The provisions of C.R.S. 25-8-202(1)(a), (b) and (2); 25-8-203; 25-8-204; and 25-8-402; provide the specific statutory authority for adoption of these regulatory amendments. The Commission also adopted in compliance with 24-4-103(4) C.R.S. the following statement of basis and purpose.
At the request of the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), the Water Quality Control Commission reconsidered the segment description in Fountain Creek segment 11 in order to clarify that AFA Non-Potable Reservoir #1 is part of segment 11, and evaluated the segment's antidegradation designation. The Commission revised the segment description and decided that this reservoir should be use protected pursuant to 31.8(2)(b) because it is aquatic life warm water class 2 and there is no data to conduct the review outlined in 31.8(2)(b)(iii).
5 CCR 1002-32.53