Veeder-Root Co.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsAug 25, 1978237 N.L.R.B. 1175 (N.L.R.B. 1978) Copy Citation VEEDER-ROOT COMPANY Veeder-Root Company, a Division of Western Pacific Industries, Inc. and Pamela Bates and Theresa For- tune. Cases 1-CA-13694 and 1-CA-13697 August 25, 1978 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS JE NKINS AND PEN ELI.0 On June 5. 1978. Administrative Law Judge George F. McInerny issued the attached Decision in this proceeding. Thereafter, the Respondent filed ex- ceptions and a supporting brief, and the General Counsel submitted a brief in support of the Decision. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its au- thority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the record and the at- tached Decision in light of the exceptions and briefs and has decided to affirm the rulings, findings.' and conclusions 2 of the Administrative Law Judge and to adopt his recommended Order. ORDER Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board adopts as its Order the recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge and hereby orders that the Respondent, Veeder-Root Company, a Division of Western Pacific Industries, Inc., Hart- ford, Connecticut, its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall take the action set forth in the said rec- ommended Order. The Administrative L aw Judge inadvertently stated in fn 7 of his Deci- sion that "Respondent was in ans was damaged . .he v.ord "no" should be substituted for the word "any." 2 In the absence of exceptions. the Board adopts.proforma, the Adminis- trative Law Judge's dismissal of the additional alleged violations. DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE GEORGE F. MCINERNY, Administrative Law Judge: This case was heard at Hartford, Connecticut, on March 1, 1978. The consolidated complaint I alleging violations of Section 8(a)(l) of the National Labor Relations Act, as Allegations in the complaint alleging violations of Sec. 8(bi( I I(A} of Ihe Act by Capital City Lodge No. 354 of District 26, International Assoclatilon of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. AFL (CIO. ere settled prior ito the opening of the hearing. The complaint was amended at the hearing to delete all references to such allegations. amended, issued December 5, 1977. This complaint, in turn, was based on charges filed by Pamela Bates and Theresa Fortune alleging that their employer, the Respon- dent herein.2 had warned other employees about associat- ing with them and had warned both, and suspended one of them, for engaging in activities protected by the Act. Re- spondent's answer denies these allegations. Upon the entire record in the case, including the testi- mony, exhibits. and briefs, I make the following: FINDINGS OF FACT I JLRRISDIC ION The Company is a Connecticut corporation engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of counting, re- cording, and controlling instruments at its Hartford, Con- necticut, plant. It annually ships from its plant finished goods valued in excess of $50,000 directly to points located outside the State of Connecticut. The complaint alleges, the answer admits, and I find that the Company is engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. II IHI ALLEGED UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES A. The Facts The facts in this case are brief, uncomplicated, and un- denied. On April 20, 1977, company officials observed the Charging Parties, Pamela Bates and Theresa Fortune, pass- ing out literature outside the plant gates, on a public side- walk and before working hours, to employees as they were coming into the plant. The literature in question was a single sheet, printed on both sides, which seems to have been primarily designed to urge participation in a "May Day" rally to be held in Bos- ton on April 30, 1977. However, the literature contained a great deal of strident and inflammatory rhetoric directed against capitalism, op- pression, South Africa, employers, and labor leaders, and exhorted its readers to violent but unspecified revolu- tionary activity. Particular references were made to Re- spondent's activities with respect to its employees. Piece rates were described as "jacked up." Workers were "thrown out" of work, made to do the work of two, injured because of speedups and harassed "to death." After they had observed this distribution of the literature by the Charging Parties, company officials obtained copies and then called a meeting between Michael A. Petro, the Company's personnel director, the union (grievance) com- mittee, and, separately, with the two individuals who had passed out the flyers. There is no evidence as to what Bates said at this meeting. Fortune was described as defiant, threatening to "sue us and do a lot of things.3 The complaint was amended at the hearing to show the Compan)'s change in affiliation from a Disision of Veeder Industries. Inc. to a Dis- sion of Western Pacific Industries. Inc 3 While she was present at the hearing. Fortune was not called upon to testif). 237 NLRB No. 186 1175 DECI)SIONS OF NATIONAL lABOR RFI.ATIONS BOARI) Based on the previous experience with Fortune,4 the Company, through Petro, administered a 3-day suspension to her.5 Presumably because Bates had not been involved before, she was given a written warning. There were two other instances of alleged violations of law by Respondent. The first of these occurred in either April or May 1977. 