5 Alaska Admin. Code § 61.122

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 5 AAC 61.122 - Special provisions and localized additions and exceptions to the seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and methods and means for Unit 6 of the Susitna River Drainage Area

Unless otherwise specified by an emergency order issued under AS 16.05.060, the following are localized additions and exceptions to the seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and methods and means specified in 5 AAC 61.110 and 5 AAC 75 for Unit 6 of the Susitna River Drainage Area:

(1) from September 1 - July 13, in flowing waters, only unbaited, artificial lures may be used;
(2) all waters of Unit 6 are closed to sport fishing for king salmon, except as described in (4) of this section for the East Fork of the Chulitna River;
(3) the Byers Creek drainage upstream of the Parks Highway is closed to sport fishing for all salmon;
(4) in the East Fork of the Chulitna River drainage, including all waters within a one-quarter mile radius of its confluence of the East Fork and West Fork and including the Middle Fork of the Chulitna and the first quarter mile of Honolulu Creek
(A) from January 1 - July 13, the waters are open to sport fishing for all finfish species, including king salmon; king salmon may be retained only from January 1 through the third Monday in June and on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for three consecutive weeks starting on the Saturday following the third Monday in June; the remaining days are catch-and-release sport fishing only for king salmon;
(B) from January 1 - July 13, only one unbaited, single-hook, artificial lure may be used;
(C) from July 14 - December 31, the waters are open to sport fishing for all finfish species, except king salmon;
(5) after taking and retaining a king salmon 20 inches or greater in length, a person may not sport fish for any species of finfish in any water open to sport fishing for king salmon on that same day;
(6) the bag and possession limit for salmon, other than king salmon, is three fish.

5 AAC 61.122

Eff. 10/1/2006, Register 179; am 6/12/2011, Register 198

Authority:AS 16.05.060

AS 16.05.251