Wis. Stat. § 198.10

Current through Acts 2023-2024, ch. 272
Section 198.10 - Taxation
(1) TAXABLE PROPERTY, TAXES. All real property situated in and all personal property the situs of which for purposes of general property taxation is in the district shall be subject to taxation in and by the district for a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on any indebtedness of the district, and to pay and discharge the principal of the indebtedness within 20 years from the time of contracting the indebtedness.
(2) ANNUAL TAX LEVY, COLLECTION. On or before the first day of October in each year after any indebtedness shall have been incurred by any municipal power district, the board of directors shall certify in writing to the clerks of the several municipalities having territory in said district, the total amount necessary to pay the interest and debt retirement charges on outstanding indebtedness of said district for the ensuing year, and the share thereof that each such municipality must pay. For failure to pay such taxes the same penalties shall apply as for failure to pay other taxes. If any of such taxes shall remain unpaid and become delinquent the same shall be collected and payment thereof enforced in the same manner and by the same officers as other delinquent taxes are collected and payment thereof enforced and the proceeds of such collection and enforcement shall be paid over by the proper officers to the treasurer of the district. All officers of municipalities charged by this section with any duty or authority with respect to the assessment of property for taxation or the collection of any taxes for the benefit of any district shall have the same duties and liabilities with respect to the assessment of property and collection of taxes for the benefit of such district as are imposed upon them by law with respect to the assessment of property and collection of taxes for state and county purposes, except when inconsistent herewith, and shall be subject to the same penalties for any breach or neglect of duty or violation of law with respect thereto as in other cases.
(3) APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES. Said share shall be determined upon the basis of the proportion which the assessed valuation of any municipality as equalized by the department of revenue bears to the total assessed valuation in all municipalities within said district as equalized by the department of revenue.
(4) MUNICIPAL TAX LEVY, CLERKS' DUTIES. Upon the receipt of the report from the board of directors as provided for in sub. (2) each such clerk shall submit the same to the next regular or special meeting of the governing board of said city, village or town and such board shall, by resolution, levy and assess taxes sufficient to pay the same, against all of the taxable property included within the power district in the clerk's municipality. Following such assessment and levy, the clerk of each such municipality shall place the same upon the tax roll to be collected as other taxes are collected upon all of the taxable property within said municipality, and such moneys when collected shall be paid by the treasurer of each such municipality to the treasurer of such municipal power district.
(5) UTILITY PROPERTY TAXED. All utility property of every municipal power district, except a municipal water district created under s. 198.22, shall be assessed and taxed in the manner provided by law for the assessment and taxation of privately owned public utilities.

Wis. Stat. § 198.10

1993 a. 482; 1997 a. 254.