Section 465.10 - General Rules(1) Only inmates who have an approved individualized program plan may be granted an education or training release permit.(2) An inmate shall report to the superintendent income from all funding sources including: veterans benefits, J.T.P.A. income, grants, scholarships, work-study, incentive payments and stipends.(3) An inmate may not negotiate or secure a loan or enter into indebtedness unless approved by the superintendent and the Assistant Deputy Commissioner. Prior to approval, the superintendent shall ensure that the lending party has been informed of the inmate's status.(4) Veterans benefits shall be placed in the inmate's personal account for the inmate's use. Veterans benefits shall not be taxed, claimed by creditors, attached, levied, or seized. (U.S. Code Title 38, § 3101a)(5) Earned income from training such as J.T.P.A., work-study, and on-the-job training shall be subject to deductions (room and board) as work release programs ( 103 CMR 464.00: Work Release). J.T.P.A. or training program stipends as opposed to salaries are not subject to deductions.(6) An inmate shall be held accountable for their presence at the locations specified on their permit.(7) An inmate shall read or have read to him/her and sign the Community Release Agreement and any facility/institution Education and Training Release Agreement established by the superintendent specifying rules or behavior and conditions for program participation. At IMS sites, signature of the community release agreement shall be documented on the Community Release Permit screen.(8) The superintendent of an institution receiving a transferred inmate who is participating in an education or training release program, will determine after conferring with the Assistant Deputy Commissioner, whether or not to approve the continued participation of the inmate in that program.(9) Each inmate shall authorize the superintendent to have access to and copies of all records and information concerning attendance, academic standing, and performance while enrolled in the education or training release program as noted in the community release agreement.(10) Inmates enrolled in education or training release programs remain subject to the rules and regulations of the correctional facility, and shall be under the direction, control, and supervision of officers thereof during the period of participation in the program (M.G.L. c. 127, § 49).