Wyo. Stat. § 9-5-203

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session, Acts 1-58, 60-118
Section 9-5-203 - Recovery of escheated or forfeited property; general procedure; proceedings where estate without known heirs; unclaimed payments; disposition of property obtained
(a) Whenever any property escheats or is forfeited to the state for its use, the legal title vests in the state from the time of the escheat or forfeiture. A complaint may be filed by the county attorney of the proper county or by the attorney general in the name of the state of Wyoming against the person or bank which possesses the escheated or forfeited property, in the district court of the proper county for the recovery of the property, alleging the grounds on which the recovery is claimed, and like proceedings in judgment shall be had as in a civil action for the recovery of property. In any such action due proof that any real or personal property has been unclaimed for five (5) years immediately prior to the time of filing the complaint and that the name or whereabouts of the owner of the property is unknown is prima facie evidence of the failure of title to the property for want of legal heirs.
(b) In cases where probate proceedings are commenced upon the estate of any person without known heirs no action under subsection (a) of this section need be brought. The court having jurisdiction of the estate shall enter a decree in the estate, distributing the unclaimed property remaining for distribution in the estate to the state of Wyoming. Where probate proceedings have been commenced but have never been completed, the county attorney or attorney general may proceed as provided by subsection (a) of this section. In any such estate, the failure of any heirs or devisees of the deceased to appear and establish a claim within the time fixed by the notice of final settlement of the estate for filing objections to the final account and petition for distribution is prima facie evidence of the failure of title to the property of the estate for want of legal heirs or devisees.
(c) In all cases in which any property, or any refunds, dividends or other payments are ordered to be conveyed or paid to persons in the state of Wyoming by a decree, judgment or order of any court or governmental agency, and the property, refunds, dividends or other payments are not claimed by the person entitled thereto within the time fixed or limited by the order of the court or governmental agency directing the payment thereof, the property, refunds, dividends or other payments are the property of the state of Wyoming, subject to subsection (d) of this section. At the expiration of the fixed or limited time, the court or governmental agency shall enter the proper decree, judgment or order directing that the property escheat to the state of Wyoming.
(d) All funds obtained by the state by escheat or forfeiture, shall be paid over to the state treasurer and kept by him in a separate account for a period of five (5) years during which time the monies are payable by him to the true owners upon presentment of a proper claim supported by satisfactory proof of ownership. After expiration of the five (5) year period without lawful claim, the funds shall be credited to the common school permanent land fund account. All real and personal property obtained by the state of Wyoming by escheat or forfeiture shall be received by and shall be under the direction and control of the state treasurer who shall give a receipt to the court therefor. The property shall be held in kind, except as hereinafter provided, by the state treasurer for a period of five (5) years during which time it is subject to claims by the rightful owners who may file their claims in the court which had original jurisdiction of the property. After the expiration of the five (5) year period without lawful claim therefor, the state treasurer shall sell the personal property at public or private sale, and shall sell the real property in the manner provided in W.S. 36-9-101 through 36-9-120 for the sale of state lands. The proceeds received from the sale shall be paid into the state treasury of the state and shall be credited by the state treasurer to the common school permanent land fund account.
(e) All real property held by the state treasurer during the five (5) year redemption period provided by subsection (d) of this section, may be transferred by the state treasurer to the state board of land commissioners to be administered as other state lands and shall not be sold except as hereafter provided. When any real or personal property will, in the opinion of the state treasurer, depreciate in value, the state treasurer may petition the court which had original jurisdiction over the property, for an order directing the sale of the property. Upon receipt of the order the state treasurer shall dispose of the property as ordered by the court. Any monies obtained by the conversion shall be credited to a separate account for the remaining five (5) years, during which time the monies shall be payable by the state treasurer to the true owners in the manner, and upon proof, as provided in subsection (d) of this section.
(f) This section does not apply to property which is subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, W.S. 34-24-101 through 34-24-140.

W.S. 9-5-203