
vii) Behavioral line services include direct one on one (1:1) implementation of the behavioral support plan and are:
1) Under the supervision and oversight of a behavioral consultant,
2) To include acute, short term intervention at the time of enrollment from an institutional setting, or
3) To address an identified challenging behavior of a Client at risk of institutional placement, and that places the Client's health and safety or the safety of others at risk
4) Behavioral line services are limited to nine hundred and sixty (960) units per service plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service. All behavioral line services shall be prior authorized in accordance with Operating Agency procedure
3. Day habilitation services and supports include assistance with the acquisition, retention or improvement of self-help, socialization and adaptive skills that take place in a non-residential setting, separate from the Client's private residence or other residential living arrangement, except when services are necessary in the residence due to medical or safety needs.
a. Day habilitation activities and environments shall foster the acquisition of skills, appropriate behavior, greater independence, and personal choice.
b. Day habilitation services and supports encompass three (3) types of habilitative environments; specialized habilitation services, supported community connections, and prevocational services.
c. Specialized habilitation (SH) services are provided to enable the Client to attain the maximum functional level or to be supported in such a manner that allows the Client to gain an increased level of self-sufficiency. Specialized habilitation services:
i) Include the opportunity for Clients to select from Age Appropriate

Activities and Materials, as defined in Section 8.484.2.A ., both within and outside of the setting.

ii) Include assistance with self-feeding, toileting, self-care, sensory stimulation and integration, self-sufficiency and maintenance skills, and
iii) May reinforce skills or lessons taught in school, therapy or other settings and are coordinated with any physical, occupational or speech therapies listed in the service plan.
d. Supported community connections services are provided to support the abilities and skills necessary to enable the Client to access typical activities and functions of community life, such as those chosen by the general population, including community education or training, retirement and volunteer activities. Supported community connections services:
i) Provide a wide variety of opportunities to facilitate and build relationships and natural supports in the community while utilizing the community as a learning environment to provide services and supports as identified in a Client's service plan,
ii) Are conducted in a variety of settings in which the Client interacts with persons without disabilities other than those individuals who are providing services to the Client. These types of services may include socialization, adaptive skills and personnel to accompany and support the Client in community settings,
iii) Provide resources necessary for participation in activities and supplies related to skill acquisition, retention or improvement and are provided by the service agency as part of the established reimbursement rate, and
iv) May be provided in a group setting or may be provided to a single Client in a learning environment to provide instruction when identified in the service plan.
v) Activities provided exclusively for recreational purposes are not a benefit and shall not be reimbursed.
e. Prevocational services are provided to prepare a Client for paid community employment. Services include teaching concepts including attendance, task completion, problem solving and safety and are associated with performing compensated work.
i) Prevocational services are directed to habilitative rather than explicit employment objectives and are provided in a variety of locations separate from the participant's private residence or other residential living arrangement.
ii) Goals for prevocational services are to increase general employment skills and are not primarily directed at teaching job specific skills.
iii) Clients shall be compensated for work in accordance with applicable federal laws and regulations and at less than 50 percent of the minimum wage. Providers that pay less than minimum wage shall ensure compliance with the Department of Labor regulations.
iv) Prevocational services are provided to support the Client to obtain paid community employment within five years. Prevocational services may continue longer than five years when documentation in the annual service plan demonstrates this need based on an annual assessment.
v) A comprehensive assessment and review for each person receiving prevocational services shall occur at least once every five years to determine whether or not the person has developed the skills necessary for paid community employment.
vi) Documentation shall be maintained in the file of each Client receiving this service that the service is not available under a program funded under Section 110 of the rehabilitation act of 1973 or the Individuals with Educational Disabilities Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1400et seq.).
f. Day habilitation services are limited to seven thousand one hundred and twelve (7,112) units per service plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service.
g. The number of units available for day habilitation services in combination with prevocational services and supported employment shall not exceed seven thousand one hundred and twelve (7,112) units.
4. Dental services are available to individuals age twenty-one (21) and over and are for diagnostic and preventative care to abate tooth decay, restore dental health, are medically appropriate and include preventative, basic and major dental services.
a. Preventative services include:
i) Dental insurance premiums and co-payments
ii) Periodic examination and diagnosis,
iii) Radiographs when indicated,
iv) Non-intravenous sedation,
v) Basic and deep cleanings,
vi) Mouth guards,
vii) Topical fluoride treatment,
viii) Retention or recovery of space between teeth when indicated, and
b. Basic services include:
i) Fillings,
ii) Root canals,
iii) Denture realigning or repairs,
iv) Repairs/re-cementing crowns and bridges,
v) Non-emergency extractions including simple, surgical, full and partial,
vi) Treatment of injuries, or
vii) Restoration or recovery of decayed or fractured teeth,
c. Major services include:
i) Implants when necessary to support a dental bridge for the replacement of multiple missing teeth or is necessary to increase the stability of, crowns, bridges, and dentures. The cost of implants is only reimbursable with prior approval in accordance with Operating Agency procedures.
ii) Crowns
iii) Bridges
iv) Dentures
d. Dental services are provided only when the services are not available through the Medicaid state plan due to not meeting the need for medical necessity as defined in Health Care Policy and Financing rules at Section r available through a third party. General limitations to dental services including frequency will follow the Operating Agency's guidelines using industry standards and are limited to the most cost effective and efficient means to alleviate or rectify the dental issue associated with the Client
e. Implants shall not be a benefit for Clients who use tobacco daily due to substantiated increased rate of implant failures for chronic tobacco users.
f. Subsequent implants are not a covered service when prior implants fail.
g. Full mouth implants or crowns are not covered.
h. Dental services do not include cosmetic dentistry, procedures predominated by specialized prosthodontic, maxillo-facial surgery, craniofacial surgery or orthodontia, which includes, but is not limited to:
i) Elimination of fractures of the jaw or face,
ii) Elimination or treatment of major handicapping malocclusion, or
iii) Congenital disfiguring oral deformities.
i. Cosmetic dentistry is defined as aesthetic treatment designed to improve the appearance of the teeth or smile, including teeth whitening, veneers, contouring and implants or crowns solely for the purpose of enhancing appearance.
j. Preventative and basic services are limited to two thousand ($2,000) per service plan year. Major services are limited to ten thousand ($10,000) for the five (5) year renewal period of the waiver.
5. Health maintenance activities are available only as a participant directed supported living service in accordance with Section 8.500.94.C . Health maintenance activities means routine and repetitive health related tasks furnished to an eligible Client in the community or in the Client's home, which are necessary for health and normal bodily functioning that a person with a disability is unable to physically carry out. Services may include:
a. Skin care provided when the skin is broken or a chronic skin condition is active and could potentially cause infection. Skin care may include wound care, dressing changes, application of prescription medicine, and foot care for people with diabetes when prescribed by a licensed medical professional,
b. Nail care in the presence of medical conditions that may involve peripheral circulatory problems or loss of sensation,
c. Mouth care performed when:
i) there is injury or disease of the face, mouth, head or neck,
ii) in the presence of communicable disease,
iii) the Client is unconscious, or
iv) oral suctioning is required,
d. Dressing, including the application of anti-embolic or other prescription pressure stockings and orthopedic devices such as splints, braces, or artificial limbs if considerable manipulation is necessary,
e. Feeding
i) When suctioning is needed on a stand-by or other basis,
ii) When there is high risk of choking that could result in the need for emergency measures such as CPR or the Heimlich maneuver as demonstrated by a swallow study,
iii) Syringe feeding, OR
iv) Feeding using an apparatus,
f. Exercise prescribed by a licensed medical professional including passive range of motion,
g. Transferring a Client when he/she is unable to assist or the use of a lift such as a Hoyer is needed,
h. Bowel care provided to a Client including digital stimulation, enemas, care of ostomies, and insertion of a suppository if the Client is unable to assist,
i. Bladder care when it involves disruption of the closed system for a Foley or suprapubic catheter, such as changing from a leg bag to a night bag and care of external catheters,
j. Medical management required by a medical professional to monitor blood pressures, pulses, respiratory assessment, blood sugars, oxygen saturations, pain management, intravenous, or intramuscular injections,
k. Respiratory care, including:
i. Postural drainage,
ii) Cupping,
iii) Adjusting oxygen flow within established parameters,
iv) Suctioning of mouth and nose,
v) Nebulizers,
vi) Ventilator and tracheostomy care,
vii) Prescribed respiratory equipment.

