(b)Leased or Rented Vehicle. The registered owner of record is in the business of leasing or renting motor vehicles and provides to MassDOT by the Payment Due Date on the Pay By Plate invoice, a completed transfer of responsibility form or other form as required by MassDOT, a copy of a lease, rental or similar contract document indicating that the vehicle was leased or rented at the time of the toll transaction and the identity, current address and driver's license information of the person entitled to possession is discernible from the document, in which case that person is prima facie responsible for the payment of the tolls, fees, fines or penalties that the Department assesses in accordance with 700 CMR 7.00. If MassDOT is unable to discern who the responsible party is based on the information provided to MassDOT from the registered owner, the registered owner of record of the motor vehicle shall be responsible for the payment of the tolls, fees, fines, and/or penalties. In the case of a leased or rented vehicle, and provided the registered owner complies with the requirements in 700 CMR 7.04(8), MassDOT may electronically transfer or assess the tolls, fees, fines or penalties directly to the EZDrive MA account of the lessee or responsible party. Registered owners who are in the business of leasing or renting motor vehicles may also enroll in a violation avoidance account, as determined by MassDOT.