Wyo. Stat. § 33-3-131

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 33-3-131 - Unlawful use of terms; advertising; prima facie evidence of violation

The display or uttering by a person of a card, sign, advertisement or other printed, engraved or written instrument or device bearing a person's name in conjunction with the words "certified public accountant" or the abbreviation "CPA" is prima facie evidence in any action brought under W.S. 33-3-129 or 33-3-130 that the person whose name is so displayed caused or procured the display or uttered the card, sign, advertisement or other printed, engraved or written instrument or device and that the person is holding himself out to be a certified public accountant. In any action, evidence of the commission of a single act prohibited by this act is sufficient to justify an injunction or a conviction without evidence of a general course of conduct.

W.S. 33-3-131