Individuals who pay less than reasonable compensation are not boarders and must be members of the household providing the lodging and meals.
Boarders are ineligible to participate separately from the household providing lodging and meals. Boarders may participate as members of the household providing these services and at the request of the providing household.
If the household providing lodging and meals has not requested that its boarders be included in its household, none of the income and resources of the boarders are to be considered available to the household except that the payment of the boarder to the household shall be treated in accordance with 106 CMR 365.200: Assistance Units with Boarders Who Are Not Household Members.
The following individuals are not considered strikers:
Net income shall be determined on the basis of the household's current circumstances in accordance with 106 CMR 364.500: Determining Net Income; and
The foster care household has the option of including the foster care children and adults in its SNAP household; however, the foster care payments shall then be counted as unearned income in determining the eligibility and benefit level of the foster care household.
106 CMR, § 361.240