1 Colo. Code Regs. § 212-3-6-315

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
Section 1 CCR 212-3-6-315 - Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer: Retail Marijuana Concentrate Production
A.Permitted Categories of Retail Marijuana Concentrate Production.
1. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer may produce Physical Separation-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate, Food-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate and Heat/Pressure-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate.
2. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer may also produce Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate using only the following solvents: butane, propane, CO2, ethanol, isopropanol, acetone, heptane, ethyl acetate, and pentane. The use of any other solvent is expressly prohibited unless it is approved by the Division.
3. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer may submit a request to the Division to consider the approval of solvents not permitted for use under this Rule during the next formal rulemaking.
B.General Applicability. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer that engages in the production of Retail Marijuana Concentrate, regardless of the method of extraction or category of concentrate being produced, must:
1. Ensure that the space in which any Retail Marijuana Concentrate is to be produced is a fully enclosed room and clearly designated on the current diagram of the Licensed Premises. See Rule 3-905- Business Records Required.
2. Ensure that all applicable sanitary rules are followed. See 3-300 Series Rules.
3. Ensure that the standard operating procedure for each method used to produce a Retail Marijuana Concentrate includes, but need not be limited to, step-by-step instructions on how to safely and appropriately:
a. Conduct all necessary safety checks prior to commencing production;
b. Prepare Retail Marijuana for processing;
c. Extract Cannabinoids and other essential components of Retail Marijuana;
d. Purge any solvent or other unwanted components from a Retail Marijuana Concentrate,
e. Clean all equipment, counters and surfaces thoroughly; and
f. Dispose of any waste produced during the processing of Retail Marijuana in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. See Rule 3-230- Waste Disposal.
4. Establish written and documentable quality control procedures designed to maximize safety for Owner Licensees and Employee Licensees and minimize potential product contamination.
5. Establish written emergency procedures to be followed by Owner Licensees or Employee Licensees in case of a fire, chemical spill or other emergency.
6. Have a comprehensive training manual that provides step-by-step instructions for each method used to produce a Retail Marijuana Concentrate. The training manual must include, but need not be limited to, the following topics:
a. All standard operating procedures for each method of concentrate production used;
b. The Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer's quality control procedures;
c. The emergency procedures;
d. The appropriate use of any necessary safety or sanitary equipment;
e. The hazards presented by all solvents used as described in the safety data sheet for each solvent;
f. Clear instructions on the safe use of all equipment involved in each process and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, where applicable; and
g. Any additional periodic cleaning required to comply with all applicable sanitary rules.
7. Provide adequate training to every Owner Licensee or Employee Licensee prior to that individual undertaking any step in the process of producing a Retail Marijuana Concentrate.
a. Adequate training must include, but need not be limited to, providing a copy of the training manual for that Licensed Premises and live, in-person instruction detailing at least all of the topics required to be included in the training manual.
b. The individual training an Owner Licensee or Employee Licensee must sign and date a document attesting that all required aspects of training were conducted and that he or she is confident that the Owner Licensee or Employee Licensee can safely produce a Retail Marijuana Concentrate. See Rule 3-905- Business Records Required.
c. The Owner Licensee or Employee Licensee that received the training must sign and date a document attesting that he or she can safely implement all standard operating procedures, quality control procedures, and emergency procedures, operate all closed-loop extraction systems, use all safety, sanitary and other equipment and understands all hazards presented by the solvents to be used within the Licensed Premises and any additional periodic cleaning required to maintain compliance with all applicable sanitary rules. See Rule 3-905- Business Records Required.
8. Maintain clear and comprehensive records of the name, signature and Owner Licensee or Employee License number of every individual who engaged in any step related to the creation of a Production Batch of Retail Marijuana Concentrate and the step that individual performed. See Rule 3-905- Business Records Required.
C.Physical Separation-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate, Food-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate and Heat/Pressure-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer that engages in the production of a Retail Marijuana Concentrate must:
1. Ensure that all equipment, counters and surfaces used in the production of Retail Marijuana Concentrate is food-grade including ensuring that all counters and surface areas were constructed in such a manner that it reduces the potential for the development of microbials, molds and fungi and can be easily cleaned.
2. Ensure that all equipment, counters, and surfaces used in the production of a Retail Marijuana Concentrate are thoroughly cleaned after the completion of each Production Batch.