6 Fortune was observed by Staley and two other supervisors talking to other workers. including Bates, for a period of 15 minutes. Staley could not hear what was being said, and he made no investigation to de- termine whether this conversation interfered with the pro- duction records of any of these three employees. He did. however, give Fortune a verbal warning for "interference" with her own work and the work of others. The verbal warning was memorialized in the form of a written report on the incident. The second incident occurred in July 1977 and involved Pamela Bates. She testified that a woman was apparently injured on the job and rushed out of the area where then both were working. Bates left her lugging machine, went over to investigate, observed blood, and began discussing the incident with another woman. At this point a person admitted by Respondent to be a supervisor came hby and told the women to stop talking about it. In Bates' testi- mony the supervisor told the other woman not to talk, par- ticularly to Bates, about it. He then told Bates she should be working and if she was working then it wouldn't be ans of her business. B. Discus .von A threshold question to be decided relative to the distri- bution of literature on April 20 is whether that action con- stituted concerted activity. As noted above, the main message of the literature ap- peals to the readers to attend a May Day rally in Boston. Other parts of the sheet inveigh against classes, groups, and individuals. If this were all, there would be a serious doubt of the connection between this activity and the kinds of activities listed in Section 7 of the Act. However, the third paragraph of the flyer refers specifi- cally to the employer: Even as they, throw some of us out of work, they come down harder on those of us still on the job. Here at 4 Fortune had been engaged fir sonic mine ihe dilseminatmni hlcraiulr' ol an almost identical nature to the ilaterial irisolxced im this ase Shlt had worn T-shirts and hullons be ring jejune res lutiininar sllanx anid had I passed ou fiseers advertising some kind if film to, eeri all lf thl prior activili had occurred in the plant, during s, orking hi urs I-or these alttiillt she h ad been disciplined, and the disciplinary actioi, ass uphield bx ran arbitrator. I do not consider that this pri'l actsl I, t) .LIrrllI as It i111 11 the (lonipans's tinme and piopert. i ies rclnt to the isses ill this ase. etei though the ( orpiln\'s actsions maYn been mo tini ed hb i nslideliit1 of that prior a;civit . Ihere was eidence that the t nlion prsced i less \etliC fr it-,.ne reason did not take the matter to arhbitrltion Since the illeiatlols ll 1 tl complaint relative to the Unihon uere wiihdrarn. this is i0 ll ii ltclll ia Ihe issues here 6James T. Stales .i general forem in testified that the incidenrl tocsilicd on May 5, 1977 A document refeiring io the incident dlated April . 1977 Stale' was unsure, hut thought the date on the documen t 1itght he ii crror I find that the incident occurred in N1la Veeder-Root we see piece work rates being jacked up, we are forced to work faster having one worker do the job of two so we can meet the bosses production quo- tas. We see people risking their own safety, getting fingers caught in the way of the machinery as we struggle to make the bosses' rates. And the bosses here, as in every other shop. harass us to death when we take up the fight against these outrages. They fear us when we fight them as individuals, but what gets them really shaking in their boots is when we're orga- nized together to take them on like we're gonna [sicJ be on May Day when we raise our demand FIGHT WAGE CU FS AND SPEED-UP! While this paragraph, like the remainder of the docu- ment. is phrased only in the most general terms, it is related to such items as piecework rates. layoffs, production quo- tas, and safety, all of which, in turn, are related to employ- ment and all of which are properly the subject of negotia- tions and grievances. Further, it is admitted that it was this paragraph to which Personnel Manager Petro took offense and on which he based the disciplinary action against Bates and Fortune. This action. then, was not taken be- cause of the political message of the flyer,' but because of what he considered inaccurate and offensive references to the Company contained in the paragraph quoted above. I find, therefore, that by distributing this document on a public street before working hours, Bates and Fortune were engaged in concerted activity. Hlaxving made this determination, the next question to be decided is whether this activity is protected by law or whether, as Respondent argues, the references to it are so scurrilous, defamatory', and insulting as to render distribu- tion of such matters outside the protection of the Act. Thlie Board and the courts have attempted over the years to balance the right of employees to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. On the other hand, the employer has a right to maintain plant discipline and to bar inflam- matory material from its premises. N I. R.B. v. Local 1229. /Inlterlronlol Brotherhlood o/ i/cclri(al Workers [Jefferson S'altldard BroadulcastinA, ( onpanlp /, 346 U.S. 464 (1953); Marltland Drvtdock (Conpaln v. N.L.RB., 183 F.2d 538 (C .A. 4, 1950). One type of case where activities such as those here have been held to be unprotected manifests a pattern of con- duct, handbilling. picketing. or otherwise demonstrating in a manner unrelated to wages, hours, or working conditions, or alleged unfair labor practices of the employer. This was the case in \ IL.R.B. v. Ircal 1229. Electrical Workers, su- ptL,. w here broadcast technicians employed by a radio sta- tion. instead of striking over a contract dispute, launched an attack, described by the Court as "vitrioloc," on the compans's broadcasts. 