10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.500

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
8.500.1 Repealed.
8.500.1 Repealed.
8.500.2 Repealed.
8.500.3 Repealed.
8.500.4 Repealed.
8.500.5 Repealed.
8.500.6 Repealed.
8.500.7.A There shall be one waiting list for persons eligible for the HCBS-DD waiver when the total capacity for enrollment or the total appropriation by the general assembly has been met.
8.500.7.B The name of a person eligible for the HCBS-DD waiver program shall be placed on the waiting list by the community centered board making the eligibility determination.
8.500.7.C When an eligible person is placed on the waiting list for HCBS-DD waiver services, a written notice of action including information regarding Client rights and appeals shall be sent to the person or the person's legal guardian in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.057 et seq.
8.500.7.D The placement date used to establish a person's order on a waiting list shall be:
1. The date on which the person was initially determined to have a developmental disability by the community centered board; or
2. The fourteenth (14) birth date if a child is determined to have a developmental disability by the community centered board prior to the age of fourteen.
8.500.7.E As openings become available in the HCBS-DD Waiver program in a designated service area, that community centered board shall report that opening to the Operating Agency.
8.500.7.F Persons whose name is on the waiting list shall be considered for enrollment to the HCBS-DD waiver in order of placement date on the waiting list. Exceptions to this requirement shall be limited to:
1. An emergency situation where the health and safety of the person or others is endangered, and the emergency cannot be resolved in another way. Persons at risk of experiencing an emergency are defined by the following criteria:
a. Homeless: the person will imminently lose their housing as evidenced by an eviction notice; or whose primary residence during the night is a public or private facility that provides temporary living accommodations; or any other unstable or non-permanent situation; or is discharging from prison or jail; or is in the hospital and does not have a stable housing situation to go upon discharge.
b. Abusive or neglectful situation: the person is experiencing ongoing physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect in the person's present living situation and the person's health, safety or well-being is in serious jeopardy.
c. Danger to others: the person's behavior or psychiatric condition is such that others in the home are at risk of being hurt by him/her. Sufficient supervision cannot be provided by the current caretaker to ensure safety of the person in the community.
d. Danger to self: a person's medical, psychiatric or behavioral challenges are such that the person is seriously injuring/harming self or is in imminent danger of doing so.
e. Loss or Incapacitation of Primary Caregiver: a person's primary caregiver is no longer in the person's primary residence to provide care; or the primary caregiver is experiencing a chronic, long-term, or life-threatening physical or psychiatric condition that significantly limits the ability to provide care; or the primary caregiver is age 65 years or older and continuing to provide care poses an imminent risk to the health and welfare of the person or primary caregiver; or, regardless of age and based on the recommendation of a professional, the primary caregiver cannot provide sufficient supervision to ensure the person's health and welfare.
8.500.7.G Enrollments may be reserved to meet statewide priorities that may include:
1. A person who is eligible for the HCBS-DD Waiver and is no longer eligible for services in the foster care system due to an age that exceeds the foster care system limits,
2. Persons who reside in long-term care institutional settings who are eligible for the HCBS-DD Waiver and have a requested to be placed in a community setting, and
3. Persons who are in an emergency situation.
8.500.7.H Enrollments shall be authorized to persons based on the criteria set forth by the general assembly in appropriations when applicable.
8.500.7.I. A person shall accept or decline the offer of enrollment within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the enrollment was offered. Reasonable effort shall be made to contact the person, family, legal guardian, or other interested party.
1. Upon a written request of the person, family, legal guardian, or other interested party an additional thirty (30) calendar days may be granted to accept or decline an enrollment offer.
2. If a person does not respond to the offer of enrollment within the allotted time, the offer is considered declined and the person will maintain their order of placement date.
8.500.8 Repealed.
8.500.9 Repealed.
8.500.10 Repealed.
8.500.11 Repealed.
8.500.12 Repealed.
8.500.13 Repealed.
8.500.14 Repealed.
8.500.15 Repealed.
8.500.16 Repealed.
8.500.17 Repealed.
8.500.18.A A Client who is determined to be Medicaid eligible through the application of the three hundred percent (300%) income standard at Section 8.100.7.A, is required to pay a portion of the Client's income toward the cost of the Client's HCBS-DD services after allowable income deductions.
