Ubaldo Rodriguez vs. Fredrick UlloaMotion in LimineCal. Super. - 4th Dist.May 20, 2016oO 0 NN S N Un BA W N N O N N N O N O N N N N N O N O N m m m m e m p m p d p d p d p d p e d pe 0 J O N Wn BA W O N N = O O C N N n l W ND = O KALFAYAN MERJANIAN, LLP John W. Shaver, Esq. (SBN 266673) Michael J. Stodolka, Esq. (SBN 306899) Vic A. Merjanian, Esq. (SBN 284587) Ralph B. Kalfayan, Esq. (SBN 133464) 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite 950 Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-287-4931 (Telephone) 888-400-6263 (Facsimile) Attorneys for Plaintiffs, ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California, County of Orange 11/02/2017 at 07:34:00 PM Clerk of the Superior Court By Bnma Castle, Deputy Clerk UBALDO RODRIGUEZ and ROSA GONZALEZ CAMPOS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE - CENTRAL JUSTICE CENTER UBALDO RODRIGUEZ, individually and as Successor-in-Interest to Fernando Rodriguez, ROSA GONZALES CAMPOS, individually and as Successor-in-Interest to Fernando Rodriguez, Plaintiffs, VS. FREDRICK ULLOA, an individual; FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE; and DOES 1 THROUGH 100, inclusive, Defendants. CASE NO. 30-2016-00853728 Assigned for All Purposes to: Hon. Linda Marks Dept. C10 MOTION IN LIMINE NO. 10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON- USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER Trial: Time: November 6, 2017 8:30 a.m. TO THE HONORABLE COURT, AND TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: Plaintiffs UBALDO RODRIGUEZ and ROSA GONZALES CAMPOS, individually and as Successors-in-Interest to Fernando Rodriguez, move the Court for an issuance of the following Order in Limine: 1s An Order that attorneys for all parties shall not offer any specific evidence of or make reference to Fernando Rodriguez’s non-use of a helmet at the time of the collision. 1 MOTION /N LIMINE NO.10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER © 00 9 O N wn A WwW N D == N O N NN N N N N O N N N e m e m p d p d p d p e p d pe d pe 00 NN O N Wn BA W N D = OO vO N N N B R A W N —= Oo 2 An Order that the attorneys for all parties shall instruct all parties, and any persons who may be called as witnesses, of the Courts exclusionary order of this motion. 3. An Order that no attorney, party, or witness shall make any reference to the filing of this Motion, whether it be granted or denied. 4. Plaintiffs make this Motion on the following grounds: a. Absent testimony from a biomechanical engineer/helmet safety expert, Defendants are precluded from offering any evidence that Fernando Rodriguez's non-use of a helmet was a contributing cause of his death. Any evidence of Fernando Rodriguez's non-use of a helmet has no bearing on liability in this case and is therefore irrelevant. This Motion is made and based upon all pleadings and papers on file in this action, upon the Memorandum of Points and Authorities attached hereto, and upon such further oral and documentary evidence as may be presented at the hearing of this motion. Dated: October p/ ,2017 KALFAYAN MERJANIAN, LLP By: John W\SHavef, Esq. Michael J. Stodolka, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiffs 2 MOTION /N LIMINE NO.10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER © © 0 O&O Ln A W O N = N O N N N N N O N O N DN m m e m mt p d p d p m pe pe d pe 0 3 O N wn B R A W N = O C 0 R W = Oo MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES I INTRODUCTION This wrongful death case arises from a motor vehicle versus pedestrian collision, which occurred on May 6, 2016, on Wanda Road in Orange, California. Decedent, 16-year-old Fernando Rodriguez, sustained fatal injuries after he was struck by Defendant FREDERICK ULLOA, who was operating a Chevy Express Van while in the course and scope of his employment with Defendant FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE. After the subject incident on May 6, 2016, paramedics transported Mr. Fernando Rodriguez to CHOC Hospital in Orange, California. A radiological work up revealed the Decedent suffered from a C1 spinal fracture, blunt force trauma to the head with intracranial hemorrhage, kidney laceration, and fractured ribs. Fernando Rodriguez died on May 9, 2017. Plaintiffs anticipate Defendants will attempt to introduce evidence that Decedent was contributorily negligent for not wearing a helmet at the time of the collision. However, Decedent’s use or non-use of a helmet has no bearing on liability, absent expert testimony that any helmet potentially available to Decedent would have prevented his death, despite the catastrophic nature of the collision. As no such expert testimony will be presented on this issue, Plaintiffs bring this motion to preclude any reference to Decedent's nonuse of a helmet at the time of the collision. IL. LEGAL ARGUMENT A. Motions in Limine are Authorized by Evidence Code § 402 A motion in limine may be used to exclude evidence before it is offered. See Cal. Evid. Code § 402(b). The motion may also seek, as in this case, a rule forbidding the mention of, or any reference to such evidence, testimony, or opinion. Charbonneau v. Superior Court, 42 Cal. App. 3d 505, 511 (1974). The purpose of such a motion is to bar prejudicial or inadmissible evidence before it comes to the jury's attention. As one court has stated, a motion in /imine may "avoid the obviously futile attempt to 'unring the bell in the event a motion to strike is granted in the proceedings before the jury." Hyatt v. Sierra Boat Company, 79 Cal. App. 3d 325, 337 (1978); see also, People v. Morris, 53 Cal. 3d 152, 188 (1991). Moreover, motions in limine permit more careful consideration of evidentiary issues than if the issues were presented during trial, help to minimize disruptions and sidebar conferences during trial, and foster efficiency of the trial process by resolving critical evidentiary issues prior to trial. People v. Morris, 3 MOTION /N LIMINE NO.10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER OO 0 9 S N wn BA W N = N O N NN N D DN N N N N N O N m m o e m e d p d p d p d p d p d p d pe C 0 NJ O N Wn BRA W N = OO DO N N N R W N = Oo 53 Cal.3d 152, 188 (1991). It is therefore appropriate for Plaintiffs to seek an order in