1 Colo. Code Regs. § 212-3-6-325

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
Section 1 CCR 212-3-6-325 - Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturing Facility: Audited Product and Alternative Use Product
A.General Rule. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer shall not Transfer Audited Product to a Retail Marijuana Store, another Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer, or a Retail Marijuana Cultivation Facility that has obtained a Centralized Distribution Permit except in accordance with all requirements of this Rule 6-325. The requirements of this Rule 6-325 are in addition to all other Rules that apply to Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturers; except where the context otherwise clearly requires this Rule 6-325 controls.
B.Audited Products- Mandatory Audit Prior to Transfer. Following submission of an independent third-party audit to the Division and, if applicable, to the Local Jurisdiction as required by this Rule, a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer may Transfer Audited Product with an intended use of:
(1) metered dose nasal spray,
(2) vaginal administration, or
(3) rectal administration.
1. A written audit report from an independent third-party auditor that was completed within the last 24 months shall be submitted to the Division and, if applicable to the Local Licensing Authority:
(i) before the first Transfer of Audited Product to any Retail Marijuana Store,
(ii) prior to Transfer of any Audited Product following a Material Change to any standard operating procedure or master formulation record regarding the Audited Product, and
(iii) with the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer's renewal application if the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer will Transfer Audited Product after renewal.
2. The independent third-party audit shall be performed by either a certified quality auditor or a certified GMP auditor. The Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer shall be responsible for all costs associated with obtaining the independent third-party audit.
3. The independent third-party written audit report shall include the following minimum requirements:
a. The independent third-party auditor's qualifications and an attestation that the certified quality auditor or certified GMP auditor has no conflict of interest;
b. Establish that the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer and the Audited Product meet all requirements of this Rule 6-325, including but not limited to the specific requirements of this Rule 6-325(C), 6-325(D), 6-325(E), 6-325(G), and 6-325(H);
c. Verify the written standard operating procedure(s) for Audited Product include sufficient and detailed step-by-step instructions on how to produce the Audited Product in a manner that prevents contamination and protects the public health and safety;
d. Verify, based upon a physical inspection, the manufacture of Audited Product by the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer adheres to all applicable standard operating procedures;
e. Verify, based upon a physical inspection, of any Licensed Premises that such Licensed Premises complies with the requirements of this Rule 6-325(E), including any Limited Access Area where the Audited Product is to be manufactured;
f. Include the independent third-party auditor's findings;
g. Include the plan of correction identifying any corrective actions and/or preventative actions implemented as a result of the findings of the independent third-party audit; and
h. Include the independent third-party auditor's assessment that the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer demonstrated compliance with all requirements of Rule 6-325 and with the requirements of all standard operating procedures, master formulation records, and Batch manufacturing records that apply to the Audited Product.
C.Products Liability Insurance. Any Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer that intends to Transfer Audited Product shall first obtain products liability insurance providing coverage for liability arising from manufacture or Transfer of Audited Product and shall provide an unredacted certificate of product liability insurance to the Division and the independent third-party auditor.
D.Audited Product Requirements. Audited Product shall meet the following minimum product requirements:
1.Inactive Ingredients. Audited Product must meet the requirements in Rule 3-335- Production of Regulated Marijuana Products.
a. If the Audited Product contains a fungicidal or bactericidal Ingredient listed in, and with a concentration that is at or below the maximum concentration permitted in, the Federal Food and Drug Administration Inactive Ingredients Database, https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/iig/index.cfm, the Audited Product is not required to undergo microbial contaminant testing required by Rules 4-115 and 4-120.
