Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 21-13-309 - Determination of amount to be included in foundation program for each district(a) Repealed By Laws 1997 Special Session, ch. 3, § 304.(b) Repealed By Laws 1997 Special Session, ch. 3, § 304.(c) Repealed By Laws 1997 Special Session, ch. 3, § 304.(d) Repealed By Laws 1997 Special Session, ch. 3, § 304.(e) Repealed By Laws 1997 Special Session, ch. 3, § 304.(f) Repealed By Laws 1997 Special Session, ch. 3, § 304.(g) Repealed by Laws 1993, ch. 168, § 2.(h) Repealed by Laws 1993, ch. 168, § 2.(j) Repealed by Laws 1993, ch. 168, § 2.(k) Repealed By Laws 1997 Special Session, ch. 3, § 304.(m) In determining the amount to be included in the foundation program for each district, the state superintendent shall: (i) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(ii) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(iii) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(iv) Based upon reports from each district on schools operating within that district for the current school year and on grade configurations contained within each reported school during that school year, compute the average daily membership (ADM) for each reported school and each grade within each reported school in accordance with identified grade configurations subject to the following:(A) If the district's average ADM for the three (3) immediately preceding school years is greater than the district's ADM from the previous school year, each reported school shall be computed based upon the average of the school's ADM counts completed at the end of the three (3) immediately preceding school years, otherwise each reported school within the district shall be computed based on the school's ADM for the previous school year;(B) For each school year, the configuration of grades for each school shall be based upon the ADM reported for each grade in which students were enrolled for the immediately preceding school year;(C) Repealed By Laws 2012, Ch. 99, § 2.(v) Based upon ADM computations and identified school configurations within each district pursuant to paragraph (iv) of this subsection, compute the foundation program amount for each district as prescribed by the education resource block grant model adopted by the Wyoming legislature as defined under W.S. 21-13-101(a)(xiv), as contained within the spreadsheets and accompanying reports referenced under W.S. 21-13-101(a)(xvii). The following criteria shall be used by the state superintendent in the administration of the education resource block grant model:(A) At-risk students, for purposes of model computations, shall include students within a school who are eligible for participation in the free and reduced price lunch program under the national school lunch program established by 42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq., who are identified as limited English proficiency in accordance with rules and regulations of the department of education or who are mobile students as defined by department rule and regulation and enrolled in grades six (6) through twelve (12) for the applicable school year. A student shall be counted only once for purposes of computing school at-risk student populations even though that student may simultaneously be eligible to participate in the free and reduced price lunch program, in programs serving students with limited English proficiency or is defined as a mobile student;(B) Alternative schools qualifying for separate consideration under the education resource block grant model may be established by a school district for offering educational programs to students with educational needs which the district finds are not appropriately met by other schools in the district, excluding charter schools established under W.S. 21-3-301 through 21-3-314. Alternative schools included within a district's configuration of schools identified under paragraph (iv) of this subsection shall for purposes of the education resource block grant model: (I) Be approved as an alternative school by the department of education prior to July 1, 2006;(II) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 147, § 102.(III) Unless otherwise authorized by the state superintendent, be restricted to not more than one (1) alternative school within any school district;(IV) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (V) of this subparagraph, on and after July 1, 2014, and if not qualifying under subdivision (I) of this subparagraph, be approved by the state superintendent subject to the following:(1) Completion of a formal evaluation of the school district's at-risk programs to ensure provision of a continuum of learning supports and classroom interventions addressing the needs of at-risk children within the district which is comprised of the following:a. Criteria for identifying at-risk students in accordance with and subject to research-based indicators;b. Use of individual learning plans for each identified at-risk student or an equivalent school-wide plan that defines interventions, programs and services required to address special needs. The plans shall be continuously monitored by the district;c. Use of quality learning supports and classroom interventions based upon the special needs of the student population served by the district and the supports and interventions are supported by and based upon research-based practices and strategies;d. Data based predictors to identify students at-risk of dropping out of school after reaching the age of compulsory attendance pursuant to W.S. 21-4-102 and learning supports and classroom strategies to address this student population.