Case Management Agency (CMA) means a public or private not-for-profit or for-profit agency that meets all applicable state and federal requirements and is certified by the Department to provide case management services for specific Home and Community-Based Services waivers pursuant to Sections 25.5-10-209.5 and 25.5-6-106, C.R.S. and pursuant to a provider participation agreement with the state Department.

Case Manager means a person who provides case management services and meets all regulatory requirements for case managers.

The Division of Housing (DOH) is a division within the Colorado Department of Local Affairs that is responsible for approving Home Accessibility Adaptation PARs, oversight on the quality of Home Accessibility Adaptation projects, and inspecting Home Accessibility Adaptation projects, as described in these regulations.

1. DOH oversight is contingent and shall not be in effect until approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Until approved by CMS, all oversight functions shall be performed by the Department unless specifically allowed by the Participant or their guardian to be performed by DOH.

Home Accessibility Adaptations means the most cost-effective physical modifications, adaptations, or improvements in a Participant's existing home setting which, based on the Participant's medical condition or disability: Participant

1. Are necessary to ensure the health and safety of the Participant;
2. Enable the Participant to function with greater independence in the home; or
3. Prevent institutionalization or support the deinstitutionalization of the Participant.

Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider means a provider agency that meets the standards for Home Accessibility Adaptation described in Section 8.500.94.B.6.e and is an enrolled Medicaid provider.

Person-Centered Planning means Home Accessibility Adaptations that are agreed upon through a process that is driven by the Participant and can include people chosen by the Participant, as well as the appropriate health care professionals, providers, and appropriate state and local officials or organizations; and where the Participant is provided necessary information, support, and choice Participant to ensure that the Participant directs the process to the maximum extent possible.

