This section establishes procedures for the recording of certified emissions reductions and for their use in emission credit transactions. These procedures are intended to:
This section applies to any pollutant regulated under the Colorado Air Quality Control Act or the regulations promulgated there under in all attainment, attainment/maintenance, and nonattainment areas of the state. This section does not apply to emissions trading under permit caps in Section IV.C. of Part A.
The change in concentration from the before-trade case to the after-trade case must, in general, be modeled using refined models for each appropriate averaging time for the relevant national ambient air quality standards for each receptor, using the most recent full year of meteorological data. Other techniques may be approved where sources show they equally well protect national ambient air quality standards, applicable Prevention of Significant Deterioration increments, and visibility.
For example, in limited circumstances conservative screening models may be acceptable in lieu of refined models. In such cases, use of a full year of meteorological data may not be necessary. Such screening models may be acceptable where:
In determining significant impact for Level II bubble trades, the Division will use the following significance values to identify trades whose potential ambient impact need not be further evaluated before approval:
8-micrograms/cubic meter (µg/m3) for any twenty-four hour period for PM10 |
4-micrograms/cubic meter (µg/m3) for any annual arithmetic mean for PM10 |
13-micrograms/cubic meter (µg/m3) for any twenty-four hour period for sulfur dioxide |
46-micrograms/cubic meter (µg/m3) for any three-hour period for sulfur dioxide |
3-micrograms/cubic meter (µg/m3) for any annual period for sulfur dioxide |
575-micrograms/cubic meter (µg/m3) for any eight-hour period for carbon monoxide |
2,300-micrograms/cubic meter (µg/m3) for any one-hour period for carbon monoxide |
0.1 micrograms/cubic meter (µg/m3) for any three-month period for lead. |
Except that:
Modeling: Only U.S. EPA-approved models may be used in banking transactions. Use of non-guideline models will be allowed once they have been approved according to the requirements of Section VIII.A.1. of Part A of this regulation.
An emissions reduction shall be certified for use in an emission credit transaction, provided it meets the following criteria:
In attainment and attainment/maintenance areas where the Prevention of Significant Deterioration baseline has not been triggered as of the date the permitting authority takes relevant final action on the trading transaction, reductions below current state implementation plan or permit limits generally may be used without special restrictions in bubble or banking transactions, provided they are otherwise creditable and there is assurance that National Ambient Air Quality Standards will not be violated due to any potential increase in actual emissions. However, reductions at sources other than major stationary sources on which construction commenced before January 1, 1975 may not be used to balance increases at such pre 1975 major sources.
The use of an emissions reduction in an emission credit transaction shall be approved only if it meets the following criteria:
Where a bubble within fifty kilometers of a Prevention of Significant Deterioration Class I area is submitted as a case-by-case state implementation plan revision, the Division may call for additional technical support, beyond the applicable requirements of the modeling screen if deemed necessary to protect air quality in the Class I area.
5 CCR 1001-5-A-V