Wyo. Stat. § 15-5-205

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 15-5-205 - Death benefits to surviving spouse; amounts; limitations; length of payments
(a) If any paid fireman dies from any cause, the board shall pay to the surviving spouse a monthly pension equal to the greater of the monthly benefit payable to the fireman under W.S. 15-5-204 or the monthly benefit payable under W.S. 15-5-204(a) for twenty (20) years of active service. Benefits payable under this subsection shall be paid out of the firemen's pension account and shall continue for the spouse's life.
(b) If the fireman is a retired fireman drawing his pension at the time of his death, the board shall pay to the surviving spouse a monthly pension equal to the monthly benefit payable to the fireman under W.S. 15-5-204. Benefits payable under this subsection shall be paid out of the firemen's pension account and shall continue for the spouse's life.
(c) Repealed By Laws 2001, Ch. 36, § 2.

W.S. 15-5-205