8.500.94.B.6.b.i Home Accessibility Adaptations may include, but are not limited to the following:
a) Installing or building ramps;
b) Installing grab-bars or other Durable Medical Equipment (DME) if such installation cannot be performed by a DME supplier;
c) Widening or modification of doorways;
d) Modifying a bathroom facility for purposes of accessibility, health and safety, and independence in Activities of Daily Living;
e) Modifying a kitchen for purposes of accessibility, health and safety, and independence in Activities of Daily Living;
f) Installing specialized electric and plumbing systems that are necessary to accommodate medically necessary equipment and supplies;,
g) Installing stair lifts or vertical platform lifts;
h) Modifying an existing second exit or egress window to lead to an area of rescue for emergency purposes;
i) The modification of a second exit or egress window must be approved by the Department or DOH at any funding level as recommended by an occupational or physical therapist (OT/PT) for the health, safety, and welfare, of the Participant.
i) Safety enhancing supports such as basic fences, strengthened windows, and door and window alerts.
8.500.94.B.6.b.ii Previously completed Home Accessibility Adaptations, regardless of original funding source, shall be eligible for maintenance or repair within the Participant's remaining funds while remaining subject to all other requirements of Section 8.500.94.B.6.
8.500.94.B.6.b.iii All adaptations, modifications, or improvements must be the most cost-effective means of meeting the Participant's identified need.
8.500.94.B.6.b.iv Adaptations, modifications, or improvements to rental properties should be portable and able to move with the Participant whenever possible.
8.500.94.B.6.b.v The combined cost of Home Accessibility Adaptations, Vehicle Modifications, and Assistive Technology shall not exceed $10,000 per Participant over the five-year life of the waiver.
a) Costs that exceed this cap may be approved by the Department or DOH to ensure the health, and safety of the Participant, or enable the Participant to function with greater independence in the home, if:
i) The adaptation decreases the need for paid assistance in another waiver service on a long-term basis, and ii) Either:
1. There is an immediate risk to the Participant's health or safety, or
2. There has been a significant change in the Participant's needs since a previous Home Accessibility Adaptation.
b) Requests to exceed the limit shall be prior authorized in accordance with all other Department requirements found in this rule at Section 8.500.94.B.6.
8.500.94.B.6.c.i. Home Accessibility Adaptations must be a direct benefit to the Participant and not for the benefit or convenience of caregivers, family Participants, or other residents of the home.
8.500.94.B.6.c.ii. Duplicate adaptations, such as adaptations to multiple bathrooms within the same home, are prohibited.
8.500.94.B.6.c.iii. Adaptations, improvements, or modifications as a part of new construction costs are prohibited.
a) Finishing unfinished areas in a home to add to or complete habitable square footage is prohibited.
b) Adaptations that add to the total square footage of the home are excluded from this benefit except when necessary to complete an adaptation to:
i) improve entrance or egress to a residence; or,
ii) configure a bathroom to accommodate a wheelchair.
c) Any request to add square footage to the home must be approved by the Department or DOH and shall be prior authorized in accordance with Department requirements found in this rule at Section 8.500.94.B.6.
8.500.94.B.6.c.iv. The purchase of items available through the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) benefit is prohibited.
8.500.94.B.6.c.v. Adaptations or improvements to the home that are considered to be on-going homeowner maintenance and are not related to the Participant's individual ability and needs are prohibited.
8.500.94.B.6.c.vi. Upgrades beyond what is the most cost-effective means of meeting the Participant's identified need, including, but not limited to items or finishes required by a Homeowner Association's (HOA), items for caregiver convenience, or any items and finishes beyond the basic required to meet the need, are prohibited.
8.500.94.B.6.c.vii. The following items are specifically excluded from Home Accessibility Adaptations and shall not be reimbursed:
a) Roof repair,
b) Central air conditioning,
c) Air duct cleaning,
d) Whole house humidifiers,
e) Whole house air purifiers,
f) Installation or repair of driveways and sidewalks, unless the most cost-effective means of meeting the identified need,
g) Monthly or ongoing home security monitoring fees,
h) Home furnishings of any type,
i) HOA fees.
8.500.94.B.6.c.viii. Home Accessibility Adaptation projects are prohibited in any type of certified or non-certified congregate facility, including, but not limited to, Assisted Living Residences, Nursing Facilities, Group Homes, Host Homes, and any settings where accessibility or safety modifications to the location are included in the provider reimbursement.
8.500.94.B.6.c.ix. If a Participant lives in a property where adaptations, improvements, or modifications as a reasonable accommodation through federally funded assisted housing are required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Fair Housing Act, or any other federal, state, or local funding, the Participant's Home Accessibility Adaptation funds may not be used unless reasonable accommodations have been denied.
8.500.94.B.6.c.x. The Department may deny requests for Home Accessibility Adaptation projects that exceed usual and customary charges or do not meet local building requirements, the Home Modification Benefit Construction Specifications developed by the Division of Housing (DOH), or industry standards. The Home Modification Benefit Construction Specifications (2018) are hereby incorporated by reference. The incorporation of these guidelines excludes later amendments to, or editions of, the referenced material. The 2018 Home Modification Benefit Construction Specifications can be found on the Department website. Pursuant to Section 24-4-103 (12.5), C.R.S., the Department maintains copies of this incorporated text in its entirety, available for public inspection during regular business hours at: Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, 1570 Grant Street, Denver Colorado 80203. Certified copies of incorporated materials are provided at cost upon request.
8.500.94.B.6.d.i. The Case Manager shall consider alternative funding sources to complete the Home Accessibility Adaptation. The alternatives considered and the reason they are not available shall be documented in the case record.
1) The Case Manager must confirm that the Participant is unable to receive the proposed adaptations, improvements, or modifications as a reasonable accommodation through federally funded assisted housing as required by section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Fair Housing Act, or any other federal, state, or local funding. Case Managers may request confirmation of a property owner's obligations through DOH.
8.500.94.B.6.d.ii. The Case Manager may prior authorize Home Accessibility Adaptation projects estimated at less than $2,500 without DOH or Department approval, contingent on Participant approval and confirmation of Home Accessibility Adaptation fund availability.
8.500.94.B.6.d.iii. The Case Manager shall obtain prior approval by submitting a Prior Authorization Request form (PAR) to DOH for Home Accessibility Adaptation projects estimated above $2,500.
1) The Case Manager must submit the required PAR and all supporting documentation according to Department prescribed processes and procedures found in this rule section 8.500.94.B.6. Home Accessibility Adaptations submitted with improper documentation will not be approved.
2) The Case Manager and CMA are responsible for retaining and tracking all documentation related to a Participant's Home Accessibility Adaptation funding use and communicating that information to the Participant and Home Accessibility Adaptation providers. The Case Manager may request confirmation of a Participant's Home Accessibility Adaptation fund use from the Department or DOH.
3) The Case Manager shall discuss any potential plans to move to a different residence with the Participant or their guardian and advise them on the most prudent utilization of available funds.
8.500.94.B.6.d.iv. Home Accessibility Adaptations estimated to cost $2,500 or more shall be evaluated according to the following procedures:
1) An occupational or physical therapist (OT/PT) shall assess the Participant's needs and the therapeutic value of the requested Home Accessibility Adaptation. When an OT/PT with experience in Home Accessibility Adaptation is not available, a Department-approved qualified individual may be substituted. An evaluation specifying how the Home Accessibility Adaptation would contribute to a Participant's ability to remain in or return to his/her home, and how the Home Accessibility Adaptation would increase the Participant's independence and decrease the need for other services, shall be completed before bids are solicited. This evaluation shall be submitted with the PAR.
a) The evaluation must be performed in the home to be modified. If the Participant is unable to access the home to be modified without the modification, the OT/PT must evaluate the Participant and home separately and document why the Participant was not able to be evaluated in the home.
2) The evaluation may be provided by a home health agency or other qualified and approved OT/PT through the Medicaid Home Health benefit.
a) A Case Manager may initiate the OT/PT evaluation process before the Participant has been approved for waiver services, as long as the Participant is Medicaid eligible.
b) A Case Manager may initiate the OT/PT evaluation process before the Participant physically resides in the home to be modified, as long as the current property owner agrees to the evaluation.
c) OT/PT evaluations performed by non-enrolled Medicaid providers may be accepted when an enrolled Medicaid provider is not available. A Case Manager must document the reason why an enrolled Medicaid provider is not available.
3) The Case Manager and the OT/PT shall consider less expensive alternative methods of addressing the Participant's needs. The Case Manager shall document these alternatives and why they did not meet the Participant's needs in the Participant's case file.
8.500.94.B.6.d.v. The Case Manager shall assist the Participant in soliciting bids according to the following procedures:
1) The Case Manager shall assist the Participant in soliciting bids from at least two Home Accessibility Adaptation Providers for Home Accessibility Adaptations estimated to cost $2,500 or more. Participant choice of provider shall be documented throughout.
2) The Case Manager must verify that the provider is an enrolled Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider for Home Accessibility Adaptations.
4) The bids for Home Accessibility Adaptations at all funding levels shall include a breakdown of the costs of the project and the following:
a) Description of the work to be completed,
b) Description and estimate of the materials and labor needed to complete the project. Material costs should include price per square foot for materials purchased by the square foot. Labor costs should include price per hour,
c) Estimate for building permits, if needed,
d) Estimated timeline for completing the project,
e) Name, address and telephone number of the Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider,
f) Signature, physical or digital, of the Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider,
g) Signature, physical or digital, or other indication of approval, such as email approval, of the Participant or their guardian, that indicates all aspects of the bid have been reviewed with them,
h) Signature, physical or digital of the home owner or property manager if the home is not owned by the Participant or their guardian.
5) Home Accessibility Adaptation Providers have a maximum of thirty (30) days to submit a bid for the Home Accessibility Adaptation project after the Case Manager has solicited the bid.
a) If the Case Manager has made three attempts to obtain a bid from a second Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider and the provider has not responded within thirty (30) calendar days, the Case Manager may request approval of one bid. Documentation of the attempts shall be attached to the PAR.
6) The Case Manager shall submit copies of the bid(s) and the OT/PT evaluation with the PAR to the Department. The Department shall authorize the lowest bid that complies with the requirements found in this rule section 8.500.94.B.6. and the recommendations of the OT/PT evaluation.
a) If a Participant or homeowner requests a bid that is not the lowest of the submitted bids, the Case Manager shall request approval by submitting a written explanation with the PAR.
7) A revised PAR and Change Order request shall be submitted for any changes from the original approved PAR according to the procedures found in this rule section 8.500.94.B.6.
