In bargains for or purchase of saw logs or round timber by measure, the number of feet shall be ascertained either by the international log rule as designed by the U.S. Forestry Service for a one-quarter inch kerf or by the Vermont rule as follows: multiply the average diameter of the top of the log, inside the bark, in inches, by half such diameter in inches, disregarding fractions of an inch less than a half, and regarding fractions greater than a half as a full inch, and the number obtained as the product will represent the contents in feet of a log of that diameter 12 feet long. If the log is less than 12 feet long, the actual contents will be the same fraction of the above product as the actual length of the log is of 12 feet. If the log is more than 12 feet long, commence at the upper end and measure it into sections of 12 feet; then, according to the above rule, find the contents of each section and fractional section. The aggregate of the contents of the sections will be the contents of the whole log, and shall be marked on the small end as to its contents.
9 V.S.A. § 2693