Wyo. Stat. § 9-4-218

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 9-4-218 - Federal natural resource policy account created; purposes
(a) There is created an account known as the "federal natural resource policy account." Funds within the account may be expended by the governor on behalf of the state of Wyoming and its local governments, to take any of the actions specified in this subsection related to federal land, water, air, mineral and other natural resource policies which may affect the tax base of the state, wildlife management, state species, recreation, private property rights, water rights or leasehold rights. Funds also may be expended for preparing and participating in environmental impact statements and environmental assessments, including analysis of economic or social and natural or physical environmental effects on the human environment. Funds also may be expended for coordinating and participating in rangeland health assessments pursuant to W.S. 11-2-207. The governor may expend funds from the federal natural resource policy account for:
(i) Participation of the state, a state agency or a county as a joint lead agency to prepare an environmental impact statement in accordance with regulations promulgated by the federal council on environmental quality;
(ii) Participation of the state, a state agency or a county as a cooperating agency in accordance with regulations promulgated by the federal council on environmental quality. Participation may include:
(A) Involvement in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process at the earliest possible time;
(B) Involvement in the scoping process described in regulations promulgated by the federal council on environmental quality;
(C) Development of information and preparation of environmental analyses including portions of the environmental impact statement in which Wyoming has special expertise;
(D) Assisting the state, a state agency or counties in collecting, compiling, analyzing and distributing economic impact data related to federal natural resource policy formation and participation in policy development;
(E) Making staff support available at the lead agency's request to enhance Wyoming's interdisciplinary capability; and
(F) Expenditure of state or county funds.
(iii) Investigating, initiating, intervening or otherwise participating in litigation, or taking any other legal action by the state, a state agency or the counties of the state individually or jointly, that furthers the purposes of this subsection. In carrying out this subsection, the attorney general or the counties, with approval of the governor, may retain qualified practicing attorneys to act for the state or the counties, including providing representation in other forums with the federal government or other state or county governments that may preclude or resolve any outstanding issues or attempting to influence pertinent federal legislation;
(iv) Participation in monitoring of federal natural resource issues, including the collection, review, analysis or dissemination of any material that may be required for legal action or to support any other purpose authorized under this section;
(v) Training seminars educating state and local government officials and employees on the provisions and requirements of the federal National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and related federal rules and regulations, and on the processes used by federal agencies in administering federal law;
(vi) Development of rangeland health assessments in compliance with W.S. 11-2-207;
(vii) Participation in the formulation, preparation and implementation of environmental impact statements and associated records of decision and other federal management decisions;
(viii) Development and revision of comprehensive natural resource management plans prepared by counties. Plans funded pursuant to this paragraph shall:
(A) Identify objectives and priorities for the use, development and protection of natural resources and land in Wyoming;
(B) Be based on criteria established by the governor's office in consultation with the counties and consistently applied in each comprehensive natural resource management plan;
(C) Serve as a basis for communicating and coordinating with the federal government and its agencies on land and natural resource management issues;
(D) Be developed or revised in public meetings held in accordance with W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-408. The public meetings shall allow for participation and contribution from the public.
(b) All funds including any recovered court costs and earned interest remaining in the federal natural resource policy account at the end of a biennium shall remain in the account to implement the purposes of this section.
(c) In the expenditure of funds from the federal natural resources policy account pursuant to this section, preference shall be given to those funding requests that:
(i) Enhance the ability of a county to participate in federal natural resource policy matters;
(ii) Fund actions taken under paragraph (a)(iii) of this section as the governor determines necessary or advisable to protect or promote the state's jurisdictional, economic or property interests which may be affected by actions taken by the environmental protection agency or other federal agencies;
(iii) Fund actions taken under subsection (a) of this section as the governor determines necessary or advisable to facilitate federal permitting of proposed activities which may bring about further economic development of the natural resources of the state; or
(iv) Add to the internal expertise of the state or a state agency to participate in federal natural resource policy matters.
(d) The governor shall report in the governor's office budget request submitted pursuant to W.S. 9-2-1013:
(i) All actions taken pursuant to this section;
(ii) All expenditures from the federal natural resource policy account in each of the immediately preceding two (2) fiscal years;
(iii) The purpose of each expenditure.

W.S. 9-4-218

Amended by Laws 2019 , ch. 39, § 1, eff. 7/1/2019.
Amended by Laws 2017 , ch. 127, § 1, eff. 7/1/2017.
Amended by Laws 2014 , ch. 7, § 2, eff. 7/1/2014.
Amended by Laws 2011 , ch. 141, § 1, eff. 3/3/2011.
See Laws 2011 , ch. 141, § 2.