limine precluding Defendants from testifying that Decedent’s use or nonuse of a helmet was a contributing factor in decedent’s death. B. Defendants Have Not Designated Qualified Experts in the Fields of Biomechanical Engineering and/or Helmet Safety and are Therefore Precluded From Presenting any Evidence of Comparative Fault Attributable to Decedent for his Non-Use of a Helmet It is anticipated that Defendants may attempt to argue comparative negligence against Decedent based on his non-use of a helmet. Defendants, however, have not designated any experts to testify as to biomechanics, injury causation, or helmet safety to establish that any available helmet worn by Decedent would have prevented his death, despite the catastrophic nature of the collision. (See Declaration of John W. Shaver, Exhibits 1 & 2). Absent such expert testimony, any reference to the fact that Decedent was not wearing a helmet at the time of the collision is irrelevant, as Decedent’s non-use of a helmet has no bearing on liability. California courts have repeatedly held that mechanics of physical injuries are beyond the average juror's common experience and can only be corroborated by expert testimony. (See, e.g., People v. Fierro (1991) 1 Cal.4th 173, 224.) In Franklin v. Gibson (1982) 138 Cal.App.3d 340, the court held that when the defendant raises the issue of comparative negligence of the plaintiff for failure to wear a seatbelt, expert testimony is necessary to establish the nature of the injury plaintiff would have sustained if he had used the seatbelt. Similarly, in Clemente v. State of California (1985) 40 Cal.3d 202, the defendants contended that the trial court erred in failing to instruct the jury on the issue of plaintiff's contributory negligence in ignoring his physician’s advice to wear a helmet to protect himself against a head injury. The Court of Appeal disagreed with defendants’ contention, stating, “In the absence of testimony regarding the type of helmet to be worn and whether the helmet would have protected against the injury suffered, the jury could only speculate as to the effect of the failure to wear the helmet. The trial court did not err in refusing to give contributory negligence instructions based on the absences of the helmet.” Id. at 218. 11 4 MOTION /N LIMINE NO.10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER OO 0 NN O N Ww» BA W O N N N ND N N N N N O N = e m e m e d a e m p d p d e d 0 NN O N Un BA W N D = OD VW N N N W N R W N - = oS Here, there is no evidence regarding the type(s) of helmet(s) that were potentially available on the market and that were engineered to absorb the type and force of impact that Decedent’s head was subjected to on the date of the collision. Decedent was struck by a 5,500 Ib. Chevy Express Van traveling at approximately 35-40 mph. Defendants are not in a position to offer any evidence regarding the nature of the protection that would have been afforded to Fernando Rodriguez via a particular type of helmet, and Defendants are not in a position to offer any evidence that Decedent’s prognosis would have been any different had he been wearing a particular type of helmet at the time of the collision. Absent testimony from a qualified helmet expert/biomechanic, any evidence regarding Decedent’s non-use of a helmet should be precluded pursuant to Cal. Evid. Code §$ 350 and 352. 111. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Plaintiffs respectfully request the Court grant Plaintiffs’ Motion and issue the requested orders herein. Dated: October I: 2017 KALFAYAN MEBRJANIAN, LLP John W.Skévbr Esq. Michael J. Stodolka, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiffs 5 MOTION /N LIMINE NO.10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER OO 00 NN O N wn pA W N = N O R ND N N N N N O N r m ee p m p d p d pe d a e d e e c o N N O N Wn BA W I N - W I N = o DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER I, John W. Shaver, declare as follows: ls I am an attorney duly admitted to practice before this Court. I am an associate with Kalfayan Merjanian, LLP, attorneys of record for Plaintiffs. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein, except as to those stated on information and belief and, as to those, I am informed and believe them to be true. If called as a witness, I could and would competently testify to the matters stated herein. 2 A true and correct copy of Floral Supply Syndicate’s expert designation is attached as Exhibit 1. 5 A true and correct copy of Frederick Ulloa’s expert designation is attached as Exhibit 2. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed October), , 2017, at Newport Beach, California. ( John We=Shay a — 6 MOTION IN LIMINE NO.10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER EXHIBIT 1 Ow ce NN a N un Bs W N = BR BN ) v = em e m p d p m e d h e d e e e d p e e B X B E R B E R S TE x I a » 8 & © = o KURT BOYD, SBN #85977 (SPACE BELOW FOR FILING STAMP ONLY) LAW OFFICES OF KURT BOYD 5850 CANOGA AVENUE, SUITE 400 WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA 91367 (818) 710-7122 (818) 710-7124 FAX KurtB@Boydlawyer.com Attorneys For Defendant(s), FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE SUPERIOR CCURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE UBALDC RCDRIGUEZ, individually and ) CASE NO.: 30-2016-00853728- as Successor-in-Interest to ) CU-PP-CJC Fernando Rodriguez, ROSA GONZALEZ ) CAMPOS, individually and as ) DESIGNATION OF EXPERT Successor-in-Interest to Fernando ) WITNESSES Rodriguez ) ) Plaintiff (s) ) ) vs. ) ) FREDERICK ULLOA, an individual; ) FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE; and DOES ) 1 through 100, inclusive, ) ) Defendant (s) ) ) Hon. Linda Marks ) Dept. C-10 ) ) Filed : 06/13/2016 ) Trial : 11/26/2017 ) TO ALL PARTIES HEREIN AND TO ALL ATTORNEYS OF RECCRD: Defendant {(s) FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE] (hereinafter “RESPONDING PARTY”) complies with the Demand for Designation of Expert Witnesses previously served. /7/ 117 1 DESIGNATION OF EXPERT WITNESSES OO 0 3 & wn BA W O N P t he e d h d e d be d dt e d pe d pe d SR N R E R E B R B R E E GS x» 3 aoa 58 & bb = oS Procedure §§ 2034.610 et. sec. 6. RESPONDING PARTY reserve (s) the right to submit tardy expert witness infcrmation pursuant to California Civil Procedure §§ 2034.710, et. sec. NON-RETAINED EXPERTS B. RESPONDING PARTY reserve (s) the right to question, as non- retained expert(s), any individual designated by other party(s) herein, as expert(s) to be called at the time of trial. To the extent of designation by others, RESPONDING PARTY incorporate(s) by this reference, (1) the designation as made; (2) the specification of areas of testimony; {3) information as to qualifications; and (4) information as to hourly and daily fees for testimony as either have been given, or may be given by other party(s) to this action. 