Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 201 - Definitions
- Section 202 - Electrical energy planning
- Section 202a - State energy policy
- Section 202b - State comprehensive energy plan
- Section 202c - State telecommunications; policy and planning
- Section 202d - Telecommunications Plan
- Section 202e - Telecommunications and connectivity
- Section 202f - Telecommunications and Connectivity Advisory Board
- Section 203 - Jurisdiction of certain public utilities
- Section 203a - Fuel Efficiency Fund
- Section 204 - Organization; reports of public utility corporations
- Section 205 - Duty to furnish copies of contracts
- Section 206 - Information to be furnished Department
- Section 207 - Report of accidents; investigation
- Section 208 - Complaints; investigations; procedure
- Section 208a - Selection of telecommunications carrier
- Section 208b - Unauthorized billing
- Section 209 - Jurisdiction; general scope
- Section 209a - Qualified cost mitigation charge orders
- Section 209b - Reserved for future use
- Section 209c - Electricity affordability program
- Section 210 - Electric companies; interconnection facilities
- Section 211 - Electric energy from inside or outside State
- Section 212 - Niagara power project
- Section 212a - Retail sales by Department; statutory authorization
- Section 212b - [Repealed]
- Section 212c - Retail sale by the Department; Commission approval
- Section 212d - Access; negotiations; Commission order
- Section 212e - Representation of public; production of records
- Section 212f - Identification of Department sales on bills
- Section 213 - Interchange of electric facilities; power shortage
- Section 214 - Application for interconnection; joint use of facilities; and resolution of transmission disputes
- Section 215 - Natural gas
- Section 216 - Gas rate fixing
- Section 217 - Department to prosecute
- Section 218 - Jurisdiction over charges and rates
- Section 218a - Permanent telecommunications relay service
- Section 218b - Farm customers; energy efficiency; electric energy generation
- Section 218c - Least-cost integrated planning
- Section 218d - Alternative regulation of electric and natural gas companies
- Section 218e - Implementing State energy policy; manufacturing
- Section 219 - Service
- Section 219a - [Repealed]
- Section 219b - [Repealed]
- Section 220 - [Repealed]
- Section 221 - Forms; orders
- Section 222 - Exceptions
- Section 223 - Appeal from municipal authorities
- Section 224 - Special authority to municipality, to be under supervision of Commission
- Section 225 - Rate schedules
- Section 226 - Rates, hearings, bond
- Section 226a - Contracts regarding basic exchange telecommunications services
- Section 226b - Incentive regulation of basic exchange telecommunications providers
- Section 227 - Suspension; refund
- Section 227a - Pricing of competitive telecommunications services
- Section 227b - Wireless telecommunications
- Section 227c - Nondominant carriers
- Section 227d - Small eligible telecommunications carriers
- Section 227e - Leasing or licensing of State land; public notice
- Section 228 - Copy of schedules
- Section 229 - Rebates; exceptions
- Section 230 - Special rate or rebate; penalty
- Section 231 - Certificate of public good; abandonment of service; hearing
- Section 231a - Registration of billing aggregators
- Section 232 - Sales, leases, pledges, bonds, notes; hearings
- Section 233 - [Repealed]
- Section 234 - Appeal
- Section 235 - Heating and process fuel efficiency program
- Section 236-245 - [Repealed]
- Section 246 - Temporary siting of meteorological stations
- Section 247 - Penalty
- Section 248 - New gas and electric purchases, investments, and facilities; certificate of public good
- Section 248a - Certificate of public good for communications facilities
- Section 248b - Fees; Agency of Natural Resources; participation in siting proceedings
- Section 248c - Fees; Department of Public Service and Public Utility Commission; participation in certification and siting proceedings
- Section 248d - Fee refund
- Section 249 - Service territories; Commission jurisdiction
- Section 249a - Campground submetering
- Section 250 - Application; maps
- Section 251 - Areas served by several companies
- Section 252 - Experts, payment of expense
- Section 253 - National Environmental Policy Act review
- Section 254 - Construction or extended operation of nuclear plant; public engagement process
- Section 254a - Joint Fiscal Committee; nuclear energy analysis
- Section 255 - Regional coordination to reduce greenhouse gases