Wyo. Stat. § 35-9-215

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 35-9-215 - Distribution of assets and liabilities following division
(a) The division of the assets of the fire protection districts shall be apportioned as follows:
(i) Through a mutual agreement signed by the president of the original fire protection district board and the person or persons appointed to represent the detracted district pursuant to W.S. 35-9-213(c);
(ii) If a mutual agreement cannot be reached as provided in paragraph (i) of this subsection and the assets are located entirely within one (1) county, the board of county commissioners of that county may impose an equitable division of the assets;
(iii) If a mutual agreement cannot be reached as provided in paragraph (i) of this subsection and the assets are located in more than one (1) county, the boards of county commissioners of the counties where the assets are located may negotiate a division of the assets, with each board having an equal vote regardless of the number of commissioners on the respective boards;
(iv) If a mutual agreement cannot be reached as provided in paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii) of this subsection, the district court of the county where a majority of the original district's electors reside shall have jurisdiction to equitably divide the district assets, with each county responsible to pay legal fees and costs in proportion to the division of assets between or among the counties.
(b) Any detracted area shall remain liable for any existing warrant and bonded indebtedness of the original district, which indebtedness shall be apportioned between the divided areas according to their respective taxable valuations.
(c) New fire protection districts created by a division of a fire protection district pursuant to W.S. 35-9-212 through 35-9-215 shall not be treated as a new or reorganized taxing entity for purposes of W.S. 39-13-104(m).

W.S. 35-9-215