9. RESPONDING PARTY reserve(s) the right to question, as non- retained experts, those witnesses to be called by other parties at the time of trial, to the extent that such individual(s) may later qualify as experts for the party(s) which calls them. 10. RESPONDING PARTY reserve(s) the right to question, as non- retained expert (s), individual(s) designated by other parties through California Civil Procedure §§ 2034.280, 2034.610 et. sec.; S§§ 2034.710 et. sec., or any combination thereof. RESPCNDING PARTY reserve the right to incorporate by reference (1) the designation as made; (2) the specification of areas of testimony; (3) information as to qualifications; and (4) information as to hourly and daily fees for testimony which will be given by other party(s) to this action. 11. RESPONDING PARTY reserve(s) the right to question, as non- retained experts, those identified by other parties through 3 DESIGNATION OF EXPERT WITNESSES Oo 0 NN O N un bs W N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 response(s) by other parties through to judicial form interrogatory question(s) 6.4, 7.1, et. sec.; 8.1, et. sec.y 9.1, et. sec.; 10.1, et. sec.; 11.1, et. sec.; 12.1, et. sec.; 15.1; and 16.1 et. sec.; and (as applicable) special interrogatory response(s); incorporating by this reference, the names and related information for individual (s) so identified. 12. RESPONDING PARTY reserve(s) the right to questicn, as non- retained experts, those individual(s), other than officer(s), director (s), managing agent(s) and/or employee(s) of Floral Supply Syndicate deposed as part of discovery conducted herein; incorporating by this reference, the names and related information for individual (s) so identified. 13. RESPONDING PARTY reserve(s) the right to question, as non- retained experts, those individual(s), other than cfficer(s), director (s), managing agent(s) and/or employee(s) of Floral Supply Syndicate deposed as part of discovery conducted herein; incorporating by this reference, the names and related information for individual (s) so identified. 14. RESPONDING PARTY reserve (s) the right to question, as non- retained experts, those individual(s), other than officer(s), director (s), managing agent(s) and/or employee(s) of Floral Supply Syndicate identified in to date subpoena acquired record(s); incorporating by this reference, the names and related information for individual(s) so identified. 15. RESPONDING PARTY reserves the right to elicit and offer expert opinion (s) from the following individual(s]: A. Iain M. McIntyre, Ph.D, 11168 Paseo Montanoso, San Diego, California 92127, (858) 248-2342 4 DESIGNATION OF EXPERT WITNESSES 2 oe h h ~ > Schoel, 020 listed LOR 22> North B. 18042 ~ sw. in Shaifer Those faculty and staff members of Villa Park High Taft Ave nue, Villa Park, Califcrnia 92861, (714) 532- attachment “A” hereto Those faculty and staff members of Orange High School, Street, Qrangs, Califorrniz 92867, (714) 997-6211 listed in attachment “B” hereto INC Cl Irvine, Ds Es Mr. Alvin Lowii III, COLLISION AND INJURY DYNAMICS, 149 Sheldon Street, El Segundo, California 90245 (310) 410-0449 Mr. Gavin Huntley-Fenner, Ph.D, 5319 University Drive, California 92612, (949) 682-9887. BL Joffre E. Olaya, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West LaVeta Avenue Orange, California 92868 LaVeta LaVeta LaVeta LaVeta LaVeta LaVeta LaVeta LaVeta BG. Avenue Hy Avenue | Avenue J. Avenue K. Avenue Ts. Avenue M. Avenue N. Avenue Maria Parades, LVN CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West Orange, California 92868 Kim Frances, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West Orange, California 92868 Paul Lubinsky, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West Orange, California 92868 Patricia Liao, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West Orange, California 92868 Peter Yu, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West Orange, California 92868 Mark Masotto, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West Orange, California 92868 Natasha Sidhu, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West Orange, California 92868 Anthony Chernin, M.D.CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West Orange, California 92868 5 DESIGNATICN OF EXPERT WITNESSES © 00 1 OA Ww Hh W O N No N O N = r e ee ee h e ee d e s pe d ee E N B Y R I U V U R P B P R E N E S I a a d m 6 8 = o Bis Chad Lomas, CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West LaVeta Avenue Orange, California 92868 j= Dina Iwai, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West LaVeta Avenue Orange, California 92868 Q. Lara Murphy, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 West LaVeta Avenue Orange, California 92868 Rs Detective Craig Brown Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 Sis Officer Justin McGowan Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Crange, California 92867 Ts Fernando Manaloto, 320 N. Flower Street, Orange, CA 92703 U. Sergeant Robert McCafferty Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 V. Lieutenant Jeff Bird #0924 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 Ww. Lieutenant Fred Lopez #1068 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 x Sergeant Brian Marcotte #0813 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 ¥y Corporal Tammy South #0857 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 7s Corporal Jeff D. Gray #1364 Orange Police Department, 1iC7 N., Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AA. Officer Jeff Meyer #0919 Orange Pclice Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AB. Officer