Wyo. Stat. § 19-9-301

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 19-9-301 - National guard officers generally
(a) All officers of the national guard of Wyoming shall be appointed by the governor of Wyoming as provided in national guard regulations except such officers as may be commissioned by the governor in an honorary status or in a state status without regard to their allocation or qualification by the department of defense of the United States.
(b) All officers appointed in the national guard of Wyoming except the adjutant general, assistant adjutants general and additional general officers shall hold their membership until they have reached seventy (70) years of age unless retired or discharged prior to that time. No officer possesses a property interest in any duty position. The adjutant general is the discharge authority for all officers except the adjutant general, for which the governor shall be that authority. Any officer may be discharged from the Wyoming national guard according to procedures established by orders and regulations prescribed or promulgated by the adjutant general or according to federal law and regulation. An officer discharged from the United States air force or army reserves or who has his federal recognition withdrawn shall also be discharged from the Wyoming national guard effective as of the date of discharge from the reserves or withdrawal of federal recognition.
(c) Initial appointments and promotions shall be made from the best qualified officers available for service in a unit or organization. The adjutant general shall for federal promotions and as required by federal regulation, submit recommendations personally or through a federal recognition board appointed by the adjutant general. For state promotion of officers, the adjutant general shall be the promotion authority.
(d) Repealed By Laws 2003, Ch. 19, § 2.
(e) The moral character, capacity and general fitness for the service of any national guard officer may be determined at any time by an administrative board as provided by applicable law and regulations. Commissions of officers of the national guard may be vacated upon resignation or absence without leave for three (3) months upon the recommendation of an administrative board or pursuant to sentence of a courts-martial.
(f) The compensation of all officers when on duty by order of the governor shall be the same as paid to officers of like grade in the regular armed forces of the United States including longevity pay and allowances for federal and national guard service.
(g) Within ten (10) days of his appointment an officer shall take and subscribe the oath provided in national guard regulations and the oath provided by the Wyoming constitution for all state officers. The officer who administers the oaths shall certify the facts and transmit the oaths or affirmations properly sealed and attested to the adjutant general, who shall file the same. A commission signed by the governor and countersigned by the adjutant general under seal of the adjutant general's office shall then be issued to all officers qualified as provided for in national guard regulations, to take rank from date of original appointment. The rank of all officers now in the service or hereafter commissioned shall date from date of taking the oath of office.
(h) The resignation of officers shall be addressed to the governor and transmitted to the adjutant general through the regular military channels. All commanding officers before forwarding a resignation shall endorse thereon their approval or disapproval, together with all facts bearing on the case. An officer tendering his resignation shall not be considered out of the service until his resignation is accepted. Upon acceptance of the resignation of a commissioned officer, the adjutant general with the approval of the governor, shall issue termination orders.
(j) Repealed By Laws 2003, Ch. 19, § 2.

W.S. 19-9-301

Amended by Laws 2017 , ch. 45, § 1, eff. 2/17/2017.