Delete sections AJ107.1.2 Plumbing materials and supplies and AJ107.2 Water closets.
Revise and replace section AJ107.3 Electrical as follows:
Repair or replacement of existing electrical wiring and equipment undergoing repair with like material shall be in accordance with 527 CMR 12.00.
Delete section AJ107.3 Electrical - Exceptions #1, #2, and #3.
Add an Exception to AJ108.2 Door and window dimensions - as follows:
Exception: Emergency escape and rescue openings shall comply with R310.
Revise and replace section AJ102.4.3 Emergency Escape and Rescue Windows - as follows:
EXCEPTION: Replacement windows utilized as emergency escape and rescue windows, other than double-hung windows, shall generally conform to the requirements of this section without conforming to the cited dimensional requirements, provided that such replacement windows do not significantly reduce the existing opening size.
780 CMR, ch. 51, app AF, app AJ, AJ107.3