Armando Plascencia #1098 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 © DESIGNATION OF EXPERT WITNESSES © OO 0 0 N N NN wn BA W N —- No DN O N ) r m ee ee ee ee e d e m e e ee s ed AC. Officer Andrew Bremer #1396 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AD. Officer Augie Roach #1374 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AE. Officer Ed Uceda #1019 Orange Police Department, 11C7 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AF. Officer Tim Kohrs #1171 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AG. Officer Lucia Zvonaru #1421 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AH. Officer Jaheem George #1459 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AI. Officer Cory Trippy #1495 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AJ. Officer Colten Ivans #1515 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AK. Officer Ivan Alvarez #1518 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AL. Forensic Supervisor David Schweitzer #1093 Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AM. Captain Matt Nelson Orange Police Department, 1107 N. Batavia Street, Orange, California 92867 AN. Engineer J. Tiguil Orange Fire Department, 176 S. Grand Street, Orange, California 92886 AO. Firefighter Katey Sullivan Orange Fire Department, 176 S. Grand Street, Orange, California 92886 AP. Firefighter Jared Brewer Orange Fire Department, 176 S. Grand Street, Orange, California 92886 7 DESIGNATION CF EXPERT WITNESSES O O N e y in W N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AQ. Firefighter Bryan Frey Orange Fire Department, 176 S. Grand Street, Orange, California 92886 AR. Senior Deputy Coroner Michelle Krueger, Orange County Sherriff Coroner Division 1071 W. Santa Ana Boulevard, Santa Ana, California 92703 AS. Forensic Scientist Vanessa Meneses, Orange County Sherriff Crime Lab, 320 N. Flower St., Santa Ana, Califcrnia 92703 AT. Forensic Scientist Mary June Stanford, Crange County Sherriff Crime Lab, 320 N. Flower St., Santa Ana, Califernia 92703 RETAINED EXPERTS 16. RESPONDING PARTY respond(s) in compliance with California Civil Procedure § 2034.260 by RESPONDING PARTY (s) statement that RESPONDING PARTY do/does not presently intend to offer the testimony cof any retained expert witness, subject to the following reservation(s). 17. RESPONDING PARTY specifically reserve (s) RESPONDING PARTY right (s) pursuant to California Civil Procedure § 2034.280. 18. RESPONDING PARTY specifically reserve (s) RESPONDING PARTY right (s) pursuant to California Civil Procedure § 2034.610, et. sec. 19. RESPONDING PARTY specifically reserve(s) RESPONDING PARTY right (s) pursuant to California Civil Procedure § 34,710, et. sec. DATED: September 15, 2017 LAW Attorpieys for Defendaht (s) FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE ~ATTACHMENT “A"- 8 DESIGNATION OF EXPERT WITNESSES E-Mail and Phone Ext. for Administrators and Counselors 2016-2017 Miller, Ken — Principal Kenneth. miller@orangeusd.org 5506 Jones, Jeff — Assistant Principal fiones@orangeusd.org 5509 Anderson-Glass, Sheryl — Assistant Principal sranderson@orangeusd.org 5508 Lee, Mike — Assistant Principal mlee@orangeusd.org 5507 Bulrice, Jeremy jbulrice@orangeusd.org 5484 Campbell, Shasta - Counselor scampbell@orangeusd.org 5487 Healy, Kim - Counselor kimh@orangeusd.org 5488 Kammeriohr, Mark markk@orangeusd.org 4495 Pham, Jason - Counselor jasonp@orangeusd.org 5486 Revised 9-15-16 Stafi Haine e-lail Addiess Nicholas Robert Dusan Jenna Derek Ascherin Natalie Atwood Sarah Yvonne Bartrom, Linda Sandra John Sonia Tara Carrillo, Eddie Tom Nicolette Gwen Tamara Aaron Susan Connie Andrew aed Sheila Melanie Patrick Thomas Josh Makram Tom Bruce Lawrence Arlene Drew Alan Malia Howerton Jen Huffman, James Jennifer Ph # 532- 8020 ext. 6592 6611 6513 6595 6623 6627 5632 6638 6612 6654 6644 6593 6619 6608 6613 6651 8615 6625 6653 6662 44 Paul Chuck Kertman Shannyn Pablo Larkin Scott L James Melton, Tricia James Carol Donna Brenda Jackie Jennifer Fatima Sara Ben Jamie Reuter, Nicholas Jessica Autumn Salio, Chris Sarah Sarah Schorr, David Shine, Scott Michelle Steve Matthew Van Chris Ti Leonora Ti Brad Willis, Joel 4494 6643 5492 6663 6591 6631 6598 5493 6639 6645 6628 6637 4480 5852 6616 6513 6603 7 6606 6596 6604 6624 6597 Revised 9-16-16 © 00 ~~ hn wn RA W d N O O N O N N N N em e e e S e a em pe ee e e —ATTACHMENT WB — 2 DESIGNATION OF EXPERT WITNESSES Orange High School Orange High School Page 1 of 3 ! Sgject Language]V (avast 525 North Shaffer Street Orange, CA 92867 « 714-997-6211 "ONCE A PANTHER, ALWAYS A PANTHER" {/index.asp) {#contatner) Administration F 2 School Principal Dennis Mc ia 8 Email. dmecuistion@orangeusd. of Phone: (714) 997-6211 » AP -Student Services & Discipline Nathan Garrett Email: ngamett@orangeusd.org Phone: (714) 887-6218 AP - Curriculum & Instruction Celinna Pinelo Email: cpinelo@orangeusd.org Phone: (714) 887-6215 AP - Student Support & Interventions Jeff Morgan Email: jmorgan@orangeusd.org Phone: (714) 997- 6217 Teaching Staff Fou Name Email Address Scott Arakawa - Orchestra/Band sarakawa@orangeusd.org Derek Arnell - CTE dameli@orangeusd.org Ed Aguilar - JROTC eaguilar@crengeusd.org Craig Astor - SPED Social Studies castor@orangeusd.org Tracey Awwad - World Lang. tawwad@orangeusd.org Joe Beard - Math Jbeard@orangeusd.org Gary Bowers - Sclence ghower@orangeusd.org Mark Bustamante - English mbustsmante@orangeusd.org Glenna Buttrey - English gbuttrey@orangeusd.org Christine Chumey - Science cchumey@orangeusd.org Tom Contreras - Math fecontreras@orangeusd.org Tom Conway - Math tconway@orangeusa.org Matt Cooper - Social Studies/AVID mcooper@orangeusd.org Robert Drake - Social Studies rdrake@orangeusd.org Karen Dugger - Health kdugger@orangeusd.org Matt Earley - English meariey@orangeusd.org Narciso Escobedo - World Lang. nescobedo@orangeusd.org Naila Ferdousi - Math nferdousi@orangeusd.org Jackie Francoeur - Science Jjfrancoeur@orangeusd.org Dennis Gerbasi - SPED Math dgerbasi@orangeusd.org RJ Goldberg - Math rgoidberg@orangeusd.ony Leticia Gonzalez - ELA/AVID fgonzalez@orangeusd.org Greg Goodlander - World Lang. ggoodiander@orangeusa.org Michael Green - CTE mgreen@orangeusd.org Laura Herbert- Pathways 