(2) A formal evaluation is conducted by the district not less than once every two (2) years of the school's programs, comprised of the continuum of learning supports and classroom interventions specified under subdivision (IV)(1) of this subparagraph. The evaluation shall measure the effectiveness of the school's programs in meeting the needs of those student populations attending the school. Formal evaluations conducted under this subparagraph shall be reported to and approved by the district board and reported to the state superintendent together with action plans addressing necessary program improvements;(3) Student achievement within the school is reported annually by the district to the state superintendent, as measured by quality indicators specified by rule and regulation of the department which reflect the components of the continuum of learning supports and classroom interventions specified under subdivision (IV)(1) of this subparagraph;(4) Educational space for the school is provided through facilities operated and maintained by the district and approved by the state construction department as meeting statewide adequacy standards. After two (2) evaluations by the state superintendent under subdivision (IV)(3) of this subparagraph that demonstrate academic progress or success of an alternative school's educational program, the alternative school shall be included in the district's five (5) year plan under W.S. 21-15-116 and the school's long-term facility needs shall be evaluated by the state construction department. Notwithstanding subparagraph (m)(vi)(C) of this section, the state construction department shall not approve any district plan which includes educational space for the alternative school within a separate facility unless the district provides sufficient documentation and evidence that the school cannot be collocated within a facility containing educational space for another school with similar grade configurations operated by the district.(V) Not be included for purposes of the block grant model if established on or after March 15, 2017 and before June 30, 2019. No new alternative school shall be approved by the department on and after March 15, 2017 and before July 1, 2019.(C) Salaries for all school and district level staffing categories, including teachers, principals and assistant principals, central office administrators, secretarial and clerical staff, operations and maintenance staff and aides and media technicians, shall be based upon average statewide salary levels calibrated under "Attachment A" for each staffing category, adjusted under subsection (o) of this section, including the experience, education and responsibility level as appropriate and as computed for each staffing category. The statewide average for each staffing category shall be adjusted for each district based upon the district experience, education and responsibility level relative to the statewide average for that category. District experience, education and responsibility level by appropriate staffing category shall be updated each year such that district adjustments reflect the prior school year staffing information. The district adjusted average salary for each staffing category shall be further adjusted for regional cost differences as measured by the greater of the hedonic wage index or the Wyoming cost-of-living index computed by the division of economic analysis, department of administration and information, with a minimum of one hundred (100) index value, as prescribed by the education resource block grant model. For purposes of the education resource block grant model, the version of the Wyoming cost-of-living index used by the division shall be based upon the unrecalibrated housing cost index weights unless otherwise determined by the legislature based upon recommendation of the joint education interim committee. In addition, the version of the Wyoming cost-of-living index applied under this subparagraph for any school year shall be the average of the six (6) consecutive semi-annual index reports completed by January 1 of the immediately preceding school year;(D) Career and technical education computations within the education resource block grant model shall be based upon:(I) The number of students enrolled in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) participating in career and technical education programs on a full-time equivalency (FTE) basis, as computed in accordance with guidelines established by the department of education;(II) Career and technical education programs offered in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) consisting of a sequence of three (3) or more career and technical courses in an occupational area or career cluster that provides students with the technical knowledge, skills or proficiencies necessary to obtain employment in current or emerging occupations or to pursue advanced skill training. To qualify under this subdivision, a career and technical course shall be offered pursuant to W.S. 21-9-101(b)(i)(J) and aligned with state content and performance standards prescribed by the state board of education under W.S. 21-2-304(a)(iii), and except as provided under W.S. 21-2-202(a)(xxvii), shall be provided by a teacher certified by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board for the career and technical subject area associated with the course;(III) The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) vocational education teachers within the school, as computed in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the department, providing career and technical education instruction in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) and except as provided under W.S. 21-2-202(a)(xxvii), certified by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board to provide instruction at the high school level for career and technical education courses comprising career and technical education programs. Nothing in this subdivision shall require a district to employ teachers certified for high school career and technical education instruction on a full-time basis or to require teachers to teach only high school career and technical education courses on a full-time basis.