'Ihe technicians were discharged. tUpholding the discharges, the Court emphasized the lack of connection between the activities of the technicians and their wages. hours, and working conditions. Indeed, the employees omitted all references to their contract dispute RcponidentI's hiel'[ idiitslte, Ih~lt Respondent was in any sa.i damaged a. mii x c*,l t1 tI / 11i (111in.d ed Ihe f]ler 1176 VEEDFR-ROOT COMPANY with the employer, thereby diverting attention from it to focus upon "public policies of the company which had no discernible relation to that controversy." "It was a continu- ing attack . . . upon the very interests which the attackers were being paid to conserve and develop." N. L. R B. v. l.o- cal 1229, Electrical Workers, supra at 476. Similarly, in cases where. though the activities ma' be of a nature which would generally be termed protected. the attitude of the employees is flagrantly dislosal. wholly in- commensurate with any grievances which they may have. and manifested by public disparagement of the employer's product or undermining of its reputation. the Board has held disciplinary action to be justified. Firethous.v RAtrau- rant, 220 NLRB 818 (1975). In the instant case, the actions of Bates and Fortune bear a sufficient relation to their wages, hours, and condi- tions of employment to avoid the thrust of these cases. It may also be noted that there is no evidence here that an's attempt was made to involve the general public. The flier appears to be directed at Veeder-Root employees. The dis- tribution was made at the plant gates at a time when em- ployees were coming in to work. No members of the public were seen in the area, and there is no indication of any wider distribution of this flyer. Another series of cases approaches the problem from the viewpoint of the innate propriety of the activity, even though the activity is clearly related to wages, hours, work- ing conditions, or grievances arising out of these condi- tions. The Supreme Court, many years ago, pointed out the function of the Board to work out adjustments between the right to self-organization and the "equally undisputed right of employers to maintain discipline in their establishments, further noting this 'Opportunity to organize and proper discipline are both essential elements in a balanced soci- ety.'" Republic Aviation Corporation v. N.L.R.B.. 324 i.S. 793, 798 (1945). Pursuant to this general direction, the Board has worked out standards in an attempt to attain this balance. " he Act does not protect everything an employee ma's do or say in the course of union or concerted activits and has ruled that there are certain standards of conduct which must be observed in the course of such activity for an em- ployee to retain the Act's protection. The Board, however. has determined that publication of 'false.' 'misleading.' or 'inaccurate' statements made in the course of concerted activity do not deprive such activity of the Act's protection, provided that the statements were not 'deliberately or mali- ciously false,' and further that it is immaterial to a determi- nation that an employer has unlawfully discharged an em- ployee for giving currency to inaccurate information in the course of concerted actisity that the employer acted upon a good faith belief that the information was deliberately or maliciously false if such were not the case." El Mundo Broadcasting Corporation. 108 NLRB 1270, 1278-79 (19541. Beyond this, an employer may legitimately impose disci- pline where employee conduct "exceeds the bounds of le- gitimate campaign propaganda or is so disrespectful of the employer as seriously to impair the maintenance of disci- pline." N.L.R.B. v. Blue Bell, Inc., 219 F.2d 796. 798 (C A. 5, 1955); Maryland Drydock Co. v. N. L. R. B., supra., Indiana Gear Works v. N.L.R.B., 371 F.2d 273 (C.A. 7. 1967): Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, 200 NLRB 667. 670 (1972); United Parcel Service, Inc.. 230 NLRB 1197 (1977). In a case containing some curious similarities to this case. emplosyees were discharged ostensibly for falsifying their employ)ment applications. The Board found, however, that theN were in fact discharged for the distribution of literature and the wearing and sale of T-shirts bearing the message "FI ight Speed-up." .4nierican Motors Corporation. 214 NL.RB 455. 