The board of trustees of each Wyoming school district may create a special reserve fund of a specified amount, for the purpose of purchasing or replacing specified equipment or a depreciation reserve for equipment and school building repair. The board may annually include in its budget for the ensuing fiscal year, the amount so designated, as a special fund, expendable only for the purposes stated and segregated as such, from general and other special school funds, disbursements therefrom to be made from time to time by the school clerk's warrants drawn against said special fund, as duly ordered by said board; provided, that said amount so specially budgeted for any fiscal year shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total amount budgeted for the same year; and further provided, that any difference in the amount so specially budgeted for any such year and the amount expended from said fund during such year, may be retained in and carried over as a part of the special reserve fund.
W.S. 21-13-504