Annual greenhouse gas emission fee:
In (1) and (3), the number of fee payers means the total number of (a) facilities reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to Regulation Number 7, Part B, Section IV. and Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section II.A.2., (b) facilities reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to Regulation Number 22 with facility CO2e emissions equal to or greater than 25,000 metric tpy, and (c) owners or operators reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to Regulation Number 7, Part B, Section V. with company-wide CO2e emissions equal to or greater than 25,000 metric tpy for the calendar year reported prior to billing (e.g., for a bill issued in 2024, calendar year 2022 emissions as reported in 2023)
In (2), $6,540,000 means the indirect and direct cost required to develop and administer the Division's programs that pertain to emissions of greenhouse gas
In (3), total emissions reported by fee payers means the total CO2e reported by owners or operators reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to (a) Regulation Number 7, Part B, Section IV. and Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section II.A.2., (b) by owners or operators reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to Regulation Number 22 with facility CO2e emissions equal to or greater than 25,000 metric tpy, and (c) by owners or operators reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to Regulation Number 7, Part B, Section V. with company-wide CO2e emissions equal to or greater than 25,000 metric tpy for the calendar year reported prior to billing (e.g., for a bill issued in 2024, calendar year 2022 emissions as reported in 2023)
In (4), the individual fee payer's reported emissions means the total CO2e reported by (a) a facility reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to Regulation Number 7, Part B, Section IV. and Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section II.A.2., (b) a facility reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to Regulation Number 22 with facility CO2e emissions equal to or greater than 25,000 metric tpy, or (c) a company reporting greenhouse gases pursuant to Regulation Number 7, Part B, Section V. with company-wide CO2e emissions equal to or greater than 25,000 metric tpy for the calendar year reported prior to billing (e.g., for a bill issued in 2024, calendar year 2022 emissions as reported in 2023)
In (6), the annual CO2e fee means the facility or company's individualized CO2e fee after considering the facility or company's proportional CO2e contribution to the total billable CO2e and the 4,000 ton limitation in 25-7-114.7(2)(a)(II), C.R.S., (2023)
Fee = 5000 * [Ea - (0.8 * Eb)] * (1 + CPI)
Fee = Clean Air Act Section 185 fee
Ea = actual emissions for the applicable fee assessment year
Eb = baseline emissions determined in accordance with Sections VI.E.4. or VI.E.5.
CPI = percent change in the Consumer Price Index
5 CCR 1001-5-A-VI