8.500.94.B.6.d.vi. If a property to be modified is not owned by the Participant, the Case Manager shall obtain physical or digital signatures from the homeowner or property manager on the submitted bids authorizing the specific modifications described therein.
1) Written consent of the homeowner or property manager is required for all projects that involve permanent installation within the Participant's residence or installation or modification of any equipment in a common or exterior area.
2) The authorization shall include confirmation that the home owner or property manager agrees that if the Participant vacates the property, the Participant may choose to either leave the modification in place or remove the modification, that the home owner or property manager may not hold any party responsible for removing all or part of a Home Accessibility Adaptation project, and that if the Participant chooses to remove the modification, the property must be left in equivalent or better than its pre-modified condition.
8.500.94.B.6.d.vii. If the CMA does not comply with the process described above resulting in increased cost for a Home Accessibility Adaptation, the Department may hold the CMA financially liable for the increased cost.
8.500.94.B.6.d.vii. The Department or DOH may conduct on-site visits or any other investigations deemed necessary prior to approving or denying the Home Accessibility Adaptation PAR. Visit may be completed using virtual technology methods. Such approval may be granted for situations in which face-to-face meetings would pose documented safety risk (e.g. natural disaster, pandemic, etc.).
8.500.94.B.6.e.i. Home Accessibility Adaptation Providers shall conform to all general certification standards and procedures set forth in Section 8.500.98.
8.500.94.B.6.e.ii. Home Accessibility Adaptation Providers shall be licensed in the city or county in which the Home Accessibility Adaptation services will be performed, if required by that city or county.
8.500.94.B.6.e.iii. Home Accessibility Adaptation Providers shall begin work within sixty (60) days of signed approval from the Department. Extensions of time may be granted by DOH or the Department for circumstances outside of the provider's control upon request by the provider. Requests must be received within the original 60 day deadline and be supported by documentation, including Participant notification. Reimbursement may be reduced for delays in accordance with Section 8.500.94.B.6.f.vi.
1) If any changes to the approved scope of work are made without DOH or Department authorization, the cost of those changes will not be reimbursed.
2) Projects shall be completed within thirty (30) days of beginning work. Extensions of time may be granted by DOH or the Department for circumstances outside of the provider's control upon request by the provider. Requests must be received within the original 30 day deadline and be supported by documentation, including Participant notification. Reimbursement may be reduced for delays in accordance with Section 8.500.94.B.6.f.vi
8.500.94.B.6.e.iv. The Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider shall provide a one-year written warranty on materials and labor from date of final inspection on all completed work and perform work covered under that warranty at provider's expense.
1) The provider shall give the Participant or their guardian all manufacturer's or seller's warranties on completion of work.
8.500.94.B.6.e.v. The Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider shall comply with the Home Modification Benefit Construction Specifications (2018) developed by the DOH, which can be found on the Department website, and with local, and state building codes.
8.500.94.B.6.e.vi. A sample of Home Accessibility Adaptation projects set by the Department shall be inspected upon completion by DOH, a state, local or county building inspector in accordance with state, local, or county procedures, or a licensed engineer, architect, contractor or any other person as designated by the Department. Home Accessibility Adaptation projects may be inspected by DOH upon request by the Participant at any time determined to be reasonable by DOH. Participants must provide access for inspections.
1) DOH shall perform an inspection within fourteen (14) days of receipt of notification of project completion for sampled projects, or receipt of a Participant's reasonable request.
2) DOH shall produce a written inspection report within the time frame agreed upon in the Home Accessibility Adaptations work plan that notes the Participant's specific complaints. The inspection report shall be sent to the Participant, Case Manager, and provider.
3) Home Accessibility Adaptation Providers must repair or correct any noted deficiencies within twenty (20) days or the time required in the inspection report, whichever is shorter. Extensions of time may be granted by DOH or the Department for circumstances outside of the provider's control upon request by the provider. Requests must be received within the original 20 day deadline and be supported by documentation, including Participant notification. Reimbursement may be reduced for delays in accordance with Section 8.500.94.B.6.f.vi.
8.500.94.B.6.e.vii. Copies of building permits and inspection reports shall be submitted to DOH. In the event that a permit is not required, the Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider shall formally attest in their initial bid that a permit is not required. Incorrectly attesting that a permit is not required shall be a basis for non-payment or recovery of payment by the Department.
1) Volunteer work on a Home Accessibility Adaptation project approved by the Department shall be completed under the supervision of the Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider as stated on the bid.
a) Volunteer work must be performed according to Department prescribed processes and procedures found in this rule section 8.500.94.B.6.
b) Work performed by an unaffiliated party, such as, but not limited to, volunteer work performed by a friend or family of the Participant, or work performed by a private contractor hired by the Participant or family, must be described and agreed upon, in writing, by the provider responsible for completing the Home Accessibility Adaptation, according to Department prescribed processes and procedures found in this rule section 8.500.94.B.6.
8.500.94.B.6.f.i Payment for Home Accessibility Adaptation services shall be the prior authorized amount or the amount billed, whichever is lower. Reimbursement shall be made in two equal payments.
8.500.94.B.6.f.ii. The Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider may submit a claim for an initial payment of no more than fifty percent of the project cost for materials, permits, and initial labor costs.
8.500.94.B.6.f.iii. The Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider may submit a claim for final payment when the Home Accessibility Adaptation project has been completed satisfactorily as shown by the submission of the following documentation to DOH:
1) Signed lien waivers for all labor and materials, including lien waivers from sub-contractors;
2) Required permits;
3) One-year written warranty on materials and labor; and
4) Documentation in the Participant's file that the Home Accessibility Adaptation has been completed satisfactorily through:
a) Receipt of the inspection report approving work from the state, county, or local building, plumbing, or electrical inspector;
b) Approval by the Participant, representative, or other designee;
c) Approval by the homeowner or property manager;;
d) A final on-site inspection report by DOH or its designated inspector; or
e) DOH acceptance of photographs taken both before and after the Home Accessibility Adaptation.
8.500.94.B.6.f.iv. If DOH notifies a Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider that an additional inspection is required, the provider may not submit a claim for final payment until DOH has received documentation of a satisfactory inspection report for that additional inspection.
8.500.94.B.6.f.v. The Home Accessibility Provider shall only be reimbursed for materials and labor for work that has been completed satisfactorily and as described on the approved Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider Bid form or Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider Change Order form.
1) All required repairs noted on inspections shall be completed before the Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider submits a final claim for reimbursement.
2) If a Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider has not completed work satisfactorily, DOH shall determine the value of the work completed satisfactorily by the provider during an inspection. The provider shall only be reimbursed for the value of the work completed satisfactorily.
a) A Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider may request DOH perform one (1) reconsideration of the value of the work completed satisfactorily. This request may be supported by an independent appraisal of the work, performed at the provider's expense.
8.500.94.B.6.f.vi. Reimbursement may be reduced at a rate of 1% (one percent) of the total project amount every seven (7) calendar days beyond the deadlines required for project completion, including correction of all noted deficiencies in the inspection report.
1) Extensions of time may be granted by DOH or the Department for circumstances outside of the provider's control upon request by the provider. Requests must be received within the original 7 day deadline and be supported by documentation, including Participant notification.
2) The Home Accessibility Adaptation reimbursement reduced pursuant to this subsection shall be considered part of the Participant's remaining funds.
8.500.94.B.6.f.vii. The Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider shall not be reimbursed for the purchase of DME available as a Medicaid state plan benefit to the Participant. The Home Accessibility Adaptation Provider may be reimbursed for the installation of DME if such installation is outside of the scope of the Participant's DME benefit.
7. Home Delivered Meals as defined at Section 8.553.1.
8. Homemaker services are provided in the Client's home and are allowed when the Client's disability creates a higher volume of household tasks or requires that household tasks are performed with greater frequency. There are two types of homemaker services:
a. Basic homemaker services include cleaning, completing laundry, completing basic household care or maintenance within the Client's primary residence only in the areas where the Client frequents.
i) Assistance may take the form of hands-on assistance including actually performing a task for the Client or cueing to prompt the Client to perform a task.
ii) Lawn care, snow removal, air duct cleaning, and animal care are specifically excluded under the HCBS-SLS waiver and shall not be reimbursed.
b. Enhanced homemaker services include basic homemaker services with the addition of either procedures for habilitation or procedures to perform extraordinary cleaning
i) Habilitation services shall include direct training and instruction to the Client in performing basic household tasks including cleaning, laundry, and household care which may include some hands-on assistance by actually performing a task for the Client or enhanced prompting and cueing.
ii) The provider shall be physically present to provide step-by-step verbal or physical instructions throughout the entire task:
1) When such support is incidental to the habilitative services being provided, and
2) To increase the independence of the Client,
iii) Incidental basic homemaker service may be provided in combination with enhanced homemaker services; however, the primary intent must be to provide habilitative services to increase independence of the Client.
iv) Extraordinary cleaning are those tasks that are beyond routine sweeping, mopping, laundry or cleaning and require additional cleaning or sanitizing due to the Client's disability.
9. Life Skills Training (LST) as defined at Section 8.553.1.
10. Mentorship services are provided to Clients to promote self-advocacy through methods such as instructing, providing experiences, modeling and advising and include:
a. Assistance in interviewing potential providers,
b. Assistance in understanding complicated health and safety issues,
c. Assistance with participation on private and public boards, advisory groups and commissions, and
d. Training in child and infant care for Clients who are parenting children.
e. Mentorship services shall not duplicate case management or other HCBS-SLS waiver services.
f. Mentorship services are limited to one hundred and ninety-two (192) units (forty-eight (48) hours) per service-plan year. One (1) unit is equal to fifteen (15) minutes of service.
g. Units to provide training to Clients for child and infant care shall be prior authorized beyond the one hundred and ninety-two (192) units per service plan year in accordance with Operating Agency procedures.