21st therbert@orangeusd.org Karin imhoof - Math kimhoof@orangeusd.org Melissa Irving - SDC mirving@orengeusd.org Jenni Jellerson - PE Jelisrson@orangeusd.org Deborah Jollineau - Art dfollineeu@orangeusd.org Lindsey Jones - English tliones@orangeusd.org Kami Kenyon - English kkenyon@orangeusd.ory Caitlin Kiiroy - Math chilroy@orangeusd.org Dani Kraft - English dkraft@orangeusd.org Roland Labonte - SDC Social Studies rlabonte@orangeusd.org Jeff Lake - English Jleke@orangeusd.org Elizabeth Lane - Science elane@orangeusd.org Briar. Lentz - SDC blentz@orangeusd.org Daniel McClure - Science dmeclure@orangeusd.org Darlel Meza - CTE dmeza@orangeusd.org Robert Montelone - SPED Engiish rmontelone@orangeusd.org Alison Morales - SPED English amorales@orangeusd.ory Durrell Moss - CTE dmoss@orangeusd.org Melanie Morita - Science mmorita@orangeusd.ong hitn*/Aww oranoeusd.k12.ca.us/ohs/admin.asp 9/14/2017 Orange High School Page 2 of 3 Ryan Mudry - Sclence rmudry@orangeusd.org Brian Mull - Social Studies bmuli@orangeusd.org Louise Muller - Math imuller@orangeusd.org Damien Paez - SDC dpaez@orangeusd.org Robert Pedroza - PE rpedroza@orangeusd.org Luz Pineda - World Language Ipineda@orangeusd.org Alice Prothero - Eng/AVID aprothero@orangsusd.org Jeff Ricupito - Science Jricupito@orangeusd.org Rachael Rivas - Drama/English mivas@arangeusd.org Hector Rubalcaba - World Lang hrubalcaba@orangeusd.org Ken Rulon - CTE krulon@orangeusd.org Mitch Ryan - Social Studies meyan@orangeusd.org Carlos Sanchez - CTE csanchex@orangeusd.org Barbara Sataki - Science bsataki@orangeusd.org Alicia Seevers - Acad Support aseevers@orangeusd.org Mike Short - Choir mshort@orangeusd.org Carolyn Still - SDC English cstili@orangeusd.org Pete Tavoularis - Socla! Studies ptavourifanis@orangeusd.org Joan Tennant - CTE Jtennant@orangeusd.org Randy Thompson - CTE rthompson@orangeusd.org Tran Tran - Math intran@orangeusd.org Robert Tumer - CTE rumer@orangeusd.org Tyman Uiagalelei - SDC Math tuiagalelei@orangeusd.org Arturo Uriostegui - SDC Math aunostegui@orangeusd.org Yasmin Vali - English yvali@orangeusd.org Eric VanVeen - Social Studies evanvesn@orangeusd.org Susan Vargas - Social Studies svargas@orangeusd.org Alex Vicario - ELD avicario@orangeusd.org Jennifer Visconti - English jvisconti@orangeusd.org Kelly Walthers - CTE kwalthers@orangeusd.org Maria Wenskoski - CTE mwenskoski@orangeusd.org Laurie Wielenga - English Iwielenga@orangeusd.org Patti Williams - Agriculture pwilliams@orangeusd.org Karen Wilson - Media Specialist kwilson@orangeusd.org Carrie Woodson - Dance cwoodson@orangeusd. ony Katelyn Wright - English kwright@orangeusd.org Albert Yap - CTE ayap@orangeusd.org Lynette Zamora - Math Izamora@orangeusd.org Dana Zimplemann - SDC dzimplemann@orangetisd.org Staff { AP Office Kim Schmitz - AP Secretary (Pinelo) kschmitz@orangeusd.org Ines Morales - AP Secretar (Morgan) Imorales@orangeusd.org Alma Villagomez - AP Secretary (Garrett) avillagomez@orangeusd.org ASB Melanie Morita - ASB Advisor mmorita@orangeusd.org Athletic Director Alicia Seevers aseevers@orangeusd.org Attendance Office Gina Maw gmaw@orangeusd.org David Garcia Carbajal dgsrcia-cerbgfai@orangeusd.org Career Center Patricia Petricciolli ppetricciolli@orangeusd.org Counseling Office Jesse Diaz Jesse.diaz@orangeusd.org Maria Guerrero mguemero@orangeusd.org Health Support Liz Phibbs - Health Clerk Iphibbs@orangeusd.org Jennifer Johnson- Nurse jmjohnson@orangeusd.org Veronica Beltran - Psychologist vbeltran@orangeusd.org Ashley Reece- Speech Therapist areece@orangeusd.org Library Wendi Li - Media Tech wii@orangeusd.ong PE Bev Bloom - Girls PE bboom@orangeusd.ory Bill French - Boys PE wirench@orangeusd.org Principal's Office Dianne Baker - Principal's Secretary dianneb@orangeusd.org Vicki Reyes - ASB Bookkeeper vicki, reyes@orangeusd.ong httry liana nrannansd k12.ca us/ohs/admin.asp 9/14/2017 Orange High School Page 3 of 3 Debi Mitchell - Activities Secretary debim@orangeusd.org ~ Community Aide Resource Room Lisa Perez - Registrar lisap@orangeusd.org Le Le - Community Aide He@orangeusd.org Home About Us Parent Student Counseling Activities {/OHS/index.asp) {/OHS/about.asp){/OHS/parents.as PHS/students.a$iiHS/counseling/BipP/activities.asp) Orange High School » 525 North Shaffer Street » Orange, CA 92867 » 714-997-6211 htt fanaa aranaansd k12 ea ns/ohs/admin.aso 9/14/2017 wv 0 uN a y un Ba 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of 18 years of age, and am not a party to the within action. My business address is 5850 Canoga Avenue, Suite 400, Woodland Hills, California 91367. On the date specified below, I served the document described below on the interested parties in this action by placing true and correct copies thereof in sealed envelopes, at Woodland Hills, California addressed as hereinafter indicated. DATE OF SERVICE : September 1 2017 DOCUMENT SERVED 2 DESIGNATION OF EXPERT WITNESSES COUNSEL SERVED t SEE ATTACHED MAILING LIST XXX (BY REGULAR MAIL) I caused such envelope(s), with postage thereon fully prepaid, to be placed in the United States mail at Woodland Hills, California. I am “readily familiar” with this firm's practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. It is deposited with the United States postal service on that same day in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that, orn motion of party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one (1) day after date of deposit for mailing as reflected in this affidavit. (BY CERTIFIED MAIL) I caused such envelope(s), with postage thereon fully prepaid, to be placed in the United States mail at Woodland Hills, California, certified mail, return receipt requested. 