Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 1400 - Apples, Standards. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.1 - Apples, Exceptions for By-Product Use. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.2 - Apples, Permit By-Product Use. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.3 - Apples, Exceptions
- Section 1400.4 - Apples, Properly Matured Defined
- Section 1400.5 - Apples, Minimum Maturity Standards. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.6 - Apples, Maturity Exemptions
- Section 1400.7 - Apples, Overripe Defined
- Section 1400.8 - Apples, Maturity Standards for Gravensteins
- Section 1400.9 - Apples, Maturity Standards for Designated Varieties
- Section 1400.9.1 - Apples, Granny Smith Maturity, Sampling and Testing Procedures. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.10 - Apples, Maturity: Release Dates Established by Commissioners
- Section 1400.10.1 - Apples, Certification Prior to Release Date
- Section 1400.11 - Apples, Maturity Testing Prior to and After Maturity Release Dates
- Section 1400.12 - Apples, Mature While Transported to Another County
- Section 1400.13 - Apples, Standard Grades
- Section 1400.14 - Apples, Extra Fancy Grade
- Section 1400.15 - Apples, Fancy Grade
- Section 1400.16 - Apples, Appreciable Damage Defined
- Section 1400.17 - Apples, "C" Grade
- Section 1400.18 - Apples, Serious Damage Defined
- Section 1400.19 - Apples, Color Requirements for California Extra Fancy and Fancy Grades
- Section 1400.20 - Apples, Hand Picked Defined
- Section 1400.21 - Apples, Fairly Well Formed Defined
- Section 1400.22 - Apples, Bruises
- Section 1400.23 - Apples, Insect Pests
- Section 1400.24 - Apples, Healed Stings
- Section 1400.25 - Apples, Broken Skin
- Section 1400.26 - Apples, Hail Marks
- Section 1400.27 - Apples, Minimum Size Requirement
- Section 1400.28 - Apples, Uniform in Size Defined
- Section 1400.29 - Apples, Packing Requirements
- Section 1400.30 - Apples, Well Packed Defined
- Section 1400.31 - Apples, Place Packed Defined
- Section 1400.32 - Apples, Wrapped Defined
- Section 1400.33 - Apples, Consumer Package Defined
- Section 1400.34 - Apples, Gift Pack
- Section 1400.35 - Apples, Gift Pack Containers
- Section 1400.36 - Apples, Tolerances
- Section 1400.37 - Apples, Marking Requirements
- Section 1400.38 - Apples, Use of Terms Other than Standard Grades and Abbreviations
- Section 1400.39 - Apples, USDA Grades in Lieu of California Grades
- Section 1400.40 - Apples, Controlled Atmosphere. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.41 - Apples, Controlled Atmosphere Requirements
- Section 1400.42 - Apples, Controlled Atmosphere Registration
- Section 1400.43 - Apples, Controlled Atmosphere from Out-of-State
- Section 1400.44 - Apples, Consumer-Type Package. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.45 - Apples, Wrapped. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.46 - Apples, Place Packed. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.47 - Apples, Well Packed. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.48 - Apples, Tolerances. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.49 - Apples, Combination Grade. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.50 - Apples, Tolerances for Minimum Size or Uniform in Size. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.51 - Apples, Marking Requirements Master Container, Gift Pack, Consumer and Nonconsumer Package. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.52 - Apples, Use of Terms Other than Standard Grades and Abbreviations. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.53 - Apples, Count Variation. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.54 - Apples, Gift Pack Exemptions. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.55 - Apples, Gift Pack Deception and Mislabeling. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.56 - Apples, Container Regulations. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.57 - Apples, Gift Pack Containers. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.58 - Apples, Gift Pack Apples. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.59 - Apples, Gift Pack, Container Marking Requirements. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.60 - Apples, Consumer-Type Package Marking Requirements. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.61 - Apples, Master Containers, Marking Requirements. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.62 - Lady and Crab Apple Grade Marking Exemption. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.63 - Apples, USDA Grades in Lieu of California Grades. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.64 - Apples, Abbreviations for Minimum Diameter. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.65 - Apple Markings, Consumer Packages. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.66 - Apples, Tray Pack and Cell Pack, Sections 1400.47 and 1400.22 of the California Administrative Code. [Repealed]
- Section 1400.67 - Apples, Packing Requirements. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.68 - Apples, Controlled Atmosphere Regulations. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.69 - Apples, Controlled Atmosphere Requirements. [Renumbered]
- Section 1400.70 - Apples, Controlled Atmosphere. [Renumbered]