15 C.F.R. § 715 app Supplement No. 3 to Part 715

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Supplement No. 3 to Part 715 - Deadlines for Submission of Declarations, No Changes Authorization Forms, Amendments for Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemical (UDOC) Facilities, and Change in Inspection Status Forms

Declarations Applicable formsDue dates
Annual Declaration on Past Activities (previous calendar year)
Declared plant site.
Certification, UDOC, A (as appropriate), B (optional)February 28 of the year following any calendar year in which the production by synthesis of UDOCs exceeded the applicable declaration threshold in § 715.1(a)(1) of the CWCR.*
No Changes Authorization Form (declaration required, but no changes to data contained in previously submitted annual declaration on past activities-previous calendar year)
Declared plant site
No Changes Authorization FormFebruary 28 of the year following any calendar year in which the production by synthesis of UDOCs exceeded the applicable declaration threshold in § 715.1(a)(1) of the CWCR.
Amended Declaration:Certification, UDOC, A (as appropriate), B (optional)
-Declaration information-15 calendar days after change in information.
-Company information-30 calendar days after change in information.
-Post-inspection letter-45 calendar days after receipt of letter.
Change in Inspection Status Form (applies only if your plant site is currently subject to inspection, pursuant to § 715.1(d)(1) of the CWCR, and you anticipate that the production by synthesis of UDOCs at your plant site during the current calendar year will remain below the inspection threshold level specified therein)Change in Inspection Status FormDecember 15th of any calendar year in which the production by synthesis of UDOCs is anticipated to be below the inspection threshold level specified in § 715.1(d)(1) of the CWCR.*

* You may submit the Annual Declaration on Past Activities (ADPA) described in § 715.1(b)(1) , instead of the Change in Inspection Status Form, if you anticipate that UDOC production at your plant site during the current calendar year will be below the inspection threshold level specified in § 715.1(d)(1) , but you expect your plant site to remain subject to the UDOC declaration requirements in § 715.1(a)(1) . In this case, the due date for the Annual Declaration on Past Activities will be December 15th of the current calendar year, instead of February 28th of the next calendar year.

15 C.F.R. § 715 app Supplement No. 3 to Part 715

72 FR 14408, Mar. 28, 2007