11. Non-medical transportation services enable Clients to gain access to day habilitation, prevocational and supported employment services. A bus pass or other public conveyance may be used only when it is more cost effective than or equivalent to the applicable mileage band
a. Whenever possible, family, neighbors, friends, or community agencies that can provide this service without charge must be utilized and documented in the service plan.
b. Non-medical transportation to and from day program shall be reimbursed based on the applicable mileage band. Non-medical transportation services to and from day program are limited to five hundred and eight (508) units per service plan year. A unit is a per-trip charge assessed each way to and from day habilitation and supported employment services.
c. Transportation provided to destinations other than to day program or supported employment is limited to four (4) trips per week reimbursed at mileage band one
d. Non-Medical Transportation does not replace medical transportation required under 42 C.F.R. 440.170. Non-emergency medical transportation is a benefit under the Medicaid State Plan, defined at 42 C.F.R. Section 440.170(a)(4).
12. Peer Mentorship as defined at Section 8.553.
13. Personal Care is assistance to enable a Client to accomplish tasks that the Client would complete without assistance if the Client did not have a disability. This assistance may take the form of hands-on assistance by actually performing a task for the Client or cueing to prompt the Client to perform a task. Personal care services include:
a. Personal care services include:
i) Assistance with basic self-care including hygiene, bathing, eating, dressing, grooming, bowel, bladder and menstrual care.
ii) Assistance with money management,
iii) Assistance with menu planning and grocery shopping, and
iv) Assistance with health related services including first aide, medication administration, assistance scheduling or reminders to attend routine or as needed medical, dental and therapy appointments, support that may include accompanying Clients to routine or as needed medical, dental, or therapy appointments to ensure understanding of instructions, doctor's orders, follow up, diagnoses or testing required, or skilled care that takes place out of the home.
b. Personal care services may be provided on an episodic, emergency or on a continuing basis. When personal care service is required, it shall be covered to the extent the Medicaid state plan or third party resource does not cover the service.
c. If the annual functional needs assessment identifies a possible need for skilled care: then the Client shall obtain a home health assessment.
i. The Client shall obtain a home health assessment, or
ii. The Client shall be informed of the option to direct his/her health maintenance activities pursuant to Section 8.510, et seq.
14. Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) is an electronic device that enables Clients to secure help in an emergency. The Client may also wear a portable "help" button to allow for mobility. PERS services are covered when the PERS system is connected to the Client's phone and programmed to a signal a response center when a "help" button is activated, and the response center is staffed by trained professionals.
a. The Client and the Client's case manager shall develop a protocol for identifying who should to be contacted if the system is activated.
15. Professional services are provided by licensed, certified, registered or accredited professionals and the intervention is related to an identified medical or behavioral need. Professional services include:
a. Hippotherapy includes a therapeutic treatment strategy that uses the movement of the horse to assist in the development or enhancement of skills including gross motor, sensory integration, attention, cognitive, social, behavior and communication.
b. Movement therapy includes the use of music or dance as a therapeutic tool for the habilitation, rehabilitation and maintenance of behavioral, developmental, physical, social, communication, or gross motor skills and assists in pain management and cognition.
c. Massage includes the physical manipulation of muscles to ease muscle contractures or spasms, increase extension and muscle relaxation and decrease muscle tension and includes watsu.
d. Professional services may be reimbursed only when:
i) The provider is licensed, certified, registered or accredited by an appropriate national accreditation association in the profession,
ii) The intervention is related to an identified medical or behavioral need, and
iii) The Medicaid State plan therapist or physician identifies the need for the service, establishes the goal for the treatment and monitors the progress of that goal at least quarterly.
e. A pass to community recreation centers shall only be used to access professional services and when purchased in the most cost effective manner including day passes or monthly passes.
f. The following services are excluded under the HCBS Waiver from reimbursement;
i) Acupuncture,
ii) Chiropractic care,
iii) Fitness trainer
iv) Equine therapy,
v) Art therapy,
vi) Warm water therapy,
vii) Experimental treatments or therapies, and.
viii) Yoga.
16. Respite service is provided to Clients on a short-term basis, because of the absence or need for relief of the primary caregivers of the Client.
a. Respite may be provided:
i) In the Client's home and private place of residence,
ii) The private residence of a respite care provider, or
iii) In the community.
b. Respite shall be provided according to individual or group rates as defined below:
i) Individual: the Client receives respite in a one-on-one situation. There are no other Clients in the setting also receiving respite services. Individual respite occurs for ten (10) hours or less in a twenty-four (24)-hour period.
ii) Individual Day: the Client receives respite in a one-on-one situation for cumulatively more than 10 hours in a 24-hour period. A full day is 10 hours or greater within a 24- hour period.
iii) Overnight Group: the Client receives respite in a setting which is defined as a facility that offers 24-hour supervision through supervised overnight group accommodations. The total cost of overnight group within a 24-hour period shall not exceed the respite daily rate.
iv) Group: the Client receives care along with other individuals, who may or may not have a disability. The total cost of group within a 24-hour period shall not exceed the respite daily rate.
c. The following limitations to respite services shall apply:
i) Federal financial participation shall not be claimed for the cost of room and board except when provided as part of respite care furnished in a facility approved pursuant to. by the state that is not a private residence.
ii) Overnight group respite may not substitute for other services provided by the provider such as personal care, behavioral services or services not covered by the HCBS-SLS Waiver.
iii) Respite shall be reimbursed according to a unit rate or daily rate whichever is less. The daily overnight group respite rate shall not exceed the respite daily rate.
17. Remote Supports means services as defined at Section 8.488
18. Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies include: devices, controls, or appliances that are required due to the Client's disability and that enable the Client to increase the Client's ability to perform activities of daily living or to safely remain in the home and community. Specialized medical equipment and supplies include:
a. Kitchen equipment required for the preparation of special diets if this results in a cost savings over prepared foods;
b. Specially designed clothing for a Client if the cost is over and above the costs generally incurred for a Client's clothing;
c. Maintenance and upkeep of specialized medical equipment purchased through the HCBS-SLS waiver.
d. The following items are specifically excluded under the HCBS-SLS waiver and not eligible for reimbursement::
i) Items that are not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the Client are specifically excluded under the HCBS-SLS waiver and not eligible for reimbursement. These include but are not limited to; vitamins, food supplements, any food items, prescription or over the counter medications, topical ointments, exercise equipment, hot tubs, water walkers, resistance water therapy pools, experimental items or wipes for any purpose other incontinence.
19. Supported Employment services includes intensive, ongoing supports that enable a Client, for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely absent the provision of supports, and who because of the Client's disabilities needs supports to perform in a regular work setting.
a. Supported employment may include assessment and identification of vocational interests and capabilities in preparation for job development and assisting the Client to locate a job or job development on behalf of the Client.
b. Supported employment may be delivered in a variety of settings in which Clients have the opportunity to interact regularly with individuals without disabilities, other than those individuals who are providing services to the Client.
c. Supported employment is work outside of a facility-based site, that is owned or operated by an agency whose primary focus is service provision to persons with developmental disabilities,
d. Supported employment is provided in community jobs or mobile crews.
e. Group employment including mobile crews shall not exceed eight Clients.
f. Supported employment includes activities needed to sustain paid work by Clients including supervision and training.
g. When supported employment services are provided at a work site where individuals without disabilities are employed, service is available only for the adaptations, supervision and training required by a Client as a result of the Client's disabilities.
h. Documentation of the Client's application for services through the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Division for Vocational Rehabilitation shall be maintained in the file of each Client receiving this service. Supported employment is not available under a program funded under Section 110 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1400, et seq.).
i. Supported employment does not include reimbursement for the supervisory activities rendered as a normal part of the business setting.
j. Supported employment shall not take the place of nor shall it duplicate services received through the Division for Vocational Rehabilitation.
k. The limitation for supported employment services is seven thousand one hundred and twelve (7,112) units per service plan year. One (1) unit equals fifteen (15) minutes of service.
l. The following are not a benefit of supported employment and shall not be reimbursed:
i) Incentive payments, subsidies or unrelated vocational training expenses, such as incentive payments made to an employer to encourage or subsidize the employer's participation in a supported employment,
ii) Payments that are distributed to users of supported employment, and
iii) Payments for training that are not directly related to a Client's supported employment.
20. Transition Setup as defined at Section 8.553.1.
21. Vehicle modifications are adaptations or alterations to an automobile or van that is the Client's primary means of transportation; to accommodate the special needs of the Client; are necessary to enable the Client to integrate more fully into the community; and to ensure the health and safety of the Client.
a. Upkeep and maintenance of the modifications are allowable services.
b. Items and services specifically excluded from reimbursement under the HCBS Waiver include:
i) Adaptations or improvements to the vehicle that are not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the Client,
ii) Purchase or lease of a vehicle, and
iii) Typical and regularly scheduled upkeep and maintenance of a vehicle.
c. The total cost of home accessibility adaptations, vehicle modifications, and assistive technology shall not exceed $10,000 over the five (5) year life of the HCBS Waiver except that on a case by case basis the Operating Agency may approve a higher amount. Such requests shall ensure the health and safety of the Client, enable the Client to function with greater independence in the home, or decrease the need for paid assistance in another HCBS-SLS Waiver service on a long-term basis. Approval for a higher amount will include a thorough review of the current request as well as past expenditures to ensure cost-efficiency, prudent purchases and no duplication.
22. Vision services include eye exams or diagnosis, glasses, contacts or other medically necessary methods used to improve specific dysfunctions of the vision system when delivered by a licensed optometrist or physician for a Client who is at least 21 years of age
a. Lasik and other similar types of procedures are only allowable when:
b. The procedure is necessary due to the Client's documented specific behavioral complexities that result in other more traditional remedies being impractical or not cost effective, and
c. Prior authorized in accordance with Operating Agency procedures.