2.Required Product Development Testing. The Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must establish the Audited Product meets the following through independent third-party testing:
a. The Audited Product must deliver the amount of each cannabinoid identified on the label throughout the entire volume of the Audited Product using the intended delivery device and in accordance with the instructions provided by the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer, as demonstrated by testing at a Retail Marijuana Testing Facility.
i. For Audited Product with an intended use of metered dose nasal spray, compliance with this requirement shall be established by test results verifying the delivered dose of each cannabinoid identified on the label using the methods described in The United States Pharmacopeia Physical Test and Determination Chapter 601, Aerosols, Nasal Sprays, Metered-Dose Inhalers, and Dry Powder Inhalers.
ii. For Audited Product with an intended use of either vaginal administration or rectal administration, compliance with this testing requirement shall be established by test results demonstrating that each cannabinoid identified on the label is within +/- 15% of the amount identified on the label.
b. The expiration date identified on the label of the Audited Product is appropriate when the Audited Product is stored at room temperature, as demonstrated by testing from a Retail Marijuana Testing Facility.
c. Identification of all non-cannabis derived Ingredients and constituents in the Audited Product at concentrations of 1%, which verification is obtained from one or more of the following:
i. Testing by a Retail Marijuana Testing Facility;
ii. Testing by a laboratory that is ISO 17025 accredited but is not a Retail Marijuana Testing Facility, except that no Retail Marijuana, Retail Marijuana Concentrate, or Retail Marijuana Product may be Transferred to such a laboratory; and/or
iii. One or more certificate(s) of analysis from the manufacturer of any Ingredient or constituent included in the Audited Product.
E.Additional Production Requirements for Audited Product. In addition to all other requirements applicable to Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer, a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer that manufactures and Transfers Audited Product shall meet the following additional requirements:
1.Personnel Training. All personnel directly involved in the manufacture and handling of Audited Product must be trained, must demonstrate competency, and must undergo annual refresher training, which shall be documented and maintained at the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer's Licensed Premises. Personnel directly involved in the manufacture and handling of Audited Product must be trained and demonstrate proficiency in hand hygiene, cleaning and sanitizing, performing necessary calculations, measuring and mixing, and documenting the manufacturing process including master formulation records and batch manufacturing records.
2.Facility Requirements. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must have a space that is specifically designated for the manufacture of Audited Products that is designed and operated to prevent cross contamination from other areas of the Licensed Premises. The surfaces, walls, floors, fixtures, shelving, work surfaces, and cabinets in this designated area must be non-porous and cleanable.
3.Cleaning and Sanitizing. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must clean and sanitize surfaces where Audited Product is manufactured and handled on a regular basis and at a minimum, work surfaces and floors must be cleaned and sanitized daily. All other surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized at least every three months. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must clean and sanitize all surfaces when a spill occurs and when surfaces, floors, and walls are visibly soiled.
4.Hand Hygiene. Hand hygiene is required when entering and re-entering any area where Audited Product is manufactured and handled. Hand hygiene includes washing hands and forearms up to the elbows with soap and water for at least 30 seconds followed by drying completely with disposable towels. Alcohol hand sanitizers alone are not sufficient.
a. Gloves are required to be worn for all mixing activities. Other garb such as shoe covers, head and facial hair covers, face masks, and gowns must be worn as appropriate to protect Licensees and/or prevent contamination of the Audited Product.
5.Equipment. Mechanical, electronic, and other types of equipment used in mixing, measuring, or testing of Audited Product must be inspected prior to use and verified for accuracy at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer, and at least annually.
6.Ingredient Quality. All Ingredients used to manufacture Audited Product must be handled and stored in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Ingredients that lack a manufacturer's expiration date shall not be used if a reasonable manufacturer would not use the Ingredient or after 1 year from the date of receipt, whichever period is shorter.
7.Master Formulation Record. A master formulation record must be prepared and maintained for each unique Audited Product a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer manufactures. A master formulation record must include at least the following information:
a. Name of the Audited Product;
b. Ingredient identities and amounts;
c. Specifications on the delivery device (if applicable);
d. Complete instructions for preparing the Audited Product, including equipment, supplies, and description of the manufacturing steps;
e. Quality control procedures; and
f. Any other information needed to describe the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer's production and ensure its repeatability.
