WHEREAS, on Sunday, July 9, 2023, the Governor issued Executive Order 03-23, Declaration of State of Emergency, Guard Call-Out and Activation of Emergency Operations Plan for the State of Vermont in Response to Anticipated Storm-Related Damage ("Emergency Declaration"), declaring a state of emergency for the State of Vermont in response to the July 2023 severe storm ("Flooding of 2023"); and
WHEREAS, on July 10, 2023, the President declared that an emergency exists in the State of Vermont; and
WHEREAS, once it became clear flood damage and mudslides from a storm in the Killington area July 7, 2023, and excessive rain, flooding, water runoff, erosion and resulting damages statewide during the period July 9-11, 2023, were not going to be isolated incidents, but rather part of series of events which would continue throughout the coming week, with widespread flooding, repeated flash flooding, water runoff, erosion and mudslides due to inundated soils and slope instability, statewide, the Governor, in consultation with FEMA, requested a Presidential Declaration of a Major Disaster for the period July 7, 2023, and continuing; and
WHEREAS, on July 14, 2023, the President issued a Major Disaster Declaration based on flooding beginning on July 7, 2023, and continuing (the "Major Disaster Declaration"); and
WHEREAS, the scope and severity of the Flooding of 2023 may exceed that of Tropical Storm Irene in 2011; an
WHEREAS, 2012 Acts and Resolves, No. 71, as amended by 2012 Acts and Resolves No. 143, Sec. 13, 2014 Acts and Resolves No. 189, Sec. 26, and 2017 Acts and Resolves No. 71, Sec. 24 (the "Act"), authorizes the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles to procure and sell a "Vermont Strong" Commemorative Motor Vehicle Plate; and
WHEREAS, through this Executive Order the Governor intends to do the same for the victims of the 2023 Flooding by honoring the intent and policy of the Legislature as expressed in the Act "to recognize all of those who have suffered losses because of the destruction brought by Tropical Storm Irene and the flooding of 2011, and to commemorate the contributions of the many who are helping to rebuild Vermont and to make it stronger"; and
WHEREAS, the accounting mechanisms, pricing and fund allocation established in the Act are outdated and need to be updated to comply with the intent of the Legislature to ensure the integrity of the inventory management, accounting and allocation of funding to meet the needs of the victims of the 2023 Flooding; and
WHEREAS, the "I Am Vermont Strong" commemorative motor vehicle plate continues to be a symbol of Vermont's resiliency; and
WHEREAS, the Flooding of 2023 has again tested the resolve of the State and the rescue and recovery work of Vermonters, and our Vermont communities have proven We Are VERMONT STRONG and Tough Too!; and
WHEREAS, I am directing 1) the refresh and redesign of the Vermont Strong Commemorative Motor Vehicle Plate for sale to raise and allocate funds as set forth in this Executive Order; 2) the Department of Motor Vehicles to use updated technological tools to establish secure inventory management and accountable sales and resale processes; 3) the establishment of a new program code within the Vermont Strong commemorative plate fund established pursuant to the Act for the collection of fund receipts (the "Fund"); 4) an increase in the price of the commemorative plates from $25 to $35 to maximize returns to Vermonters in need; and 5) the innovative partnering with corporate and other partners who have expressed a desire to assist the State with raising funds for the purposes set forth in the Act and this Executive Order; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of State's corporate registration records reflect the "Vermont Disaster Relief Fund," a recipient of funding under the Act, is the expired assumed name of the "Vermont Long Term Disaster Recovery Group, Inc.," a terminated domestic non-profit corporation; and as such it is no longer legally feasible to make donations to Vermont Disaster Relief Fund; and
WHEREAS, understanding impacted individual and families have a wide range of needs to respond to and recover from the July 2023 flooding, including housing, clean up, transportation, personal property repairs, food, essential goods and more making it important to fund multiple programs in support of these needs; and
WHEREAS, to ensure the equitable allocation of Fund receipts to those with the greatest needs, after paying costs to the State, I am allocating 50% of Fund receipts to The Vermont Community Foundation, a well-regarded Vermont non-profit in good standing which is already providing substantial relief to victims of the 2023 Flooding; and 50% to the Agency of Commerce and Community Development's Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program, recently authorized by the E-Board; and
WHEREAS, I have authorized the creation of a special fund for the receipt of restricted donations intended for use by the State for purposes of emergency management in accordance with 20 V.S.A. § 17(b); and
WHEREAS, it is my intent to again recognize the Vermonters, Vermont businesses and Vermont communities suffering the worst impacts of the Flooding of 2023, commemorate the contributions of all who are helping to rebuild Vermont and provide an additional opportunity to support State recovery efforts through the sale of two approved Commemorative Motor Vehicle Plates: We are VERMONT STRONG and We are VERMONT STRONG Tough Too!T; and
WHEREAS, a governor has an obligation to use the Executive's Constitutional spending power in a way consistent with the legislative policy decision that lies at the core of the legislative function, and I have determined that the program set forth in this Executive Order will not compromise the achievement of underlying legislative purposes and goals of the Act.
NOW THEREFORE I, Philip B. Scott, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Vermont, do hereby order and direct:
The Commissioner of Finance and Management, shall develop processes and guidelines for the expedited allocation of donations made for emergency management purposes.
This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing and shall continue in effect until rescinded by the Governor.
WITNESS my name hereunto subscribed and the Great Seal of the State of Vermont hereunto affixed at Montpelier this 23rd day of August, 2023.
3 Appendix V.S.A. § 23-3