W. Va. Code § 8-1-8

Current through 2024 Second Special Session
Section 8-1-8 - References to code provisions

Any reference in this chapter to another provision of this code and any reference elsewhere in this code or other law to a provision in this chapter shall be construed to mean the present provision or such provision as the same may be hereafter amended from time to time. Where additional provisions are added to the subject matter of any other provision so referred to, the reference shall include such additional provisions.

Wherever in this code, in any act, in general law, elsewhere in law, in any charter, in any ordinance, resolution or order of a municipality, or in any order, ordinance or resolution of a county court or other unit of government, reference is made to any section, any article, any particular provision or any term of chapter eight of this code as it existed immediately prior to the effective date of this new chapter eight or to any section, any article, any particular provision or any term of former chapter eight-a of this code, such reference shall henceforth be read, construed and understood to mean the comparable section, article, particular provision or term in this new chapter eight.

W. Va. Code § 8-1-8