8.Batch Manufacturing Records. A batch manufacturing record shall be created for each Production Batch of Audited Product. This record shall include at the least the following information:
a. Name of the Audited Product;
b. Master formulation record reference for the Audited Product;
c. Date and time of preparation of the Audited Product;
d. Production Batch number;
e. Signature or initials of individuals involved in each manufacturing step;
f. Name, vendor, or manufacturer, Production Batch number, and expiration date of each Ingredient;
g. Weight or measurement of each Ingredient;
h. Documentation of quality control procedures;
i. Any deviations from the master formulation record, and any problems or errors experienced during the manufacture; and
j. Total quantity of the Audited Product manufactured.
F.Audited Product Testing. For each Production Batch, the Audited Product shall undergo all required testing in the 4-100 Series Rules for Retail Marijuana Product and/or Audited Product. See also Rule 4-115- Regulated Marijuana Testing Program: Sampling and Testing Program.
G.Packaging and Labeling of Audited Product. Audited Product must be packaged and labeled in accordance with all requirements of the 3-1000 Series Rules regarding packaging and labeling for Transfer to a consumer prior to any Transfer.
H.Adverse Health Event Reporting. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must report Adverse Health Events pursuant to Rule 3-920.
I.Alternative Use Designation- Any Other Method of Consumption or Administration. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer shall not Transfer to a Retail Marijuana Store, another Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer, or Retail Marijuana Cultivation Facility that has obtained a Centralized Distribution Permit any Retail Marijuana Concentrate or Retail Marijuana Product that is not within any intended use identified in Rule 3-1015(B) until it applies for and receives an Alternative Use Designation from the State Licensing Authority in consultation with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. In the process of applying for an Alternative Use Designation, the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer shall work with the Division and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to determine whether the proposed Alternative Use Product may be manufactured in a manner that does not pose a threat to public health and safety when particular independent review factors, safeguards, and tests are in place. The following are minimum requirements for any application for an Alternative Use Designation:
1. The Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer shall identify provisions of this Rule 6-325 that apply to its Alternative Use Product, any proposed additional or alternative requirements, and how any proposed alternatives protect public health and safety. The Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer shall also provide any additional information as may be requested by the Division, in consultation with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
2. The Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer bears the burden of proving its proposed Alternative Use Product may be manufactured in a manner that does not pose a threat to public health and safety when the identified independent review factors, safeguards, and tests are in place.
3. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer seeking an Alternative Use Designation shall cooperate with the Division. Failure to cooperate with the Division is grounds for denial of an Alternative Use Designation.
4. The granting of an Alternative Use Designation shall rest in the discretion of the State Licensing Authority, in consultation with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The State Licensing Authority may in his or her discretion deny an Alternative Use Designation where the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer does not meet the burden established in this Rule 6-325.
J.Alternative Use Designation- Packaging and Labeling Requirements. If the Division recommends, and the State Licensing Authority grants, an Alternative Use Designation, the State Licensing Authority, in consultation with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment shall provide the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer the appropriate statement of intended use label to be affixed to the Alternative Use Product, and any additional or distinct packaging and labeling requirements applicable to the Alternative Use Product. See Rules 3-1010 and 3-1015.
K.Required Records. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer manufacturing or Transferring Audited Product and/or Alternative Use Product shall maintain accurate and comprehensive records on the Licensed Premises regarding the manufacturing process, a list of all active and inactive Ingredients used in the Audited Product and/or Alternative Use Product, and such other documentation as required by this Rule 6-325. See Rule 3-905- Business Records Required.

1 CCR 212-3-6-325

42 CR 23, December 10, 2019, effective 1/1/2020
43 CR 21, November 10, 2020, effective 1/1/2021
44 CR 07, April 10, 2021, effective 5/1/2021
44 CR 13, July 10, 2021, effective 8/1/2021
44 CR 23, December 10, 2021, effective 1/1/2022
45 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 12/1/2022