It is recognized that the collective impact of illumination associated with all future uses and improvements in the Devens Enterprise Zone potentially could have an impact upon the surrounding communities in general, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory on Oak Hill in the Town of Harvard. In order to preclude any negative impacts, it is necessary to regulate the overall illumination level emanating from the Devens Enterprise Zone (DEZ) in the night sky. Said levels can be reasonably controlled by means of standards and criteria controlling light sources; illumination levels and types; reflective surfaces; signs; and the external lighting of building, landscaping, travel ways and parking lots. At the same time, it is necessary to assure that public safety concerns will be fully satisfied for night time activity within the DEZ.
While it is the intent of 974 CMR 4.04 to provide a local complaint mechanism in regard to illumination and astrophysical compatibility issues, it is also recognized that most interference problems can be precluded by addressing such concerns at the time of application for site plan approval with respect to facilities in proximity to the perimeter boundary of the DEZ or at the time of application for a building permit with respect to facilities that have the potential of exceeding the performance standards within the DEZ. Applicant/owners and engineers and architects should be made familiar with the standards to follow, as a supplement and enhancement to the complaint process, in order to incorporate them into the earliest stages of their project design process.
Should a complaint emanate, however, after a facility is established at Devens, then the procedures in 974 CMR 4.04(2) shall apply.
Once there is reasonable certainty of the nuisance source, the violator shall be subject to provide reasonable mitigation measures that essentially resolve the difficulty. Refer to 974 CMR 4.04(2)(b) for a description of procedures relative to enforcement.
Fixtures must, by a combination of aiming and shielding, permit no more than 100 candelas per 1,000 lamp lumens to be emitted above a line that is struck through the lamp center and extends at an angle of 80 degrees relative to nadir after the luminaries are in their finally-focused position. Mounting height of these units may not exceed 50' above the ground plane.
No illuminated portion of any non-building-mounted illuminated sign may exceed a height of 20' above the ground plan.
As a supplement and enhancement to the preceding complaint process, the illumination performance standards might require that the inspection official attempt to preclude or minimize potential interference to the maximum possible degree at the beginning of the process, or the building permit application stage. Accordingly, the following process is described. Prior to the issuance of a building or occupancy permit, the applicant proposing the construction or use of a potentially nuisance generating facility, as generally defined by the Illumination Standards, shall be required to demonstrate the unlikelihood of non-compliance with such Standards, or that proper mitigation measures will be taken as a condition of permit issuance.
974 CMR, § 4.04