3. Ensure that any room in which dry ice is stored or used in processing Retail Marijuana into a Retail Marijuana Concentrate is well ventilated to prevent against the accumulation of dangerous levels of CO2.
4. Ensure that the appropriate safety or sanitary equipment, including personal protective equipment, is provided to, and appropriately used by, each Owner Licensee or Employee Licensee engaged in the production of a Retail Marijuana Concentrate.
5. Ensure that only finished drinking water and ice made from finished drinking water is used in the production of a Physical Separation-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate.
6. Ensure that if propylene glycol or glycerin is used in the production of a Food-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate, then the propylene glycol or glycerin to be used is food-grade.
7. Follow all of the rules related to the production of a Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate if a pressurized system is used in the production of a Retail Marijuana Concentrate.
D.Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer that engages in the production of Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate must:
1. Obtain a report from an Industrial Hygienist or a Professional Engineer that certifies that the equipment, Licensed Premises and standard operating procedures comply with these rules and all applicable local and state building codes, fire codes, electrical codes and other laws. If a Local Jurisdiction has not adopted a local building code or fire code or if local regulations do not address a specific issue, then the Industrial Hygienist or Professional Engineer shall certify compliance with the International Building Code of 2012 (http://www.iccsafe.org), the International Fire Code of 2012 (http://www.iccsafe.org) or the National Electric Code of 2014 (http://www.nfpa.org), as appropriate. Note that this Rule does not include any later amendments or editions to each Code. The Division has maintained a copy of each code, each of which is available to the public;
a.Flammable Solvent Determinations. If a Flammable Solvent is to be used in the processing of Retail Marijuana into a Retail Marijuana Concentrate, then the Industrial Hygienist or Professional Engineer must:
i. Establish a maximum amount of Flammable Solvents and other flammable materials that may be stored within that Licensed Premises in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations;
ii. Determine what type of electrical equipment, which may include but need not be limited to outlets, lights and junction boxes, must be installed within the room in which Retail Marijuana Concentrate is to be produced or Flammable Solvents are to be stored in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations;
iii. Determine whether a gas monitoring system must be installed within the room in which Retail Marijuana Concentrate is to be produced or Flammable Solvents are to be stored, and if required the system's specifications, in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations; and
iv. Determine whether fire suppression system must be installed within the room in which Retail Marijuana Concentrate is to be produced or Flammable Solvents are to be stored, and if required the system's specifications, in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
b.CO2 Solvent Determination. If CO2 is used as solvent at the Licensed Premises, then the Industrial Hygienist or Professional Engineer must determine whether a CO2 gas monitoring system must be installed within the room in which Retail Marijuana Concentrate is to be produced or CO2 is stored, and if required the system's specifications, in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
c.Exhaust System Determination. The Industrial Hygienist or Professional Engineer must determine whether a fume vent hood or exhaust system must be installed within the room in which Retail Marijuana Concentrate is to be produced, and if required the system's specifications, in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
d.Material Change. If a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer makes a Material Change to its equipment or a concentrate production procedure, in addition to all other requirements, it must obtain a report from an Industrial Hygienist or Professional Engineer re-certifying its standard operating procedures and, if changed, its equipment as well.
e.Manufacturer's Instructions. The Industrial Hygienist or Professional Engineer may review and consider any information provided to the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer by the designer or manufacturer of any equipment used in the processing of Retail Marijuana into a Retail Marijuana Concentrate.
f.Records Retention. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must maintain copy of all reports received from an Industrial Hygienist and Professional Engineer on its Licensed Premises. Notwithstanding any other law, rule, or regulation, compliance with this Rule is not satisfied by storing these reports outside of the Licensed Premises. Instead the reports must be maintained on the Licensed Premises until the Licensee ceases production of Retail Marijuana Concentrate on the Licensed Premises.
2. Ensure that all equipment, counters and surfaces used in the production of a Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate are food-grade and do not react adversely with any of the solvents to be used in the Licensed Premises. Additionally, all counters and surface areas must be constructed in a manner that reduces the potential development of microbials, molds and fungi and can be easily cleaned;
3. Ensure that the room in which Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate shall be produced must contain an emergency eye-wash station;
4. Ensure that only a professional grade, closed-loop extraction system capable of recovering the solvent is used to produce Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate;
a.UL or ETL Listing.
