Wyo. Stat. § 24-10-110

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 24-10-110 - Power of commission to acquire and remove existing advertising; compensation
(a) The commission may acquire by gift, purchase, agreement, exchange or eminent domain any existing outdoor advertising and all property rights pertaining to same which were lawfully in existence on the effective date of this act and which by reason of this act become nonconforming.
(b) Compensation shall be paid in accordance with the Relocation Assistance Act for outdoor advertising and all property rights pertaining to same which are acquired by eminent domain. The agency is empowered to remove signs found in violation of W.S. 24-10-108 or 24-10-109 without payment of compensation.
(c) Those signs meeting the criteria of the act shall not be required to be removed unless at the time of removal there are sufficient funds, from whatever source, appropriated and immediately available to this state with which to pay the just compensation required under this section, and unless at such time the federal funds required to be contributed to this state under section 131 of title 23, United States Code, have been appropriated and are immediately available to this state.

W.S. 24-10-110