Wyo. Stat. § 42-4-206

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 42-4-206 - Claims against estates
(a) If an individual receives any medical assistance pursuant to this chapter, upon the individual's death, if single, or upon the death of the survivor of a married couple, either of whom received medical assistance, the total amount paid for medical assistance rendered for the individual or the spouse shall be filed by the department of health as a claim against the estate of the individual or the estate of the surviving spouse in the court having jurisdiction to probate the estate. A claim shall be filed if medical assistance was rendered for either person under one (1) of the following circumstances:
(i) The person was fifty-five (55) years of age or older when he received medical assistance; or
(ii) The person was an inpatient in a nursing facility, intermediate care facility for people with intellectual disability or other medical institution when he received medical assistance.
(b) The claim shall be considered an expense of the last illness of the decedent. Any statute of limitations which attempts to limit the department of health to recover for medical assistance provided pursuant to this chapter shall not apply to any claim made under this section for reimbursement for the medical assistance.
(c) The claim shall include only the total amount of medical assistance rendered after the individual attains fifty-five (55) years of age or during a period of institutionalization as described in paragraph (a)(ii) of this section, and shall not include interest. A claim for medical assistance rendered for the predeceased spouse, against the estate of a surviving spouse who did not receive medical assistance, is limited to the value of the assets of the estate that were marital property or jointly owned property at any time during the marriage.
(d) If a decedent who was single, or who was the surviving spouse of a married couple, is survived by a child who has not attained twenty-one (21) years of age or is blind or permanently and totally disabled as defined by 42 U.S.C. § 1382c, no claim shall be filed against the estate.
(e) Repealed By Laws 2002, Ch. 39, § 2.
(f) The department of health shall establish procedures, in accordance with standards specified by the secretary of health and human services, under which the department of health shall waive the application of this section if application would work an undue hardship on the basis of criteria established by the secretary.
(g) As used in this section:
(i) "Asset" means as defined under W.S. 42-2-401(a)(i);
(ii) "Estate" shall include all real and personal property and other assets included within the individual's estate, as defined for purposes of this state's probate law, and includes any other real and personal property and other assets in which the individual had any legal title or interest at the time of death to the extent of that interest, including such assets conveyed to a survivor, heir or assign of the deceased individual through joint tenancy, tenancy in common, survivorship, life estate, living trust or other arrangement.

W.S. 42-4-206

Amended by Laws 2019 , ch. 15, § 1, eff. 2/14/2019.
Amended by Laws 2016 , ch. 20, § 1, eff. 7/1/2016.