8.500.18.B This Post Eligibility Treatment of Income(PETI) assessment shall:
1. Be calculated by the Case Management Agency using the form specified by the Operating Agency.
2. Be calculated during the Client's initial or continued stay review for HCB-DD services;
3. Be recomputed as often as needed, by the case management agency in order to ensure the Client's continued eligibility for the HCBS-DD waiver;
8.500.18.C In calculating PETI assessment, the case management agency must deduct the following amounts, in the following order, from the individual's total income including amounts disregarded in determining Medicaid eligibility:
1. A maintenance allowance equal to 300% the current and/SSI-CS standard plus an earned income allowance based on the SSI treatment of earned income up to a maximum of two hundred forty five dollars ($245) per month;
2. For a Client with only a spouse at home, an additional amount based on a reasonable assessment of need but not to exceed the SSI standard; and
3. For a Client with a spouse plus other dependents at home, or with other dependents only at home, an amount based on a reasonable assessment of need but not to exceed the appropriate TANF grant level; and
4. Amounts for incurred expenses for medical or remedial care that are not subject to payment by a third party including:
a. Health insurance premiums (other than Medicare), deductibles. or coinsurance charges (including Medicaid copayments); and
b. Necessary medical or remedial care recognized under State law but not covered under the Medicaid State Plan.
8.500.18.D Case Management Agencies are responsible for informing individuals of their PETI obligation on a form prescribed by the Operating Agency.
8.500.18.E PETI payments and the corresponding assessment forms are due to the Operating Agency during the month following the month for which they are assessed.
8.500.90 Repealed.
8.500.90 Repealed.
8.500.91 Repealed.
8.500.92 Repealed.
8.500.93 Repealed.
8.500.94 Repealed.

The Case Management Agency shall complete a service plan for each Client enrolled in the HCBS-SLS waiver in accordance with Section 8.519.11.B.2

8.500.95.D The Service Plan must be reported in the Department prescribed system and include the following employment information for individuals eligible for or receiving Supported Employment services, if applicable:
1. Sector and type of employment.
2. Mean wage per hour earned.
3. Mean hours worked per week.
8.500.96 Repealed.
8.500.97 Repealed.
8.500.98 Repealed.
8.500.99 Repealed.
8.500.100 Repealed.
8.500.101 Repealed.
8.500.102.A The service plan authorization limit (SPAL) sets an upper payment limit of total funds available to purchase services to meet a Client's ongoing service needs within one (1) service plan year.
8.500.102.B The following services are not subject to the service plan authorization limit: non-medical transportation, dental services, vision services, assistive technology, home accessibility adaptations, vehicle modifications, health maintenance activities available under the Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS), home delivered meals, life skills training, peer mentorship, transition setup, individual job coaching, individual job development, job placement, workplace assistance, and benefits planning.
8.500.102.C The total of all HCBS-SLS services in one service plan shall not exceed the overall authorization limitation as set forth in the federally approved HCBS-SLS waiver.
8.500.102.D Each SPAL is assigned a specific dollar amount determined through an analysis of historical utilization of authorized waiver services, total reimbursement for services, and the spending authority for the HCBS-SLS waiver. Adjustments to the SPAL amount may be determined by the Department and Operating Agency as necessary to manage waiver costs.
8.500.102.E Each SPAL is associated with one of the six support levels determined by an algorithm which analyzes the level of support needed by a Client as determined by the SIS assessment, and additional factors, including whether a Client meets the definition of Public Safety Risk-Convicted, Public Safety Risk-Non Convicted, and Extreme Safety Risk to Self..
8.500.102.F The SPAL determination shall be implemented in a uniform manner statewide and the SPAL amount is not subject to appeal.
1. If a Client's HCBS waiver eligibility and/or services are adversely affected at any time, the Client will be sent their appeal rights as required at 8.612.4.E. and 8.057.2.A (10 C.C.R. 2505-10).
8.500.102.G The Department and/or Utilization Review Contractor (URC) shall implement an Exception Review to allow a Member's SPAL and/ or HCBS unit limitations to be exceeded in certain situations.
1. To be eligible for the Exception Review Process, the following shall be demonstrated:
a. The Client must be at risk for seeking an emergency Developmental Disability (DD) waiver enrollment because one or more of the following criteria such as listed below are not currently being met through other Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and or State Plan services:
i. Medically fragile with skilled care needs;
ii. Behavioral and/or Mental Health needs;
iii. Criminal convictions and/or law enforcement involvement;
iv. Homelessness;
v. Mistreatment, Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation (MANE) reports with potential need to remove from home;
vi. Extreme danger to self/others;
vii. Caregiver capacity or;
viii. 1:1 supervision needed.
b. The Client must demonstrate that less than 10% of current SPAL remains; or
c. The Client must demonstrate that the current rate of utilization of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) will exhaust the number of approved units prior to the Client's regularly scheduled monitoring.
