Wyo. Stat. § 15-6-448

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 15-6-448 - Work on railways and streets along railways
(a) All railway and street railway companies shall make or reconstruct all or those portions of all paving, graveling or macadamizing between the rails of their tracks and one (1) foot outside thereof at their own expense as the city or town may require. The improvement or the reconstruction shall be of the material and character ordered by the city or town and shall be done at the same time that the rest of the improvement is made or reconstructed. No work on the improvement along the railway or street railway may be permitted to delay or interfere with the work of the general improvement of the street, and no use may be made of that portion of the railway or street railway, without the written permission of the city engineer, during the progress of the work or until the improvement is safe for use and open for traffic by the city engineer.
(b) When the improvement is being constructed or reconstructed the companies shall lay, in the best approved manner, such rails as the governing body may require. The companies shall keep and maintain the paving, graveling and macadamizing between their rails and one (1) foot outside thereof and the rails up to the surface grade of the improved street, according to the plans and survey of the city therefor and all in good repair, using the same material as is used for the original improvement or such other material as the governing body may order. When the improvement of any street is being constructed or reconstructed the companies shall raise or lower their tracks and rails to conform to the grade established by the city or town for the improvement. If any railway or street railway company fails or refuses to comply with an order, resolution or ordinance of the governing body to make, reconstruct, maintain or repair an improvement, the work may be done by the city and the cost and expense thereof shall be assessed against the company and upon its real estate and personal property within the corporate limits of the city or town and the franchise granted to the company in the manner provided for the assessment of the cost against other property. The assessment may be collected in the manner provided for other assessments or in a direct proceeding in the district court. If the cost of any part of the improvement of any street is charged against any railway or street railway company or its property, plans and specifications for that part of the improvement shall be included in the plans and specifications filed by the city engineer for the improvement of the other portions of the street. The bids therefor shall be called for by the city or town in connection with the bids for the remainder of the improvement and received showing the cost per square yard separately from the cost per square yard of the other portions of the improvement. If done by the city or town, the cost shall be determined separately from the cost of the other portions of the improvement. At any time after the advertisement for bids for graveling, macadamizing or paving of any street or streets occupied by any railway or street railway, they shall file with the governing body a statement indicating whether they refuse to construct or reconstruct the improvement or whether they desire the city or town to do the improving and charge the cost against the company. The instrument shall be filed not more than three (3) days after the opening of the bids for the work, and if the instrument is not filed within that time, it is deemed a refusal to do the improving themselves and a request for the city or town to construct it and assess the cost to the company. Special improvement warrants or bonds may be issued for the construction or reconstruction or maintenance of an improvement, the cost of which is assessed to the company.
(c) If any tracks or rails of any railway or street railway are laid or relaid upon any street or streets improved by paving, graveling or macadamizing, the company shall do the work under the supervision of the city engineer and in such a manner as to injure the improvement as little as possible and shall reconstruct those portions removed or injured by them so that the street is left in as good a condition as it was prior to commencing the laying or relaying of tracks or rails.
(d) Railway or street railway companies as used in this section include the owner or owners of any railway or street railway whether persons or corporations.

W.S. 15-6-448