Participant direction of HCBS-SLS waiver services is authorized pursuant to the provisions of the federally approved Home and Community-Based Supported Living Services (HCBS-SLS) Waiver, CO.0293 and Section 25.5-6-1101, et seq. C.R.S.

1. Participants may choose to direct their own services through the Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services delivery OPTION SET FORTH at Section 8.510, et seq.
2. Services that may be participant-directed UNDER THIS OPTION are as follows:
i) Personal Care as defined at Section 8.500.94.B.12
ii) Homemaker services as defined at Section 8.500.94.B.8
iii) Health Maintenance Activities as defined at Section 8.500.94.B.5
3. The case manager shall conduct the case management functions SET FORTH at Section 8.510.14, et seq.

The Case Management Agency shall complete a service plan for each Client enrolled in the HCBS-SLS waiver in accordance with Section 8.519.11.B.2

8.500.95.D The Service Plan must be reported in the Department prescribed system and include the following employment information for individuals eligible for or receiving Supported Employment services, if applicable:
1. Sector and type of employment.
2. Mean wage per hour earned.
3. Mean hours worked per week.
8.500.96.A When the federally approved waiver capacity has been met, persons determined eligible to receive services under the HCBS-SLS, shall be eligible for placement on a waiting list for services.
8.500.96.B Waiting lists for persons eligible for the HCBS-SLS waiver program shall be administered by the Community Centered Boards, uniformly administered throughout the State and in accordance with these rules and the Operating Agency's procedures.
8.500.96.C Persons determined eligible shall be placed on the waiting list for services in the Community Centered Board service area of residency.
8.500.96.D Persons who indicate a serious intent to move to another service area should services become available shall be placed on the waiting list in that service area. Placement on a waiting list in a service area other than the area of residency shall be in accordance with criteria established in the Operating Agency's procedures for placement on a waiting list in a service area other than the area of residency.
8.500.96.E The date used to establish a person's placement on a waiting list shall be:
1. The date on which eligibility for developmental disabilities services in Colorado was originally determined; or
2. The fourteenth (14th) birth date if a child is determined eligible prior to the age of fourteen and is waiting for adult services.
8.500.96.F As openings become available in the HCBS-SLS waiver program in a designated service area, persons shall be considered for services in order of placement on the local Community Centered Board's waiting list and with regard to an appropriate match to services and supports. Exceptions to this requirement shall be limited to:
1. Emergency situations where the health, safety, and welfare of the person or others is greatly endangered and the emergency cannot be resolved in another way. Emergencies are defined as follows:
a. Homeless: the person does not have a place to live or is in imminent danger of losing his/her place of abode.
b. Abusive or Neglectful Situation: the person is experiencing ongoing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect in his/her present living situation and his/her health, safety or well-being are in serious jeopardy.
c. Danger to Others: the person's behavior or psychiatric condition is such that others in the home are at risk of being hurt by him/her. Sufficient supervision cannot be provided by the current caretaker to ensure the safety of persons in the community.
d. Danger to Self: a person's medical, psychiatric or behavioral challenges are such that s/he is seriously injuring/harming himself/herself or is in imminent danger of doing so.
e. The Legislature has appropriated funds specific to individuals or to a specific class of persons.
f.. If an eligible individual is placed on a waiting list for SLS waiver services, a written notice, including information regarding the Client appeals process, shall be sent to the individual and/or his/her legal guardian in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.057, et seq.
8.500.97.A A Client or the Client's family or guardian is responsible for:
1. Providing accurate information regarding the Client's ability to complete activities of daily living,
2. Assisting in promoting the Client's independence,
3. [no text]
4. Cooperating in the determination of financial eligibility,
5. Notifying the case manager within thirty (30) days after:
a. Changes in the Client's support system, medical condition and living situation including any hospitalizations, emergency room admissions,
b. Placement to a nursing home or intermediate care facility for the individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF-IID),
c. The Client has not received an HCBS waiver service during one (1) month
d. Changes in the Client's care needs,
e. Problems with receiving HCBS-SLS waiver services, and
f. Changes that may affect Medicaid financial eligibility including prompt report of changes in income or assets.
8.500.98.A A private for profit or not for profit agency or government agency shall meet minimum provider qualifications as set forth in the HCBS-SLS waiver and shall:,
1. Conform to all state established standards for the specific services they provide under HCBS-SLS,
2. Maintain program approval and certification from the Operating Agency,
3. Maintain and abide by all the terms of their Medicaid provider agreement with the Department and with all applicable rules and regulations set forth in Section 8.130,
4. Discontinue HCBS-SLS services to a Client only after documented efforts have been made to resolve the situation that triggers such discontinuation or refusal to provide services.
5. Have written policies governing access to duplication and dissemination of information from the Client's records in accordance with state statutes on confidentiality of information at Section 25.5-1-116, C.R.S.
6. When applicable, maintain the required licenses from the Colorado Department of Public Health And Environment, and
7. Maintain Client records to substantiate claims for reimbursement according to Medicaid standards.
8.500.98.B HCBS-SLS providers shall comply with:
1. All applicable provisions of Title 27, Article 10.5, C.R.S., and the rules and regulations as set forth in Section 8.600.
2. All federal program reviews and financial audits of the HCBS-SLS waiver services,
3. The Operating Agency's on-site certification reviews for the purpose of program approval, on-going program approval, monitoring or financial and program audits,
4. Requests from the county Departments of Social/Human Services to access records of Clients receiving services held by case management agencies as required to determine and re-determine Medicaid eligibility;
5. Requests by the Department or the Operating Agency to collect, review and maintain individual or agency information on the HCBS-SLS waiver, and
6. Requests by the case management agency to monitor service delivery through targeted case management activities.
8.500.98.C Supported Employment provider training and certification requirements
1. Supported Employment service providers, including Supported Employment professionals who provide individual competitive integrated employment, as defined in 34 C.F.R. 361.5(c)(9) (2018), which is incorporated herein by reference, and excluding professionals providing group or other congregate services (Providers), must comply with the following training and certification requirements. The incorporation of 34 C.F.R. 361.5(c)(9) (2018) excludes later amendments to, or editions of, the referenced material. Pursuant to Section 24-4-103 (12.5), the Department maintains copies of this incorporated text in its entirety, available for public inspection during regular business hours at: Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, 1570 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203. Certified copies of the incorporated material will be provided at cost upon request.
a. Subject to the availability of appropriations for reimbursement in section 8.500.104.G, Providers must obtain a nationally recognized Supported Employment training certificate (Training Certificate) or a nationally recognized Supported Employment certification (Certification).
i. Deadlines.
1) Existing staff, employed by the Provider on or before July 1, 2019, must obtain a Training Certificate or a Certification no later than July 1, 2024.
2) Newly hired staff, employed by the Provider after July 1, 2019, must obtain a Training Certificate or a Certification no later than July 1, 2024.
a) Beginning July 1, 2024, newly hired staff must be supervised by existing staff until the newly hired staff has obtained the required Training Certificate or Certification.
ii. Department approval required.
1) The Training Certificate or Certification required under section 8.500.98.C.1.a must be pre-approved by the Department.
a) Providers must submit the following information to the Department for pre-approval review:
i) Provider name.
ii) A current Internal Revenue Service Form W-9.
iii) Seeking approval for:
1. Training Certificate, or
2. Certification, or
3. Training Certificate and Certification.
iv) Name of training, if applicable, including:
1. Number of staff to be trained.
2. Documentation that the training is nationally recognized, which includes but is not limited to, standards that are set and approved by a relevant industry group or governing body nationwide.
v) Name of Certification, if applicable, including:
1. Number of staff to receive Certification.
2. Documentation that the Certification is nationally recognized, which includes but is not limited to, standards that are set and approved by a relevant industry group or governing body nationwide.
vi) Dates of training, if applicable, including:
1. Whether a certificate of completion is received.
vii) Date of Certification exam, if applicable.
b) Department approval will be based on alignment with the following core competencies:
i) Core values and principles of Supported Employment, including the following:
1. The priority is employment for all working-age persons with disabilities and that all people are capable of full participation in employment and community life. These values and principles are essential to successfully providing Supported Employment services.
ii) The Person-centered process, including the following:
1. The process that identifies the strengths, preferences, needs (clinical and support), and desired outcomes of the individual and individually identified goals and preferences related to relationships, community participation, employment, income and savings, healthcare and wellness, and education. The Person-centered approach includes working with a team where the individual chooses the people involved on the team and receives: necessary information and support to ensure he or she is able to direct the process to the maximum extent possible; effective communication; and appropriate assessment.
iii) Individualized career assessment and planning, including the following:
1. The process used to determine the individual's strengths, needs, and interests to support career exploration and leads to effective career planning, including the consideration of necessary accommodations and benefits planning.
iv) Individualized job development, including the following:
1. Identifying and creating individualized competitive integrated employment opportunities for individuals with significant disabilities, which meet the needs of both the employer and the individuals. This competency includes negotiation of necessary disability accommodations.
v) Individualized job coaching, including the following:
1. Providing necessary workplace supports to Clients with significant disabilities to ensure success in competitive integrated employment and resulting in a reduction in the need for paid workplace supports over time.
vi) Job Development, including the following:
1. Effectively engaging employers for the purpose of community job development for Clients with significant disabilities, which meets the needs of both the employer and the Client.
c) The Department, in consultation with the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, will either grant or deny approval and notify the Provider of its determination within 30 days of receiving the pre-approval request under 8.500.98.C.1.a.ii.1.a.
8.500.99.A The Department may deny or terminate an HCBS-SLS Medicaid provider agreement when:
1. The provider is in violation of any applicable certification standard or provision of the provider agreement and does not adequately respond to a corrective action plan within the prescribed period of time. The termination shall follow procedures at Section 8.130 et seq,
2. A change of ownership occurs. A change in ownership shall constitute a voluntary and immediate termination of the existing provider agreement by the previous owner of the agency and the new owner must enter into a new provider agreement prior to being reimbursed for HCBS-SLS services,
3. The provider or its owner has previously been involuntarily terminated from Medicaid participation as any type of Medicaid service provider,
4. The provider or its owner has abruptly closed, as any type of Medicaid provider, without proper Client notification,
5. Emergency termination of any provider agreement shall be in accordance with procedures at Section 8.050, and
8.500.99.B The provider fails to comply with requirements for submission of claims pursuant to Section 8.040.2 or after actions have been taken by the Department, the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit or their authorized agents to terminate any provider agreement or recover funds.
8.500.100.A The Organized Health Care Delivery System (OHCDS) for the HCBS-SLS waiver is the Community Centered Board as designated by the Operating Agency in accordance with Section 27-1010.5-103,.
8.500.100.B The OHCDS is the Medicaid provider of record for a Client whose services are delivered through the OHCDS,
8.500.100.C The OHCDS shall maintain a Medicaid provider agreement with the Department to deliver HCBS according to the current federally approved waiver.
8.500.100.D The OHCDS may contract or employ for delivery of HCBS Waiver services.
8.500.100.E The OCHDS shall:
1. Ensure that the contractor or employee meets minimum provider qualifications as set forth in the HCBS Waiver,
2. Ensure that services are delivered according to the waiver definitions and as identified in the Client's service plan,
3. Ensure the contractor maintains sufficient documentation to support the claims submitted, and
4. Monitor the health and safety for HCBS Clients receiving services from a subcontractor.
8.500.100.F The OHCDS is authorized to subcontract and negotiate reimbursement rates with providers in compliance with all federal and state regulations regarding administrative, claim payment and rate setting requirements. The OCHDS shall:
1. Establish reimbursement rates that are consistent with efficiency, economy and quality of care,
2. Establish written policies and procedures regarding the process that will be used to set rates for each service type and for all providers,
3. Ensure that the negotiated rates are sufficient to promote quality of care and to enlist enough providers to provide choice to Clients,
4. Negotiate rates that are in accordance with the Operating Agency's established fee for service rate schedule and Operating Agency procedures,
a. Manually priced items that have no maximum allowable reimbursement rate assigned, nor a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP), shall be reimbursed at the lesser of the submitted charges or the sum of the manufacturer's invoice cost, plus 13.56 percent.
5. Collect and maintain the data used to develop provider rates and ensure data includes costs for services to address the Client's needs, that are allowable activities within the HCBS service definition and that supports the established rate,
6. Maintain documentation of provider reimbursement rates and make it available to the Department, its Operating Agency or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and
7. Report by August 31 of each year, the names, rates and total payment made to the contractor.