i. If the system is UL or ETL listed, then a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer may use the system in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
ii. If the system is UL or ETL listed but the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer intends to use a solvent in the system that is not listed in the manufacturer's instructions for use in the system, then, prior to using the unlisted solvent within the system, the Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must obtain written approval for use of the non-listed solvent in the system from either the system's manufacturer or a Professional Engineer after the Professional Engineer has conducted a peer review of the system. In reviewing the system, the Professional Engineer shall review and consider any information provided by the system's designer or manufacturer.
iii. If the system is not UL or ETL listed, then there must a designer of record. If the designer of record is not a Professional Engineer, then the system must be peer reviewed by a Professional Engineer. In reviewing the system, the Professional Engineer shall review and consider any information provided by the system's designer or manufacturer.
b.Ethanol or Isopropanol. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer need not use a professional grade, closed-loop system extraction system capable of recovering the solvent for the production of a Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate if ethanol or isopropanol are the only solvents being used in the production process.
5. Ensure that all solvents used in the extraction process are food-grade or at least 99% pure;
a. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must obtain a safety data sheet for each solvent used or stored on the Licensed Premises. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer must maintain a current copy of the safety data sheet and a receipt of purchase for all solvents used or to be used in an extraction process. See Rule 3-905- Business Records Required.
b. A Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer is prohibited from using denatured alcohol to produce a Retail Marijuana Concentrate, unless the denaturant is an approved solvent listed in Rule 6-315(A)(2) and the alcohol and the denaturant meet all other requirements set forth in this Rule.
6. Ensure that all Flammable Solvents or other flammable materials, chemicals and waste are stored in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. At no time may a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer store more Flammable Solvent on its Licensed Premises than the maximum amount established for that Licensed Premises by the Industrial Hygienist or Professional Engineer;
7. Ensure that the appropriate safety and sanitary equipment, including personal protective equipment, is provided to, and appropriately used by, each Owner Licensee or Employee Licensee engaged in the production of a Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate; and
8. Ensure that a trained Owner Licensee or Employee Licensee is present at all times during the production of a Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate whenever an extraction process requires the use of pressurized equipment.
9.Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturers Engaged in the Remediation of Retail Marijuana for elemental impurities. Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturers engaged in the Remediation of Retail Marijuana for elemental impurities shall:
a. Implement effective cleaning procedures, additional testing plans, and other measures that will be performed to prevent cross contamination.
i. If potentially contaminated equipment, ingredients, or solvents used in the Remediation process are used for processing other 'non remediated' material, the subsequent Production Batch made using the equipment, ingredients, or solvent must then be tested for elemental impurities, and the Production Batch made using that equipment, ingredients, or solvents is not eligible for a Reduced Testing Allowance or otherwise exempt from required testing.
ii. Manufacturers must document the equipment and lots of ingredients/solvents used in Remediation to ensure this requirement is met.
b. Register as a hazardous waste generator, obtain a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ID number for manifesting hazardous waste, and must have a disposal contract in place with a hazardous waste management company prior to attempting Remediation.
c. Have a staff member who has received basic training in hazardous waste identification, storage, and disposal procedures, or hire a consultant who satisfies this criteria.
d. Regardless of which type of analyte, if the Retail Marijuana flower, wet whole plant, or trim has failed elemental impurities, the Licensee must implement Standard Operating Procedures to ensure:
i. That contaminated material is stored in a labelled container identifying the material as potentially hazardous, and that the container seals in such a way to prevent the risk of cross contamination or inhalation of dusts.
ii. That when material is removed from the sealed container and handled in any fashion (preparation, the extraction or other Remediation process, wasting, etc.), any workers exposed to dusts or particulates generated from the material must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including at minimum: gloves, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z87.1 safety glasses, and a respirator rated to protect them from airborne dusts or particulates that may contain elemental impurities. Respirators should utilize National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health rated particulate filters of sufficient grade to prevent exposure to airborne dusts that could contain elemental impurities.