1 PROOF OF SERVICE wn A W N Oo © 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I am “readily familiar” with this firm’s practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. It is deposited with the United States postal service on that same day in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that, on motion of party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one (1) day after date of deposit for mailing as reflected in this affidavit. (BY FEDERAL EXPRESS) I caused such envelope(s) to be delivered by air courier, with next day service. (BY FAX SERVICE) I personally served, by fax, on the offices of the addressee(s). (BY PERSONAL SERVICE)I personally delivered, by hand, to the offices/representative of the addressee(s). XXX (STATE) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. (FEDERAL) I declare that I am exployed in the office of a member of the bar of this Court, at whose direction the service was made. EXECUTED at Woodland Hills, California on Septenber J 2017. (Borgen nama ROSANN CRISMORE 2 PROOF OF SERVICE OW 0 2 O N un A W N = N O N N O N = em e l e s e m p e ee d p e e s KALFAYAN MERJANIAN, LLP 500 Newport Center Drive, MAILING LIST Suite 950 Newport Beach, California 92660 SELMA BREITMAN, LLP 6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 1100 Santa Ana, California 2707-5755 3 PROOF OF SERVICE EXHIBIT 2 aN oo 0 3 Wn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 95 24 25 26 27 28 121255.1 154140551 Jerry C. Popovich (SBN CA 138636) jpopovich@selmanlaw.com N. Asir Fiola (SBN CA 222833) afiola@selmanlaw.com Celeena B. Pompeo (SBN CA 292902) cpompeo@selmanlaw.com SELMAN BREITMAN LLP 6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 1100 Santa Ana, CA 92707-5755 Telephone: 714.647.9700 Facsimile: 714.647.9200 Attorneys for Defendant FREDERICK ULLOA SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE UBALDO RODRIGUEZ, individually and as | Case No. 30-2016-00853728 Successor-in-Interest to Fernando Rodriguez, ROSA GONZALES CAMPOS, individually DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S and as Successor-in-Interest to Fernando EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION Rodriguez, : Judge: Linda Marks Plaintiffs, Complaint Filed: May 20, 2016 Trial: November 6, 2017 v. | FREDERICK ULLOA, an individual; FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE; and DOES 1 THROUGH 100, inclusive, Defendant. TO PLAINTIFFS AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA (hereinafter referred to as "defendant") hereby submits his designation of experts with the following expert witnesses pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 2034.210 and 2034.260. I. RETAINED EXPERTS 1) Alvin Lowi, I1I P.E, 149 Sheldon Street El Segundo, CA 90245 1" 1 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION ~ OO 0 9 O N Wn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 121255.1 1541.40551 @ 3) Iain M. McIntyre, Ph.D. 11168 Paseo Montanoso San Diego, CA 92127 Gavin Huntley-Fenner, Ph.D. Huntley-Fenner Advisors, Inc. 5319 University Drive #137 Irvine, CA 92612 IL. NON-RETAINED EXPERTS 1 2) 3) “@ Joffre E. Olaya, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Maria Parades, LVN CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Kim Frances, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Paul Lubinsky, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue 2 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION c o NN a wn A W N \O 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 121255.1 1541.40551 5) (6) (7M ®) ©) Orange, CA 92868 Patricia Liao, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Peter Yu, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Mark Masotto, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Natasha Sidhu, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Anthony Chernin, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 3 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION SH W N Oo 0 3 O N Wn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 121255.1 1541.40551 (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) Chad Lomas CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Dina Iwai, M.D. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Lara Murphy, MD. CHOC Children's Hospital 1201 W. LaVeta Avenue Orange, CA 92868 Detective Craig Brown Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Officer Justin McGowan Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 4 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION nm RA L N OO © 3 AA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 121255.1 154140551 (15) (16) am (18) (19) 20) Fernando Manaloto 320 N. Flower Street Orange, CA 92703 Sergeant Robert McCafferty Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Lieutenant Jeff Bird #0924 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Lieutenant Fred Lopez #1068 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Sergeant Brian Marcotte #0913 Orange Police Department - 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Corporal Tammy South #0857 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 5 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION 1 (21) Corporal Jeff D. Gray #1364 2 Orange Police Department 3 1107 N. Batavia Street 4 Orange, CA 92867 5 6 (22) Officer Jeff Meyer #0919 7 Orange Police Department 8 1107 N. Batavia Street 9 Orange, CA 92867 10 | 11 ~ (23) Officer Armando Plascencia #1098 12 Orange Police Department 13 1107 N. Batavia Street 14 Orange, CA 92867 15 16 (24) Officer Andrew Bremer #1396 17 Orange Police Department 18 1107 N. Batavia Street 19 Orange, CA 92867 20 21 (25) Officer Augie Roach #1374 22 Orange Police Department a3 1107 N. Batavia Street 24 Orange, CA 92867 25 26 (26) Officer Ed Uceda #1019 27 Orange Police Department 28 1107 N. Batavia Street 6 Rp DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION Hn Oo 00 NN O N wn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7 23 24 25 26 27 28 121255.1 154140551 27) 28) (29) (30) (31) Orange, CA 92867 Officer Tim Kohrs #1171 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Officer Lucia Zvonaru #1421 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Officer Jaheem George #1459 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Officer Cory Trippy #1495 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Officer Colten Ivans #1515 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 s 4 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION 94 Oo BA W N oo 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 121255.1 1541.40551 (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) 37) Officer Ivan Alvarez #1518 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Forensic Supervisor David Schweitzer #1093 Orange Police Department 1107 