W. Va. Code § 62-9-11

Current through 2024 Second Special Session
Section 62-9-11 - Indictment for embezzlement

An indictment for embezzlement shall be sufficient if it be in form, tenor or effect as follows (after following the form in section one):

That A..............., on the ........... day of ............., nineteen ................, in the said county of .................., did feloniously embezzle, fraudulently convert to his own use and steal certain bullion, money, bank notes, drafts, securities for money and other effects and property of and belonging to B ..............., to wit: (here describe the property if it can be done, if not state "the description, name, denomination or title of said bank notes, etc., drafts, securities for money or other effects and property of the said B ............... are to the grand jurors unknown"), of the value of ........ dollars, he, the said A ..............., having then and there in his possession such bullion, money, bank notes, drafts, securities for money and other effects and property by virtue of a certain office, place and employment, to wit: (here describe the office, place or employment), against the peace and dignity of the State.

And it shall not be necessary to describe in the said indictment, or to identify on the trial, the particular money, bullion, note, draft, bill or security for money, which is so taken and embezzled.

W. Va. Code § 62-9-11