A. Workers utilizing a respirator must comply with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations regarding respirator use before handling contaminated material. This includes receiving respirator clearance from a qualified professional and passing a respirator fit test before using a respirator.
e. Additional forms of environmental airborne particulate control, such as industrial air filtration systems, handling material inside of enclosures, etc. must be implemented by the Licensee to minimize the risk of exposure or cross contamination of contaminated dusts.
f. These steps must be documented in the Licensee's respiratory protection program that all employees exposed to plant material or waste products contaminated with the elemental impurities must be trained on.
g. The Licensee must establish and train employees on SOPs designed to safely handle this contaminated material and prevent cross contamination.
h. Mercury poses additional workplaces hazards since it is easily volatilized and since mercury vapor is highly toxic. Before attempting to remediate any Regulated Marijuana flower, wet whole plant, or trim that has failed elemental impurities testing and contains mercury, Licensees must additionally:
i. Work with a certified industrial hygienist to develop and implement some form of monitoring program that is capable of detecting mercury vapor concentrations in the areas where material contaminated with mercury will be processed and can be used to generate time weighted average exposures to mercury vapor. The monitoring system must be sufficient to ensure airborne concentrations of mercury do not exceed Occupational Safety and Health Administration Permissible Exposure Limits for Airborne Contaminants.
ii. Have a certified industrial hygienist approve the Licensee's air handling system for managing mercury vapors in a fashion that is compliant with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and other applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
iii. Utilize a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health rated half mask respirator with cartridges rated specifically for mercury vapor.
i. A Licensee must ensure their processes and safety practices comply with applicable federal, state, and local environmental health and safety regulations.
10.Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer Engaged in the Remediation of Retail Marijuana for Microbial Contamination. Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturers engaged in the Remediation of Retail Marijuana for microbial contamination shall:
a. Implement effective cleaning procedures, additional testing plans, and other measures that will be performed to prevent cross contamination.
b. Ensure that contaminated material is stored in a labeled container identifying the material as potentially hazardous, and that the container seals in such a way to prevent the risk of cross contamination or inhalation of dusts.
c. Ensure that when material is removed from the sealed container and handled in any fashion (preparation, the extraction or other Remediation process, wasting, etc.), any workers exposed to dusts or particulates generated from the material must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including at minimum: gloves, American National Standards (ANSI) Z87.1 safety glasses, and a respirator rated to protect them from airborne dusts or particulates that may contain elemental impurities. Respirators should utilize National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health rated particulate filters of sufficient grade to prevent exposure to airborne dusts that could contain elemental impurities.
i. Workers utilizing a respirator must comply with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations regarding respirator use before handling contaminated material. This includes receiving respirator clearance from a qualified professional and passing a respirator fit test before using a respirator.
d. Implement additional forms of environmental airborne particulate control, such as industrial air filtration systems, handling material inside of enclosures, etc. must be implemented by the Licensee to minimize the risk of exposure or cross contamination of contaminated dusts.
e. These steps must be documented in the Licensee's respiratory protection program that all employees exposed to plant material or waste products contaminated with elemental impurities must be trained on.
f. The Licensee must establish and train employees on standard operating procedures designed to safely handle this contaminated material and prevent cross contamination.
g. The Licensee must ensure their processes and safety practices comply with applicable federal, state, and local environmental health and safety regulations.
E.Ethanol and Isopropanol. If a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer only produces Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate using ethanol or isopropanol at its Licensed Premises and no other solvent, then it shall be considered exempt from paragraph D of this Rule and instead must follow the requirements in paragraph C of this Rule. Regardless of which rule is followed, the ethanol or isopropanol must be food grade or at least 99% pure and denatured alcohol cannot be used. The Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer shall comply with contaminant testing required in Rule 4-120(C)(4).
F.Violation Affecting Public Safety. Failure to comply with this Rule may constitute a license violation affecting public safety.

Basis and Purpose - 6-320

The statutory authority for this rule includes but is not limited to sections 44-10-202(1)(c), 44-10-203(1)(c), 44-10-203(2)(d), 44-10-203(1)(k), 44-10-203(2)(h), 44-10-401(2)(b)(III), and 44-10-603(10), C.R.S. The purpose of this rule is to establish the circumstances under which a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer may provide Sampling Units to a designated Sampling Manager for quality control or product development purposes. In order to maintain the integrity of Colorado's regulated Retail Marijuana Businesses, this rule establishes limits on the amount of Sampling Units a Sampling Manager may receive in a calendar month and imposes inventory tracking, reporting and recordkeeping requirements on a Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer that Transfer Sampling Units. This Rule 6-320 was previously Rule R 606, 1 CCR 212-2.

1 CCR 212-3-6-315

42 CR 23, December 10, 2019, effective 1/1/2020
43 CR 21, November 10, 2020, effective 1/1/2021
44 CR 07, April 10, 2021, effective 5/1/2021
44 CR 13, July 10, 2021, effective 8/1/2021
44 CR 23, December 10, 2021, effective 1/1/2022
45 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 12/1/2022