W. Va. Code § 37-6-18

Current through 2024 First Special Session
Section 37-6-18 - Removal of goods by third party having lien

If, after the commencement of any tenancy, a lien be obtained or created by trust deed, mortgage, or otherwise, upon the interest or property in goods on premises leased or rented, of any person liable for the rent, the party having such lien may remove such goods from the premises on the following terms, and not otherwise, that is to say: On the terms of paying to the person entitled to the rent, so much as is in arrear, and securing to him so much as is to become due; what is so paid or secured not being more altogether than a year's rent in any case: Provided, That if the party removing such goods has perfected a purchase money security interest in the goods, as defined in section one hundred seven, article nine, chapter forty-six of this code and that such purchase money security interest is in effect under the terms set forth in section four hundred three, article nine, chapter forty-six of this code, then the goods are liable to distress only to the extent of the unencumbered interest of the lessee, assignee or undertenant. If the goods be taken under legal process, the officer executing it shall, out of the proceeds of the goods, make such payment of what is in arrear; and, as to what is to become due, he shall sell a sufficient portion of the goods on a credit till then, taking from the purchaser bond, with good security, payable to the person so entitled, and delivering such bond to him. If the goods be not taken under legal process, such payment and security shall be made and given before their removal. Neither this nor any other section of this article shall affect any lien for taxes or levies.

W. Va. Code § 37-6-18