Wis. Stat. § 59.605

Current through Acts 2023-2024, ch. 272
Section 59.605 - Tax levy rate limit
(1) DEFINITIONS. In this section:
(a) "Debt levy" means the county purpose levy for debt service on loans under subch. II of ch. 24, bonds issued under s. 67.05, promissory notes issued under s. 67.12 (12), and appropriation bonds issued under s. 59.85, less any revenues that abate the levy.
(b) "Debt levy rate" means the debt levy divided by the equalized value of the county exclusive of any tax incremental district value increment.
(c) "Excess over the limit" means the amount of revenue received by a county that results from the county exceeding the limit under sub. (2).
(d) "Operating levy" means the county purpose levy, less the debt levy.
(e) "Operating levy rate" means the total levy rate minus the debt levy rate.
(f) "Penalized excess" means the excess over the limit for the county.
(g) "Total levy rate" means the county purpose levy divided by the equalized value of the county exclusive of any tax incremental district value increment.
(2) LIMIT. Except as provided in sub. (3), no county may impose an operating levy at an operating levy rate that exceeds .001 or the operating levy rate in 1992, whichever is greater.
1. If the governing body of a county wishes to exceed the operating levy rate limit otherwise applicable to the county under this section, it shall adopt a resolution to that effect. The resolution shall specify either the operating levy rate or the operating levy that the governing body wishes to impose for either a specified number of years or an indefinite period. The governing body shall call a special referendum for the purpose of submitting the resolution to the electors of the county for approval or rejection. In lieu of a special referendum, the governing body may specify that the referendum be held at the next succeeding spring primary or election or partisan primary or general election to be held not earlier than 70 days after the adoption of the resolution of the governing body. The governing body shall file the resolution to be submitted to the electors as provided in s. 8.37.
2. The clerk of the county shall publish type A, B, C, D and E notices of the referendum under s. 10.01 (2). Section 5.01 (1) applies in the event of failure to comply with the notice requirements of this subdivision.
3. The referendum shall be held in accordance with chs. 5 to 12. The governing body shall provide the election officials with all necessary election supplies. The form of the ballot shall correspond substantially with the standard form for referendum ballots prescribed by the elections commission under ss. 5.64 (2) and 7.08 (1) (a). If the resolution under subd. 1. specifies the operating levy rate, the question shall be submitted as follows: "Under state law, the operating levy rate for the .... (name of county), for the tax to be imposed for the year .... (year), is limited to $.... per $1,000 of equalized value. Shall the .... (name of county) be allowed to exceed this rate limit for .... (a specified number of years) (an indefinite period) by $.... per $1,000 of equalized value that results in an operating levy rate of $.... per $1,000 of equalized value?" If the resolution under subd. 1. specifies the operating levy, the question shall be submitted as follows: "Under state law, the operating levy rate for the .... (name of county), for the tax to be imposed for the year .... (year), is limited to $.... per $1,000 of equalized value. Notwithstanding the operating levy rate limit, shall the .... (name of county) be allowed to levy an amount not to exceed $.... (operating levy) for operating purposes for the year .... (year), which may increase the operating levy rate for .... (a specified number of years) (an indefinite period)? This would allow a ....% increase above the levy of $.... (preceding year operating levy) for the year .... (preceding year)."
4. Within 14 days after the referendum, the clerk of the county shall certify the results of the referendum to the department of revenue. A county may exceed the operating levy rate limit otherwise applicable to it under this section in that year by an amount not exceeding the amount approved by a majority of those voting on the question.
1. If an increased operating levy rate is approved by a referendum under par. (a) for a specified number of years, the increased operating levy rate shall be the operating levy rate limit for that number of years for purposes of this section. If an increased operating levy rate is approved by a referendum under par. (a) for an indefinite period, the increased operating levy rate shall be the operating levy rate limit for purposes of this section.
2. If an increased operating levy is approved by a referendum under par. (a), the increased operating levy shall be used to calculate the operating levy rate limit for the approved year for purposes of this section. After the approved year, the operating levy rate limit in the approved year or the operating levy rate limit that would have been applicable if there had been no referendum, whichever is greater, shall be the limit for the specified number of years or for an indefinite period for purposes of this section.
1. If a county transfers to another governmental unit responsibility for providing any service that the county provided in the preceding year, the levy rate limit otherwise applicable under this section to the county in the current year is decreased to reflect the cost that the county would have incurred to provide that service, as determined by the department of revenue.
2. If a county increases the services that it provides by adding responsibility for providing a service transferred to it from another governmental unit in any year, the levy rate limit otherwise applicable under this section to the county in the current year is increased to reflect the cost of that service, as determined by the department of revenue.
(4) PENALTIES. If the department of revenue determines that a county has a penalized excess in any year, the department of revenue shall do all of the following:
(a) Reduce the amount of the shared revenue payments to the county under subch. I of ch. 79 in the following year by an amount equal to the amount of the penalized excess.
(b) If the amount of the reduction made under par. (a) is insufficient to recover fully the amount of the penalized excess, request the department of transportation to reduce the aids paid in that following year to the county under s. 86.30 (2) (e) by the amount needed to recover as much of the remainder as is possible.
(c) Ensure that the amount of any reductions in shared revenue payments under par. (a) lapses to the general fund.
(d) Ensure that the amount of the penalized excess is not included in determining the limit described under sub. (2) for the county for the following year.
(5) RATE COMPARISON. Annually, the department of revenue shall compare the operating levy rate limit of each county under this section to the actual operating levy rate imposed by the county.
(6) SUNSET OF THE LIMIT. This section does not apply to a county's levy that is imposed in December 2011 or any year thereafter.

Wis. Stat. § 59.605

Amended by Acts 2023 ch, 12,s 18m, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by Acts 2015 ch, 118,s 234, eff. 6/30/2016.
Amended by Acts 2013 ch, 20,s 1244, eff. 7/2/2013.
1993 a. 16, 490; 1999 a. 150 s. 568; Stats. 1999 s. 59.605; 1999 a. 182 s. 207; 2007 a. 1, 115; 2011 a. 32, 75.