Current through 2024 Second Special Session
Section 33-25B-1 - DefinitionsThe following words, as used in this article, have the meanings set forth below, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(a) "Applicant aide" means an individual licensed by the state to care for the physical or emotional needs of children or an employee authorized by his employer where the employer is an institution licensed by the state to care for the physical or emotional needs of children and who has received an applicant aide certificate. Individuals include, but are not limited to, licensed teachers, child care workers, social workers, guidance counselors, psychologists, nurses and physicians. Licensed institutions include, but are not limited to, hospitals, schools, local human services offices, child care centers and medical clinics;(b) "Approved providers" means any accident and health insurer licensed by the state or any health services organization licensed by the state or any other entity approved by the insurance commissioner for provision of health care coverage for children;(c) "Corporation" means a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of West Virginia which has undertaken to implement a federal insurance subsidy for children's health insurance created by this article; and(d) "Insurance subsidy fund" or "fund" means a fund or account established by the corporation for the deposit of moneys to implement the insurance subsidy program.