(E) Amounts computed under the education resource block grant model for each school district based upon amounts generated by each school within the district and based upon amounts generated at the district level for that district within the block grant model, shall be adjusted by adding the following amounts: (I) An amount for district transportation of school children as provided under W.S. 21-13-320;(II) Repealed by Laws 2023, ch. 111, § 2.(III) An amount for any extra compensation payments to district teachers as provided under W.S. 21-13-324;(IV) An amount for any isolation and maintenance payments by the district as provided under W.S. 21-4-401;(V) An amount for any tuition and maintenance payments made by the district pursuant to W.S. 21-4-501(d) and 21-4-504.(F) Amounts provided within the model for health insurance shall be based upon:(I) Prior year statewide average district weighted actual participation in district health insurance plans as to the proportion of employee only, split contracts, employee plus spouse or children and family coverage;(II) The annualized state contribution rate as of January 1 of the preceding school year, on behalf of each employee and official enrolled in the state group health insurance plan, for employee only, split contracts, employee plus spouse or children and family coverage except as provided in subdivision (III) of this subparagraph; and(III) For school year 2020-2021 and school year 2021-2022, the amount provided to a school district for health insurance shall be calculated using the annualized state contribution rate as of January 1, 2019 for employee only, split contracts, employee plus spouse or children and family coverage based on district weighted actual participation in district health insurance plans for the 2018-2019 school year, plus additional funding as calculated pursuant to 2020 Senate File 0001, Section 334(b) as enacted into law.(G) Amounts within the block grant model for maintenance and operations shall be based upon actual gross square footage of school buildings and facilities subject to the following:(I) Actual gross square footage of school buildings and facilities shall be separated into education and noneducation space categories by school and by district, including leased square footage but excluding square footage not used for delivering the required educational program and the square footage of any building or facility closed and not operational as provided under W.S. 21-15-109(c)(iv);(II) Actual gross square footage of education space shall be the gross square footage prescribed by statewide building adequacy standards promulgated pursuant to W.S. 21-15-115. Education space capacity in excess of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the standard space level shall not be included in actual gross square footage computations under this subdivision;(1) Repealed By Laws 2011, Ch. 185, § 2(a).(2) Repealed By Laws 2011, Ch. 185, § 2(a).(III) Actual square footage of noneducation space shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of total gross square footage of education space as prescribed by the statewide building adequacy standards.(vi) Except for charter schools established under W.S. 21-3-301 through 21-3-314 and alternative schools approved under subdivision (v)(B)(IV) of this subsection, any alteration of the configuration of grades within a district, school or school facility which differs from the configuration of grades during the immediately preceding school year as reported under paragraph (iv) of this subsection shall be considered a reconfiguration and shall be documented by the district and reported to the state superintendent and the director of the state construction department. Following review and evaluation, the state superintendent and the director of the state construction department shall, each acting independently, approve or deny the reconfiguration for purposes of application to the education resource block grant model and the determination of school facility needs and remedies. The following shall apply:(A) Approval under this paragraph shall be based upon the appropriate delivery of the required educational program, the cost effectiveness of the proposed grade reconfiguration for delivery of adequate educational services to students with block grant resources, district wide capacity of school educational facilities as defined under W.S. 21-15-109(a)(ii) and any extraordinary circumstances related to the safe and efficient delivery of the education program to students;(B) Approval under this paragraph shall be required prior to receiving state funds for adding any new school within a district;(C) Effective for the school year commencing after July 1, 2012, and each school year thereafter, no reconfiguration of grades within any district, school or facility shall differ from the previous school year such that more than one (1) school is included within any one (1) school facility to be reported under paragraph (iv) of this subsection for purposes of determining the foundation program amount for that district;(D) As used in this paragraph, "configuration" means the approved combination of grades served within a district, school or school facility as reported for purposes of determining the foundation program amount for that district under this section.