462 (1974). As in the instant case, the liter- ature in .4lmoerican 3tlotors bore a strident and threatening message w hich company officials viewed as "political." But there. as here. there was a connection between the lan- ?uaec of the literature and wages, hours, and working con- ditiotns in the plant. l here is no question but that the literature distributed by Bates and Fortune was harsh and intemperate in tone, but there are no statements in that literature which urge any- one to do anything which would be disruptive of Company discipline or would distrub the right of the Company to entjoi an orderl, workplace. There was no testimony from emploNces or anyone else that an' disruption or interrup- tion of ordinars. normal activities took place following this distribution. Further. it may be fairly said that the references to the Compan? are certainly misleading. if not inaccurate or false. There was. however. no testimony from Bates or For- tune as to whether the statements were framed or the litera- ture distributed with a malicious intent or as a part of a design to falsify deliberately. Based on the standards cited above. I am constrained to find that the two employees were here engaged in lawful protected concerted activity. and that Respondent, by im- posing discipline on them for this reason, even though in perfect good faith its agents believed that the literature dis- tributed vwas deliberately and maliciously false, violated Section 8(a)(I ) of the Act. C(. iin' I orhbal Ilrning to Fortune the onls evidence in the record concerning the verbal warning given to Fortune on Man 5, 1977, is the testimony of James 1. Stale), a general foreman, that on that date he observed Fortune leave her work station and engage three other employees, including Bates. in conversation for a pe- riod of 15 minutes. IThis activity entailed a violation of several compan) rules. Counsel for the General Counsel, in his brief, character- izes Stale\ 's response to Fortune's conduct as "shoot from the hip punishment" and urges that I infer from the prior incidents invol ing Fortune that this warning was a part of a campaign to "stamp out all employee concerted activity in an effort to guarantee as trouble-free a labor relations atmosphere as possible." llowever. in order to proceed from a suspicion to an inference to a finding of a violation of law requires that IRcspondent ' , counrsei did olt cross-examine Bates and Fortune. who did not Ictlds at lil. In addlllo,. the xaguenes of the references io the -,rking londition, indtatcs lano desire hs the auihhors to bargain indepen- detirl, of h t bein as o 1) .onac ithin the aimbii otf Fmptlir-r ('apI ,1 i t( (), 420 t) S 5i 1975} 1177 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR REI.ATIONS BOARD there be some evidence of a discriminatory motive. or cir- cumstances pointing to unusual or disparate treatment ac- corded this individual which was not directed toward others. I am not an arbitrator, interpreting the collective- bargaining agreement and applying broad concepts of fair treatment and industrial justice. Thus, the failure of Staley to investigate the circumstances of the conversation be- tween Fortune and the others is not significant. unless it were shown that Staley ordinarily followed such a proce- dure, and did not only in this instance. General Counsel has submitted no evidence on this point. Indeed. General Counsel has submitted no evidence at all on this incident other than Staley's own testimony that he saw Fortune vio- lating company rules and he wrote her up for it. In the absence of antiunion animus, and I have found that even with respect to the distribution incident Respon- dent was acting in good faith under the impression that the literature was false, misleading, and inaccurate. I cannot find this incident to be in violation of Section 8(a)(1). D. The Incident Invsolving Pamnela Bate.s In like manner, this incident appears to be isolated and almost meaningless. An employee is injured and rushed out of the shop. Other employees gather, as is perfectly natural, to discuss the incident. A supervisor tells the em- ployees to stop talking and return to work. which is also perfectly natural. The only element in the whole incident which might be termed suspicious is the statement by Bates that the supervisor told another girl not to discuss the mat- ter, particularly with Bates. There is no other evidence on this issue. Kodes, the supervisor, was not called as a wit- ness. More significantly, the other employee, identified in the record as "Stella." was not called to corroborate Bates' testimony. In these circumstances, I conclude that General Counsel has not supported this allegation by a preponderance of the credible evidence and therefore find that the allegation has not been sustained. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Respondent is an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of Section 2(2), (6), and (7) of the Act. 2. Respondent has violated Section 8(a)( ) of the Act by issuing a disciplinary warning to Pamela Bates and by sus- pending Theresa Fortune. 