N. Batavia Street Orange, CA 92867 Captain Matt Nelson Orange Fire Department 176 S. Grand Street Orange, CA 92886 Engineer J. Tigui Orange Fire Department 176 S. Grand Street Orange, CA 92886 Firefighter Katey Sullivan Orange Fire Department 176 S. Grand Street Orange, CA 92886 Firefighter Jared Brewer Orange Fire Department 176 S. Grand Street 8 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION 1 Orange, CA 92886 2 3 (38) Firefighter Bryan Frey 4 Orange Fire Department 5 176 S. Grand Street 6 Orange, CA 92886 7 81] (39) Senior Deputy Coroner Michelle Krueger 2 Orange County Sherriff Coroner Division 10 1071 W. Santa Ana Boulevard 11 Santa Ana, CA 92703 12 13 (40) Forensic Scientist Vanessa Meneses 14 Orange County Sherriff Crime Lab 15 320 N. Flower St. 16 Santa Ana, CA 92703 17 18 (41) Forensic Scientist Mary June Stanford 19 Orange County Sherriff Crime Lab 20 320 N. Flower St. 21 Santa Ana, CA 92703 22 23 Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 2034.310(a) Defendant reserves 24 || the right to call all experts listed and deposed by or on behalf of other parties to this litigation 25 || and those lists of expert witnesses to be supplied by said other parties. DEFENDANT 26 || incorporates herein by this reference as though fully set forth hereto, all information supplied by 27 || said other parties as to said experts in said lists of expert witnesses to be supplied by said other 28 || parties. 9 NE DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION wo © © 9 O N wn Bb 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1212551 1541.40551 Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 2034.3130(b), nm reserves the right to call any and all experts necessary, who may have been called as rebuttal witnesses or who may be called as rebuttal witnesses on behalf of defendant to testify to the falsity or nonexistence of any fact used as a foundation for an expert opinion or any other witnesses called by any other party at trial. Furthermore, DEFENDANT reserves the right to name and call any other expert witness provided for in Code of Civil Procedure section 2034.210 et seq. DATED: September{8 2017 SELMAN BREITMAN LLP NY #53 i { - N. ASIR FIOLA CELEENA B. POMPEO Attorneys for Defendant FREDERICK ULLOA 10 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION EE VS E E ~ N N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 bs 23 24 25 26 21 28 121255.1 1541.40551 DECLARATION OF CELEENA B. POMPEO I, CELEENA B. POMPEQ, declare and state as follows: Ls I am an attorney with the law firm of Selman Breitman, LLP, attorneys of record for defendant FREDERICK ULLOA (hereinafter referred to as "defendant"). I am a member in good standing with the State Bar of California and have been admitted to practice before this Court. 2, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration and, if called upon as a witness, could and would testify competently to such facts under oath. 3. Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 2034.210, et seq., defendant intends to offer at trial of this action retained expert opinion testimony from the following persons either in person, video or by deposition testimony. 4. The following is a brief narrative of each such expert’s qualifications and a brief statement of the general substance of the testimony that said expert is expected to give at trial: 3. At the present time, defendant intends to call Alvin Lowi, III as an expert witness at the time of trial. 6. Alvin Lowi, III is a registered professional engineer in the area of mechanical engineering, specializing in transportation accident analysis and reconstruction. He also specializes in engineering analysis and reconstruction of automobile, auto-pedestrian, truck, bicycle, and motorcycle collisions. 7. Mr. Lowi is expected to testify about his reconstruction of this accident, the occupant kinematics, his interpretation of the physical damage on the subject vehicles, his analysis of speeds, and his analysis of driver actions and reactions. 8. ‘Mr. Lowi has agreed to testify in the trial of this action. Mr. Lowi will be sufficiently familiar with the facts of this action to provide meaningful oral deposition testimony. 9. Mr. Lowi charges $350.00 per hour for his deposition testimony. 10. At the present time, defendant intends to call Iain M. Mcintyre, Ph.D. as an expert witness at the time of trial. 11. Dr. Mcintyre is a Forensic Toxicologist in the area of general toxicology. 11 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION BH L N OO 0 N N N Wn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 121255.1 1541,40551 12. Dr. Mclntyre is qualified to testify as an expen in the field of toxicology, the effects of drugs and/or alcohol on driving, skateboarding, running, walking, and other activities, drug- involved deaths, drug dose, time and effect on human performance, memory and behavior. He is also expected to testify about the effects’ of chemical substances in humans, the effects of substances in a human based on their usage level, levels of impairment while participating in certain activities, and about the results of blood testing of the parties involved in this action. 13; Dr. Mcintyre has agrend] to testify in the trial of this action. Dr. McIntyre will be sufficiently familiar with the facts of this action to provide meaningful oral deposition testimony. 14. Dr. McIntyre charges $800.00 per hour for his deposition testimony and has a 2 hour minimum. After the initial 2 hours, Dr. McIntyre charges $400.00 per hour in 15 minute increments. 15. At the present time, defendant intends to call Gavin Huntley-Fenner, Ph.D. as an expert witness at the time of trial. 16. Dr. Gavin Huntley-Fenner is a human factors and safety consultant specializing in risk perception, safety and human development, human reaction time, and decision making. 17. Dr. Gavin Huntley-Fenner is expected to testify about perception time, reaction time, attention, decision making, risk perception, unexpected hazards, analysis of speeds and any aspect of the human factors relevant to this accident. 18. Dr. Gavin Huntley-Fenner has agreed to testify in the trial of this action. Dr. Gavin Huntley-Fenner will be sufficiently familiar with the facts of this action to provide meaningful oral deposition testimony. 