2. When a client is eligible for the Exception Review Process, the Case Manager (CM) shall send the following documentation to the URC for review:
a. "Request for Exception Review Process" form;
b. Service Plan;
c. PAR; and,
d. Any documentation from current providers that demonstrate need to exceed service limitation caps for additional planned services.
3. The URC shall review and approve or deny the Exception Review Process requests made.
a. Upon completion of the review, the URC shall notify the CM of the outcome.
i. The outcome letter shall include the reason for approval or denial, and/ or any information on partial approvals or negotiated outcomes.
b. The URC shall compete the review in accordance with the timelines as identified in their contract.
4. The Exception Review Process shall not be used in place of a Support Level Review or request for a Support Intensity Scale (SIS) reassessment. Provider rates shall not be changed based on the outcome of the Exception Review Process.
5. The Exception Review Process shall be implemented in a uniform manner applied to Members statewide, but outcomes shall be based on individual needs and circumstances. The Exception Review Process outcome is not an adverse action subject to appeal.
a. If a Client's HCBS waiver eligibility and/or services are adversely affected at any time, the Client will be sent their appeal rights as required at 8.612.4.E. and 8.057.2.A (10 C.C.R. 2505-10).
8.500.103.A Services provided to a Client are subject to a retrospective review by the Department and the Operating Agency. This retrospective review shall ensure that services:
1. Identified in the PCSP are based on the Client's identified needs as stated in the LOC Screen.
2. Have been requested and approved prior to the delivery of services,
3. Provided to a Client are in accordance with the PCSP and
4. Provided are within the specified HCBS service definition in the federally approved HCBS-SLS waiver,
8.500.103.B When the retrospective review identifies areas of non compliance, the case management agency or provider shall be required to submit a plan of correction that is monitored for completion by the Department and the Operating Agency.
8.500.103.C The inability of the provider to implement a plan of correction within the timeframes identified in the plan of correction may result in temporary suspension of claims payment or termination of the provider agreement.
8.500.103.D When the provider has received reimbursement for services and the review by the Department or Operating Agency identifies that it is not in compliance with requirements, the amount reimbursed will be subject to the reversal of claims, recovery of amount reimbursed, suspension of payments, or termination of provider status
8.500.104 Repealed.
8.500.105 Repealed.
8.500.106 Repealed.
8.500.107 Repealed.
8.500.108.A A Client who is determined to be Medicaid eligible through the application of the three hundred percent (300%) income standard at Section 8.1100.7, is required to pay a portion of the Client's income toward the cost of the Client's HCBS-SLS services after allowable income deductions.
8.500.108.B This post eligibility treatment of income (PETI) assessment shall:
1. Be calculated by the case management agency during the Client's initial assessment and continued stay review for HCBS-SLS services.
2. Be recomputed, as often as needed, by the case management agency in order to ensure the Client's continued eligibility for the HCBS-SLS waiver
8.500.108.C In calculating PETI assessment, the case management agency must deduct the following amounts, in the following order, from the Client's total income including amounts disregarded in determining Medicaid eligibility:
1. A maintenance allowance equal to three hundred percent (300%) of the current SSI-CS standard plus an earned income allowance based on the SSI treatment of earned income up to a maximum of two hundred forty-five dollars ($245) per month; and
2. For a Client with only a spouse at home, an additional amount based on a reasonable assessment of need but not to exceed the SSI standard; and
3. For a Client with a spouse plus other dependents at home, or with other dependents only at home, an amount based on a reasonable assessment of need but not to exceed the appropriate TANF grant level; and
4. Amounts for incurred expenses for medical or remedial care that are not subject to payment by a third party including:
a. Health insurance premiums (other than Medicare), deductibles. or coinsurance charges, (including Medicaid copayments)
b. Necessary medical or remedial care recognized under state law but not covered under the Medicaid State Plan.
8.500.108.D Case management agencies are responsible for informing Clients of their PETI obligation on a form prescribed by the Operating Agency.
8.500.108.E PETI payments and the corresponding assessment forms are due to the Operation Agency during the month following the month for which they are assessed.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.500

46 CR 03, February 10, 2022, effective 3/15/2023
46 CR 11, June 10, 2023, effective 6/30/2023
46 CR 13, July 10, 2023, effective 7/30/2023
47 CR 16, August 25, 2024, effective 9/14/2024