- Section 51-3-1 - Seals of courts
- Section 51-3-2 - Use of private seal
- Section 51-3-3 - Jurisdiction over watercourses
- Section 51-3-4 - Records
- Section 51-3-5 - Attending officer
- Section 51-3-6 - Citizenship and taxpaying not ground for disqualification of judge, sheriff or other court officer
- Section 51-3-7 - Place of sessions of courts of county; destruction of courthouse
- Section 51-3-8 - Change of place or time of session by governor
- Section 51-3-9 - Limitation of sections 51-3-7 and 51-3-8
- Section 51-3-10 - Opening after day fixed
- Section 51-3-11 - Effect of changing time or place of session
- Section 51-3-12 - Adjournments
- Section 51-3-13 - Power of judges of circuit courts to act during vacation of court
- Section 51-3-14 - Court security fund
- Section 51-3-15 - Court security board, terms
- Section 51-3-16 - Security plans; approval by court security board; awards; training
- Section 51-3-17 - Promulgation of legislative rules
- Section 51-3-18 - Expeditious filling of judicial vacancies
- Section 51-3-19 - Courthouse security officers; arrest authority; concealed-carry authority; requirements for participation; authorization to carry firearms concealed consistent with federal law
- Section 51-3-20 - Judicial officer education and training