19. Dr. Gavin Huntley-Fenner charges $390.00 per hour for deposition testimony. I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on September \ 2017 at Santa Ana, California. Cage aa Ona Ccleena B. Pompeo, Declarant 12 DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION S e l m a n B r e i t m a n LL P A T T O R N E Y S AT L A W A W N OO 0 9 O Y Wn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ps. 23 24 25 26 27 28 111236. PROOF OF SERVICE Ubaldo Rodriguez, et al. v. Fredrick Ulloa, et al. Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2016-00853728-CU-PP-CJC STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE I am employed in the County of ORANGE, State of California. Iam over the age of 18 years and am not a party to the within action; my business address is 6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 1100, Santa Ana, California 92707-5755. On September 18, 2017 I served the following document(s) described as DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA'S EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION on the interested parties in this action as follows: John W. Shaver, sq. Attorneys for Plaintiffs Vic A. Merjanian, Esq. Tel.: (949) 287-4931 Shant H. Hagopian, Esq. Fax: (888) 400-6263 KALFAYAN MERJANIAN LLP 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite 950 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Kurt Boyd, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant LAW OFFICES OF KURT BOYD FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE 5850 Canoga Avenue, Suite 400 Tel.: (818) 710-7122 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Fax: (818) 710-7124 [x BY MAIL: By placing a true copy thereof in a sealed envelope addressed as above, and placing it for collection and mailing following ordinary business practices. 1 am readily familiar with the firm’s practice of collection and processing correspondence, pleadings, and other matters for mailing with the United States Postal service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Santa Ana, California in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if the postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. Ol BY E-MAIL: I transmitted a copy of the foregoing document(s) via e-mail to the addressee(s). O BY FAX: I transmitted a copy of the foregoing document(s) via telecopier to the facsimile numbers of the addressee(s), and the transmission was reported as complete and without error. . BY PERSONAL SERVICE: I personally delivered such envelope by hand to the offices of the addressee(s). I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on September 18, 2017 at Santa Ana, California. KARLA V. FONSECA 1541.40551 OO 6 3 a Un H p WLW N D = N O N N N N N N N N D e m mt m t p t p d e d p e d p d e a 0 N N O N Ww» B A W N = Oo DO d N R W N = Oo PROOF OF SERVICE C.C.P. SECTION 1013a(3) I declare I am employed in the County of Orange, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen years and a citizen of the United States, and not a party to the within action. My business address is 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite 950, Newport Beach, California 92660. I, Marcela Sanchez-Villa, on October / \Y2017, served the foregoing documents described as MOTION IN LIMINE NO. 10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER on all interested parties in this action as follows: PLEASE SEE SERVICE LIST [] BY MAIL: I am readily familiar with the business practice at my place of business for collection and processing correspondence and other documents for mailing with the United States Postal Service. Correspondence so collected and processed is deposited with the United States Postal Service the same day in the ordinary course of business. [] BY FACSIMILE MACHINE: I caused the said document to be transmitted by facsimile machine to the number indicated after the addressee(s) noted above; that the facsimile machine provided confirmation that the facsimile has been sent correctly. [] BY PERSONAL SERVICE: I caused each such envelope to be delivered by hand to the addressee(s) noted above. [1] BY FEDERAL EXPRESS/UPS NEXT DAY AIR: I am readily familiar with the business practice at my place of business for processing and collection of correspondence and other documents for Federal Express/UPS, being that in the ordinary course of business, all outgoing Federal Express/UPS is picked up by Federal Express/UPS from the business by 3:30 p.m. the same day as it is called in, and delivered the following business day before 5:00 p.m. [X] BY EMAIL: Pursuant to the October 25, 2017, stipulation for email service reached with counsel in this suit, 1 serve the above documents to the email(s) listed in the service list below. A true and correct copy of the transmittal will be produced if requested by any party or the court. true and correct. Executed on October, 2017, at Newport Beach, California. I declare under penalty of per; goon the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is 7 MOTION /N LIMINE NO.10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER OO 60 9 O N Wn BA W O N = N O N D N D N N N N N N N = e m e m e d p d ed e d e d e e c o NN O N Wn BA W N = O vw N N N B R A W N —-= oo SERVICE LIST Ubaldo Rodriguez vs. Frederick Ulloa, et al. CASE NO. 30-2016-00853728 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT FLORAL SUPPLY SYNDICATE Kurt Boyd, Esq. LAW OFFICES OF KURT BOYD 5850 Canoga Avenue, Suite 400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 710-7122 Telephone (818) 710-7124 Facsimile KurtB@Boydlawyer.com Email Rosann Crimore (assistant) Rosann.crismore@boydlawyer.com Email COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT FREDERICK ULLOA Jerry C. Popovich, Esq. N. Asir Fiola, Esq. Celeena B. Pompeo, Esq. SELMAN BREITMAN, LLP 6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 1100 Santa Ana, CA 92707 (714) 647-9700 Telephone (714) 647-9200 Facsimile afiola@selmanlaw.com Email cpompeo(@selmanlaw.com Email 8 MOTION /N LIMINE NO.10 TO PRECLUDE ANY EVIDENCE OF OR REFERENCE TO DECEDENT’S NON-USE OF A HELMET; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES; DECLARATION OF JOHN W. SHAVER