W. Va. Code § 33-25-8

Current through 2024 Second Special Session
Section 33-25-8 - Commissioner to enforce article; approval of contracts, forms and rates; reserve fund; membership fee
(a) It shall be the duty of the commissioner to enforce the provisions of this article.
(b) No such corporation shall deliver or issue for delivery any subscriber's contract, changes in the terms of such contract, application, rider or endorsement until a copy thereof and the rates pertaining thereto have been filed with and approved by the commissioner. All such forms filed with the commissioner shall be deemed approved after the expiration of sixty days from the date of such filing unless the commissioner shall have disapproved the same, stating his reasons for such disapproval in writing. Such forms may be used prior to the expiration of such periods if written approval thereof has been received from the commissioner.
(c) No rates to be charged subscribers shall be used or established by any such corporation unless and until the same have been filed with the commissioner and approved by him. The procedure for such filing and approval shall be the same as that prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section for the approval of forms. The commissioner shall approve all such rates which are not excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory.
(d) The commissioner shall pass upon the actuarial soundness of all direct health care services plans.
(e) The corporation shall accumulate a fund to be derived from a minimum of two percent of every subscriber's monthly premiumwhich shall be known as a contingency and liability reserve fund except that the same shall not exceed an amount equal to three months' average obligation of said corporation, nor shall it fall below a minimum of one month's average obligation of said corporation. Said fund shall be expended by the corporation according to rules and regulations to be promulgated by the commissioner.

In addition to the above requirements, every subscriber shall pay into the corporation a membership fee equal to one monthly premium. The membership fee shall be collected in full by said corporation within ninety days of said subscriber's application for membership.

(f) Each such rate filing and each such form filing made with the commissioner pursuant to this section is subject to the filing fee of section thirty-four, article six of this chapter.

W. Va. Code § 33-25-8

This section was reenacted in two different acts during the 1989 session. If possible, merge the sections together when you draft new legislation. If a conflict exists, consult the 1989 acts to determine which act was passed last and which would, therefore, prevail. If a major policy question would be involved, consult the sponsor to decide which version should be used in the new draft.