Prior Authorization Requests (PAR) shall be in accordance with Section 8.519.14

8.500.102.A The service plan authorization limit (SPAL) sets an upper payment limit of total funds available to purchase services to meet a Client's ongoing service needs within one (1) service plan year.
8.500.102.B The following services are not subject to the service plan authorization limit: non-medical transportation, dental services, vision services, assistive technology, home accessibility adaptations, vehicle modifications, health maintenance activities available under the Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS), home delivered meals, life skills training, peer mentorship, transition setup, individual job coaching, individual job development, job placement, workplace assistance, and benefits planning.
8.500.102.C The total of all HCBS-SLS services in one service plan shall not exceed the overall authorization limitation as set forth in the federally approved HCBS-SLS waiver.
8.500.102.D Each SPAL is assigned a specific dollar amount determined through an analysis of historical utilization of authorized waiver services, total reimbursement for services, and the spending authority for the HCBS-SLS waiver. Adjustments to the SPAL amount may be determined by the Department and Operating Agency as necessary to manage waiver costs.
8.500.102.E Each SPAL is associated with one of the six support levels determined by an algorithm which analyzes the level of support needed by a Client as determined by the SIS assessment, and additional factors, including whether a Client meets the definition of Public Safety Risk-Convicted, Public Safety Risk-Non Convicted, and Extreme Safety Risk to Self..
8.500.102.F The SPAL determination shall be implemented in a uniform manner statewide and the SPAL amount is not subject to appeal.
1. If a Client's HCBS waiver eligibility and/or services are adversely affected at any time, the Client will be sent their appeal rights as required at 8.612.4.E. and 8.057.2.A (10 C.C.R. 2505-10).
8.500.102.G The Department and/or Utilization Review Contractor (URC) shall implement an Exception Review to allow a Member's SPAL and/ or HCBS unit limitations to be exceeded in certain situations.
1. To be eligible for the Exception Review Process, the following shall be demonstrated:
a. The Client must be at risk for seeking an emergency Developmental Disability (DD) waiver enrollment because one or more of the following criteria such as listed below are not currently being met through other Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and or State Plan services:
i. Medically fragile with skilled care needs;
ii. Behavioral and/or Mental Health needs;
iii. Criminal convictions and/or law enforcement involvement;
iv. Homelessness;
v. Mistreatment, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation (MANE) reports with potential need to remove from home;
vi. Extreme danger to self/others;
vii. Caregiver capacity or;
viii. 1:1 supervision needed.
b. The Client must demonstrate that less than 10% of current SPAL remains; or
c. The Client must demonstrate that the current rate of utilization of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) will exhaust the number of approved units prior to the Client's regularly scheduled monitoring.
2. When a client is eligible for the Exception Review Process, the Case Manager (CM) shall send the following documentation to the URC for review:
a. "Request for Exception Review Process" form;
b. Service Plan;
c. PAR; and,
d. Any documentation from current providers that demonstrate need to exceed service limitation caps for additional planned services.
3. The URC shall review and approve or deny the Exception Review Process requests made.
a. Upon completion of the review, the URC shall notify the CM of the outcome.
i. The outcome letter shall include the reason for approval or denial, and/ or any information on partial approvals or negotiated outcomes.
b. The URC shall compete the review in accordance with the timelines as identified in their contract.
4. The Exception Review Process shall not be used in place of a Support Level Review or request for a Support Intensity Scale (SIS) reassessment. Provider rates shall not be changed based on the outcome of the Exception Review Process.
5. The Exception Review Process shall be implemented in a uniform manner applied to Members statewide, but outcomes shall be based on individual needs and circumstances. The Exception Review Process outcome is not an adverse action subject to appeal.
a. If a Client's HCBS waiver eligibility and/or services are adversely affected at any time, the Client will be sent their appeal rights as required at 8.612.4.E. and 8.057.2.A (10 C.C.R. 2505-10).
8.500.103.A Services provided to a Client are subject to a retrospective review by the Department and the Operating Agency. This retrospective review shall ensure that services:
1. Identified in the PCSP are based on the Client's identified needs as stated in the LOC Screen.
2. Have been requested and approved prior to the delivery of services,
3. Provided to a Client are in accordance with the PCSP and
4. Provided are within the specified HCBS service definition in the federally approved HCBS-SLS waiver,
8.500.103.B When the retrospective review identifies areas of non compliance, the case management agency or provider shall be required to submit a plan of correction that is monitored for completion by the Department and the Operating Agency.
8.500.103.C The inability of the provider to implement a plan of correction within the timeframes identified in the plan of correction may result in temporary suspension of claims payment or termination of the provider agreement.
8.500.103.D When the provider has received reimbursement for services and the review by the Department or Operating Agency identifies that it is not in compliance with requirements, the amount reimbursed will be subject to the reversal of claims, recovery of amount reimbursed, suspension of payments, or termination of provider status
8.500.104.A Providers shall submit claims directly to the Department's fiscal agent through the Medicaid management information system (MMIS); or through a qualified billing agent enrolled with the Department's fiscal agent.
8.500.104.B Provider claims for reimbursement shall be made only when the following conditions are met:
1. Services are provided by a qualified provider as specified in the federally approved HCBS-SLS waiver,
2. Services have been prior authorized,
3. Services are delivered in accordance with the frequency, amount, scope and duration of the service as identified in the Client's service plan, and
4. Required documentation of the specific service is maintained and sufficient to support that the service is delivered as identified in the service plan and in accordance with the service definition.
8.500.104.C Provider claims for reimbursement shall be subject to review by the Department and the Operating Agency. This review may be completed after payment has been made to the provider.
8.500.104.D When the review identifies areas of noncompliance, the provider shall be required to submit a plan of correction that is monitored for completion by the Department and the Operating Agency.
8.500.104.E When the provider has received reimbursement for services and the review by the Department or Operating Agency identifies that the service delivered or the claim submitted is not in compliance with requirements, the amount reimbursed will be subject to the reversal of claims, recovery of amount reimbursed, suspension of payments, or termination of provider status.
8.500.104.F Except where otherwise noted, payment is based on a statewide fee schedule. State developed fee schedule rates are the same for both public and private providers and the fee schedule and any annual/periodic adjustments to the fee schedule are published in the provider bulletin accessed through the Department's fiscal agent's web site.
8.500.104.G Reimbursement for Supported Employment Training Certificate or Certification, or both, under section 8.500.98.C.1.a, which includes both the cost of attending a training or obtaining a certification, or both, and the wages paid to employees during training, is available only if appropriations have been made to the Department to reimburse providers for such costs.
1. Providers seeking reimbursement for a completed Training Certificate or Certification approved under section 8.500.98.C.1.a .ii.1.c must submit the following to the Department:
a. Supported Employment Providers must submit all Training Certificate and Certification reimbursement requests to the Department within 30 days after the pre-approved date of the training or certification, except for trainings and certifications completed in June, the last month of the State Fiscal Year. All reimbursement requests for trainings or certifications completed in June must be submitted to the Department by June 30 of each year to ensure payment.
i. Reimbursement requests must include documentation of successful completion of the training or certification process, to include either a Training Certificate or a Certification, as applicable.
2. Within 30 days of receiving documentation under section 8.500.104.G.1.a, the Department will determine whether it satisfies the pre-approved Training Certificate or Certification under Section 8.500.98.C.1.a .ii and either notify the Provider of the denial or, if approved, reimburse the Provider.
a. Reimbursement is limited to the following amounts, and includes wages:
ii. Up to $300 per certification exam.
iii. Up to $1,200 for each training.
8.500.105.A The rights of a Client in the HCBS-SLS Waiver shall be in accordance with Sections 27-10.5-112 through 131, C.R.S.