(n) Repealed By Laws 2002, Chapter 76, § 3; 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(o) To the extent specifically provided by the legislature, and between periods of model recalibration required under subsection (t) of this section, the amount computed for each district under subsection (m) of this section shall be adjusted to provide for the effects of inflation, excluding those amounts specified under subparagraphs (m)(v)(E) and (F) of this section and the assessment component contained in paragraph (b)(xxviii) of "Attachment A" as referenced in W.S. 21-13-101(a)(xvii). The adjustment under this subsection shall not be applied until the expiration of the school year immediately following the first school year of application of the recalibrated model, and shall be adjusted on a cumulative basis each school year thereafter and until the first school year of application of a subsequent model recalibration. Following analysis of information reported under subsection (u) of this section, the joint appropriations interim committee shall submit a recommendation to the legislature and the governor not later than November 1 of each applicable year on an external cost adjustment for purposes of this subsection.(i) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(ii) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(p) Except as otherwise provided by law and following the computation and application of any adjustment under subsection (o) of this section, the amount computed for each school within each district shall be combined with the amount computed and provided on a district level for that district, as prescribed by the education resource block grant model, to determine the foundation program amount for each district.(q) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(r) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(s) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 37, § 2.(t) Not less than once every five (5) years, the legislature shall provide for the recalibration of the education resource block grant model to determine if modifications are necessary to ensure it remains cost-based in light of changing conditions and modifications to law.(u) To ensure model components specified under the education resource block grant model defined under W.S. 21-13-101(a)(xiv), as enumerated and enacted by the legislature and included in "Attachment A" referenced in W.S. 21-13-101(a)(xvii), remain resourced at cost-based levels between periods of model recalibration required under subsection (t) of this section, and prior to adjustment for the effects of inflation for any school year under subsection (o) of this section, the joint education interim committee shall annually receive and review reports in accordance with this subsection and report to the joint appropriations interim committee as required by this subsection. The legislative service office shall assemble information necessary to develop a model monitoring process and other reports for the committee using data maintained by the department of education and other state agencies. For this purpose, the department shall annually update and compile information, in a format contained within reports provided during 2010 model recalibration, reported at the model component level, on school district allocation of model resources, as well as other information provided for purposes of developing and completing the 2010 cost of education studies. Each year excluding the first school year of application of any model recalibration performed under subsection (t) of this section, the information and analysis assembled by the legislative service office under this subsection shall be reported to the joint education interim committee in sufficient time to allow committee review of and deliberation on the report and the submission of recommendations to the joint appropriations interim committee by October 15 of the applicable school year. Report recommendations shall be used by the joint appropriations interim committee in its determination of legislative recommendation on model adjustment under subsection (o) of this section.Amended by Laws 2023, ch. 111,§ 2, eff. 2/27/2023.Amended by Laws 2021 , ch. 66, § 1, eff. 7/1/2021.Amended by Laws 2020 , ch. 80, § 334, eff. 7/1/2020.Amended by Laws 2018 , ch. 137, § 1, eff. 7/1/2018.Amended by Laws 2017 , ch. 205, § 1, eff. 3/13/2017.Amended by Laws 2017 , ch. 172, § 1, eff. 7/1/2017.Amended by Laws 2017 , ch. 31, § 1, eff. 2/17/2017.Amended by Laws 2016 , ch. 105, § 3, eff. 7/1/2016.Amended by Laws 2015 , ch. 30, § 1, eff. 2/25/2015.Amended by Laws 2014, ch. 10,§ 2, eff. 3/4/2014.Amended by Laws 2014, ch. 10,§ 1, eff. 3/4/2014.Amended by Laws 2013 , ch. 1, § 2, eff. 1/29/2013.Amended by Laws 2012 , ch. 99, §§ 1, 2, eff. 7/1/2012.Amended by Laws 2011 , ch. 185, §§ 1, 2, eff. 7/1/2011.Amended by Laws 2011 , ch. 176, § 1, eff. 3/3/2011.