3. These unfair labor practices affect commerce within the meaning of Section 2(6) and (7) of the Act. 4. Respondent did not violate Section 8(a)(1) of the Act in any other manner. THE REMEDY Having found that Respondent has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, I find it necessary to order Respon- dent to cease and desist therefrom and to take certain affir- mative action designed to effectuate the policies of the Act. Having found that Respondent unlawfully issued a warning to its employee Pamela Bates, I recommend that Respondent expunge such warning from its records. Having found that Respondent unlawfully suspended its employee Theresa IFortune on April 21, 22, and 25, 1977, I recommend that Respondent make her whole for any loss of earnings suffered by her as a result thereof by payment to her of a sum of money equal to that which she normally would have earned but for the unlawful suspension, with interest thereon to be computed in the manner prescribed in F 11 ' o W /rorth Companre. 90 NLRB 289 (1950). and l/oritda Steel ('orporation, 231 NLRB 651 (1977). 9 Upon the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the entire record. and pursuant to Section 10(c) of the Act. I hereb\ issue the following recommended: ORDE R l0 The Respondent. Veeder-Root Company, a Division of Western Pacific Industries, Inc., Hartford. Connecticut, its officers. agents, successors. and assigns, shall: I. Cease and desist from issuing written warnings to or suspending employees for engaging in concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection, or in any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. 2. Take the following affirmative action designed to ef- fectuate the policies of the Act: (a) Expunge from her records the written warning issued to Pamela Bates on April 20, 1977. (b) Expunge from her records the written notice of sus- pension issued to Theresa Fortune on April 20, 1977. and make her whole for any loss of earnings as a result of her unlawful suspension in the manner set forth in the section entitled "The Remedy." (c) Preserve and, upon request, make available to the Board or its agents, for examination or copying, all payroll records. social security payment records, timecards. per- sonnel records and reports, and all other records necessary for determination of the amount of backpay due under the terms of this Order. (d) Post at its place of business in Hartford, Connecti- cut, copies of the attached notice marked "Appendix." " Copies of the notice, on forms provided by the Regional Director for Region I. after being duly signed by Respon- dent's representative, shall be posted by it immediately upon receipt thereof and be maintained by it for 60 consec- utive days thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken by Respondent to insure that such notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other material. See, generallt. Ii. Phlirbinig & Hl'ting (',, 138 Nl RB 716 (1962). In the event no exceptions are filed as provided by Sec 102.46 of the Rules and Regulations of the National I abor Relations Board. the findings. conRlusIrs. and the recommended Order herein shall. as provided in Sec. 102.48 of Ihe Rules and Regulations he iadopted bh the Board and become its findings,, conclusions. and Order. and all objections thereto shall be deemed waived for all purposes. " In the esent this Order is enforced by a judgment of a United States Court of Appeals, the Wxords in the notice reading "Posted by Order of the National I abor Relations Board" shall read "Posted Pursuant to a Judg- ment of the titred States (ourt of Appeals Enforcing an Order of the National l.hbor Relations Board." 1178 VEEDER-ROOT COMPANY (e) Notify the Regional Director for Region I, in writ- ing, within 20 days from the date of this Order, what steps Respondent has taken to comply herewith. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER RECOMMENDED that the complaint be. and it hereby is, dismissed to the extent it alleges violations not found herein. APPENDIX NOTICE To EMPLOYEES POSTED BY ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR REIATIONS BOARD An Agency of the United States Government After a hearing at which all sides had the change to give evidence, it has been decided that we have violated the National Labor Relations Act and we have been ordered to post this notice. The National Labor Relations Act gives you, as employ- ees, certain rights, including the rights: To self-organization To form, join, or help unions To bargain collectively through a representative of your own choosing To act together for collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection To refrain from any or all such activities. Accordingl,. we give you these assurances: Wi anIt -ol issue written warnings to or suspend employees for engaging in concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection, or in any other manner interfering with, restraining, or coercing our employ- ees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed above. Wr \ ILL NOT suspend you. reprimand vou, or other- wise discriminate against you in respect to your hire. tenure, or any other term or condition of employment because you join, support or assist a union. WE A ILL expunge from her records the written warn- ing issued to Pamela Bates on April 20, 1977. WE WIi.l expunge from her records the written no- tice of suspension issued to Theresa Fortune on April 20, 1977. and WE wii make her whole for any loss of earnings as a result of her unlawful suspension, with interest. VEt-DFR Roor COMPANY A DIvISION OF WESTERN PAClfI( INDt:ST RIFS, IN( 1179 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation