(2) The Commission may reimburse a consumer for necessary reader services at an hourly rate as established by the Commissioner, or his/her designee, on an annual basis the date to be determined by Common wealth Fiscal Year budget requirements. Rates of reimbursement are applied universally and may not be adjusted for individuals. A maximum of 60 hours of service per calendar month may be reimbursed, provided said services are associated with the consumer's status as a registered college student, and provided further that said reader services and student status are incorporated in an individualized written rehabilitation plan approved by the Commission. The 60 hour limitation of 111 CMR 6.07 may be waived by the Commissioner or his/her designee, upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances. Extraordinary circumstances do not include situations where the normal course of study is one that requires a heavy reading schedule.
Examples of extraordinary circumstances:
A consumer, in consultation with his/her counselor, decides to pursue an accelerated program which results in an earlier graduation.
A consumer normally depends on a CCTV for reading and the equipment becomes unavailable and cannot be promptly replaced.
(4) If reader services are authorized, a report in the form of properly completed and signed certificates for reimbursement, on a form provided by the Commission, must be submitted in a timely manner. Failure to do so could result in the consumer not receiving reimbursement for that period. Consumers may need to provide other documents in a timely manner in order to receive payment. (Note: Reader fee reimbursement is reimbursement to the consumer, not the reader. Payment to the reader is the consumer's responsibility, not the Commission's. Rate of payment to the reader, number of hours for which service is contracted, etc. is not determined by or limited by the Commission.
Reimbursement by the Commission to the consumer may not meet the full need a consumer may have for reader services.)