Case Management Agencies shall meet the requirements set forth at Section 8.519.22

8.500.106.A The CCB shall provide the long-term care notice of action form to applicants and Clients within eleven (11) business days regarding their appeal rights in accordance with Section 8.057 et seq. when:
1. The Client or applicant is determined to not have a developmental disability,
2. The Client or applicant is found eligible or ineligible for LTSS,
3. The Client or applicant is determined eligible or ineligible for placement on a waiting list for LTSS,
4. An adverse action occurs that affects the Client's or applicant's waiver enrollment status; or,
8.500.106.B The CCB shall appear and defend its decision at the Office of Administrative Courts as described in Section 8.057 et seq. when the CCB has made a denial or other adverse action against a Client or applicant.
8.500.106.C The CCB shall notify the Case Management Agency in the Client's service plan within one (1) business day of the adverse action.
8.500.106.D The CCB shall notify the County Department of Human/Social Services income maintenance technician within ten (10) business day of an adverse action that affects Medicaid financial eligibility.
8.500.106.E The applicant or Client shall be informed of an adverse action if the Client is determined ineligible and the following:
1. The Client or applicant s detained or resides in a correctional facility, or
2. The Client or applicant enters an institute for mental health with a duration that continues for more than thirty (30) days.
8.500.107.A. The monitoring of services provided under the HCBS-SLS waiver and the health and well-being of Clients shall be the responsibility of the Operating Agency, under the oversight of the Department.
8.500.107.B. The Operating Agency shall conduct on-site surveys or cause to have on-site surveys to be done in accordance with guidelines established by the Department or the Operating Agency. The survey shall include a review of applicable Operating Agency rules and regulations and standards for HCBS-SLS.
8.500.107.C The Operating Agency, shall ensure that the case management agency fulfills its responsibilities in the following areas: development of the Individualized Plan, case management, monitoring of programs and services, and provider compliance with assurances required of these programs.
8.500.107.D The Operating Agency, shall maintain or cause to be maintained, for three years, complete files of all records, documents, communications, survey results, and other materials which pertain to the operation and service delivery of the SLS waiver program.
8.500.107.E The Operating Agency shall recommend to the Department the suspension of payment denial or termination of the Medicaid Provider Agreement for any agency which it finds to be in violation of applicable standards and which does not adequately respond with a corrective action plan to the Operating Agency within the prescribed period of time or does not fulfill a corrective action plan within the prescribed period of time.
8.500.107.F After receiving the denial or termination recommendation and reviewing the supporting documentation, the Department shall take the appropriate action.
8.500.108.A A Client who is determined to be Medicaid eligible through the application of the three hundred percent (300%) income standard at Section 8.1100.7, is required to pay a portion of the Client's income toward the cost of the Client's HCBS-SLS services after allowable income deductions.
8.500.108.B This post eligibility treatment of income (PETI) assessment shall:
1. Be calculated by the case management agency during the Client's initial assessment and continued stay review for HCBS-SLS services.
2. Be recomputed, as often as needed, by the case management agency in order to ensure the Client's continued eligibility for the HCBS-SLS waiver
8.500.108.C In calculating PETI assessment, the case management agency must deduct the following amounts, in the following order, from the Client's total income including amounts disregarded in determining Medicaid eligibility:
1. A maintenance allowance equal to three hundred percent (300%) of the current SSI-CS standard plus an earned income allowance based on the SSI treatment of earned income up to a maximum of two hundred forty-five dollars ($245) per month; and
2. For a Client with only a spouse at home, an additional amount based on a reasonable assessment of need but not to exceed the SSI standard; and
3. For a Client with a spouse plus other dependents at home, or with other dependents only at home, an amount based on a reasonable assessment of need but not to exceed the appropriate TANF grant level; and
4. Amounts for incurred expenses for medical or remedial care that are not subject to payment by a third party including:
a. Health insurance premiums (other than Medicare), deductibles. or coinsurance charges, (including Medicaid copayments)
b. Necessary medical or remedial care recognized under state law but not covered under the Medicaid State Plan.
8.500.108.D Case management agencies are responsible for informing Clients of their PETI obligation on a form prescribed by the Operating Agency.
8.500.108.E PETI payments and the corresponding assessment forms are due to the Operation Agency during the month following the month for which they are assessed.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.500

46 CR 03, February 10, 2022, effective 3/15/2023
46 CR 11, June 10, 2023, effective 6/30/2023
46 CR 13, July 10, 2023, effective 7/30/2023